#dev 2021-04-20

2021-04-20 UTC
[schmarty], [kimberlyhirsh], shoesNsocks, KartikPrabhu and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
found this as I'm still toying with Webauthn and wanted a testing device https://github.com/danstiner/rust-u2f
[danstiner] rust-u2f: U2F security token emulator written in Rust
o.O i will just send you a yubikey if you want one :)
__minoru__shirae and [Kasper_Zutterm] joined the channel
[girrodocus], here is a list of some more digital garden examples I maintain: https://github.com/KasperZutterman/Second-Brain
[KasperZutterman] Second-Brain: A curated list of awesome Public Zettelkastens 🗄️ / Second Brains 🧠 / Digital Gardens 🌱
__minoru__shirae and [Murray] joined the channel
[girrodocus] it's nothing fancy. The tech term is "headless" CMS, and pretty much all the big CMS options either have a headless mode or are fully headless by default (e.g. WordPress can be made headless). I use Craft, hosted on Krystal with a MySQL database (Craft does all of the DB setup and management for me), and use their first-party Elements plugin to create API endpoints for the data I want to fetch. Gatsby then ingests these at build
in some ways I've come to see that as a positive; if I'm making big changes I can push to a test deployment with the same setup (just different button/different branch) and make sure nothing breaks.
time, combines with data from services like webmention.io (which I use for things like two-way linking), and serves static files. I use Netlify for the front-end hosting, which has GitHub integrations, so if I make code changes to my site it triggers a build when I merge into the `main` branch; if I make content changes, I have a webhook configured to a button in my Craft admin panel that triggers a build. That means no changes are instant, but
_That said_, I'm now running up against some limitations with this model and have been toying with the idea of switching to NextJS; it's similar to Gatsby, it will still slot into my deployment pipeline the same way, and it still serves static pages. But it has some nice hybridisation and can build pages on demand, so there's a bit more flexibliity. I'll definitely stick with Craft in a headless/decoupled setup though; their authoring tools are
(imo) the best out there for a CMS. The mobile experience is a bit wonky at times, but I'd say 90% of it works on mobile without any issues, and the few ones that I do see aren't deal breakers (e.g. some buttons overlap on small mobiles, but never ones I need 😄)
__minoru__shirae and [Rose] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
A Decentralised IndieAuth Identity Provider hosted on @observablehq. Built on serverless infrastructure so its *trivial* to fork and customize. Costs pennies a month to host. Compatible with @Firebase as a custom auth provider. https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/auth
ShadowKyogre and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
OK I have three notebooks lauched on IndieWeb: https://observablehq.com/collection/@endpointservices/indieauth/2
KartikPrabhu and shoesNsocks joined the channel
petermolnar, [schmarty] and JankyDoodle joined the channel
Wow, Tor is site-death-ing itself
[The Tor Project] 🚨 Important: starting July 15, 2021, Tor will no longer support v2 onion services. If you are a site administrator, you must upgrade to v3 onion services. Here is the full deprecation timeline:https://blog.torproject.org/v2-deprecation-timeline https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/106/094/236/674/590/040/original/69c55230e307ef66.png
hm,not sure thats the right label
Oh yeah I keep forgetting this is happening. They're wiping out the whole set of V2 domains. So they're site-death-ing mostly others. Like if a TLD went away, almost.
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
domain change is not what we usually call site-death though?
sknebel: good point. Presumably most of the active domains will or have already moved
and with security concerns about v2, it makes sense for Tor to force the issue
[schmarty]: do you run anything (you're willing to publicly admit to) over tor?
minoru_shiraeesh and [tantek] joined the channel
are links breaking en masse or not?
or is this like requiring HTTP 1.1 and dropping HTTP 1.0?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
its as if every site had to replace their domain with another domain in the past year or so
sknebel: i've got an onion version of my site http://schmartyp7qtjzn7.onion/
i need to update it to a v3 but i need to sit down and generate a vanity URL for it 😂
tantek: any existing links to a V2 onion will break in July. to stay online, site operators must take action to update their services (at new .onion URLs) and publish new/updated links. that said, the Tor project gave a multi-year runway for this move, so i'd expect most folks who bothered to set it up in the first place would also be on top of this move.
ultimately, though, some links will definitely break.
as sknebel said, the update from V2 to V3 includes a bunch of security improvements. it feels like a blend of dropping DSA/TLS 1.0 and adding DNSSEC and switching to IPv6 all at once. 😅
well that does sound like a massive site-death in terms of permalinks 😛
you can't update all published links etc. so "publishing new/updated links" is not a reasonable solution
minoru_shiraeesh joined the channel
agreed! this will be a great snipping of permalinks!
also, what's to stop this from happening again in a V3 to V4 transition? feels like an architectural flaw if to make "a bunch of security improvements" you have to break all the links
[snarfed] joined the channel
tantek has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
[manton] joined the channel
Instagram changed their export format. There’s now a choice of HTML or JSON, and the JSON version is different than it used to be. If anyone has importers for this format, they are going to break. (I’m updating the Micro.blog app now. Sigh.)
is it based on the data transfer project format now or something?
I’m not sure… It’s pretty similar to the old format, but with slightly different JSON field names and structure.
I think this is what happens when a platform builds export because they have to, not because they actually care about anyone using it. (End rant.)
i hope some day i get my instagram account back so i can run the export
i swear i must have an export lying around somewhere but i can't seem to find it. at least all my photos since ownyourgram are all on my site already. it's just the super old stuff that's missing
aaronpk, indeed re: "what happens when a platform builds export because they have to, not because they actually care".
that was [manton] :)
and this always makes me wonder, can we make it easier for such platforms to do a better thing by documenting "standard" export formats, HTML or JSON with maybe even libraries that they can "just" copy rather than making up their own thing?
or is the default of "just export our internal db schema" always going to be easier for platforms so their engineers won't bother even searching for existing work to re-use?
yes haha
I was kinda hoping that [manton]'s work here with the Blog export format would help provide a good example for platforms to interoperate with
wagle joined the channel
I hoped so too. I’d still like to do more with that.
[chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
oh I have one! and I will not say no to another lol
For those of you who use Webmentions, what's something you'd like to see/understand/explore more? The @indiewebcamp community is holding a small event related to that! https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA
jamietanna, [tw2113_Slack_], KartikPrabhu, jeremy, Ethan[m], edsu and [manton] joined the channel
I got the HTML version of my Instagram export. This will surprise no one, but it doesn’t include Microformats. Useful to look at, but not for import.
alex11 joined the channel
hmm good to know
google takeout has microformats for some services
minoru_shiraeesh, jamietanna, [tantek], shoesNsocks and [Rose] joined the channel
Wow it actually works! I can sign into Firebase using IndieAuth! The uid is my identity URL. 1/n
↩️ So thats great! IndieAuth CustomToken provider source AND server is at https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/auth Only problem is my tokens are not compatible with your firebase because its signed with my service account, I wonder if there is a simple way around that? (e.g. IAM magic)
tomlarkworthy++ nice work!
tomlarkworthy has 2 karma over the last year
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
w00t thanks. I am very excited it works.
samwilson, jjuran and [girrodocus] joined the channel
[Kasper_Zutterm] thanks for the link earlier - to your list of digital gardens
Thanks [Murray] for writing up how your CMS and pipelines and whatnot work. Really impressive and interesting stuff!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm not sure why I've never tried it before just to see, but out of curiosity without having to test them all, do any of the micropub clients like Quill, Monocle, Together, etc. accept markdown or raw HTML formatting and post as that on the other end if it's an accepted format on the target endpoint? Somehow I only really remember writing text, especially on mobile versions...