Loqi[Gelox] As far as I can tell `serde_qs` does not have the same list syntax for query strings that is usually the case for web frameworks, at least from the two sources I posted in the other issue [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3061273/se...
[tantek]GWG, is that the primary blocker for merging Webmentions & Semantic Linkbacks plugins so folks don't have to be confused like that one person that recently tweeted?
[manton]For folks implementing ActivityPub, any tips on when to give up on a Mastodon instance that has gone away? Thinking about removing any “follows” from an instance that can’t be reached after some period of time, or number of failed connections.
[manton]That makes sense, thanks y’all. I think I might start with just counting the continuous failed attempts so I can have some more data to figure out when an instance is probably gone and not coming back.
[Rose], shoesNsocks, [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[manton]Thanks [snarfed] for Bridgy Fed source and issues on GitHub! Helped me debug some ActivityPub stuff today after hitting my head against the wall for hours.
sknebelI honestly do not understand where you get the info from to confidently state that sites that do not do the JS call are not included in the calculation
Seirdyfor cohort calculation, opting your site out may or may not impact which cohorts get created and which cohort a user is assigned to. Changing which cohort a user is assigned to may or may not make their fingerprint less unique. So the opt-out header is kinda meh ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯. people have been trying to get upstream software to implement this band-aid solution in a massive knee-jerk
Seirdyand this tiny band-aid depends on Google's non-standard usage of the permissions-policy header, which they can stop doing whenever they want (see Do Not Track). This is why FLoC is terrible: it's so hard to fight against it.