#dev 2021-04-19

2021-04-19 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
welp I'm going to have deal with this crap this week: https://twitter.com/harryhalpin/status/1383930894910558220 (quote tweet / thread)
This is shameful behavior by @linuxfoundation - pumping scammy #W3C DID standards is more of a desperate cry for help that shows one has no understanding of privacy and security. Fascism can use "open source" too. https://twitter.com/milessuter/status/1383880617587208192
Mentioning here because W3C, and because "DID" is ostensibly supposed to be a Decentralized IDentifier, peripherally related to lots of work that folks here do, except based on a lot of non-Web blockchain etc. etc.
on a happier topic, happy teapot day! (4/18) 😄
what is 418
418 is a little teapot, short and stout https://indieweb.org/418
oh no no ‘
IIW is next week and it didn’t even occur to me that this kind of thing might be a hot topic
The Internet Identity Workshop is a workshop held twice a year that focuses on identity issues where several IndieWeb related sessions have been held over the years https://indieweb.org/IIW
[KevinMarks] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
How does cryptographic security relate to vaccination certificates? Vaccination matters in person, not over electronic networks.
*ahem* technology in search of a problem
making it a personal goal to not release Sele until I have WebAuthn support
personally b/c that solves the head ache of proving identity for now
and lets people bring what they have and something they know (I know those phrases are part of some kind of security mnemonic about passwords, lol)
[Joshua_Sim] joined the channel
what is Sele?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Sele" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Sele is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I haven't written out yet on the Wiki
but it's meant to be a self-hostable, n-tenant IndieAuth token and authorization server
in short, something like indielogin.com and friends
plurality has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
as I keep working on things, I run into moments where I'm like "dang, I should put this into another project"
open sourced?
https://git.jacky.wtf/indieweb/sele for now but when it's all polished up, I'll sync it to GitHub and GitLab
cool will have a look
treora joined the channel
while you're doing that...
Okay I just realized Instagram has a checkbox to syndicate to Twitter... seriously considering setting up a private Twitter account that I can use the API to PESOS the photos from there back to my site...
[snarfed] joined the channel
oh wow fascinating
…can’t think of any backfeed corollary, ah well
sumner, lahacker and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Doesn't instagram just tweet a link to the instagram post?
lahacker joined the channel
aciccarello[m] aaronpk - yep, only links https://twitter.com/ruxton/status/1384038516120641537
lahacker joined the channel
jacky: your git page has a link to https://black.af/projects/sele but that's just timing out
Seich, Ruxton, minoru_shiraeesh, marinin[t], [Rose], shoesNsocks, [tw2113_Slack_] and [girrodocus] joined the channel
Hi all. I'm new to all of this (indieweb, web development, servers, etc etc), except for a few months of Python experience which might not be particularly relevant.
I have a domain name and I have a few ideas for where I'd like to get to as my knowledge develops. But right now I'm stuck knowing what to do next. I don't have any hosting, however a friend has suggested I try signing up for a VPS. I've had a quick look on the Yunohost, Cloudron, and Contabo sites but I don't really know what I'm looking at. Could anyone suggest a way forward for me?
I'm particularly keen to avoid any security trouble as I don't have any sysadmin experience. I'm very open to learning, but it will have to be beginner-friendly.
1. domain name points to my personal site
Where I'd ultimately like to get to would be:
2. personal site is some kind of blog/wiki hybrid in the mode of a 'digital garden' (birdirectional links, etc)
3. site is fairly easy to update (including from iphone)
4. in time, greater integration with indieweb using various plugins, libraries etc.
Hi girrodocus. Do you have any thoughts as to whether you would prefer a dynamic or a static site?
Oops. Hi [girrodocus] ^^^
Right now I'm unclear on the differences. I believe a static site requires you to regenerate the site after each change (e.g. editing a post). This is similar to what I'm been learning with the Python library Flask. This seems to have the drawback of needing to regenerate the whole site, but perhaps have the advantage of some simplicity? As far as I understand it, Wordpress would be dynamic rather than static?
Eventually I'd like the site to become the my replacement/primary for all other social media sites, apps like Evernote, and perhaps eventually have some other tools I could use such as an RSS reader, Etherpad etc. Not sure how important that last part would be though.
It also wouldn't be a bad thing if I aimed to learn some things that might be useful in a tech job in future. So learning wordpress might be more valuable that some obscure thing. Although I do want to be part of the indieweb (which is relatively obscure).
Jeez sorry for the spammy post. I'm using slack but I've just looked at https://chat.indieweb.org/ and every new line comes in as a new message. I'll be more considerate from now.
Not a problem. Yes, you are right, WordPress is more dynamic. There are some fully-function /Wordpress themes, but they do require plugins. And links to a lot of static site generators at https://indieweb.org/static_site_generator
There is a whole channel here for #indieweb-wordpress
alex11 joined the channel
One of the simplest, turnkey operations is /micro.blog
Thanks. I did have a look at micro.blog a while back but I think I'd find that constraining in a similar way to the big social media services. I'm doing some research in a another window right now - it's all quite overwhelming!
[Murray] joined the channel
Hi [girrodocus] 👋 You asked about hosting on the main channel, if you're looking at WordPress (which is probably the most mature ecosystem in terms of dynamic content + IndieWeb libraries) then a VPS may be overkill, particularly if you're not experienced with web servers and back-end technologies. A managed WordPress host may be a simpler option. I'm sure the Wiki has a bunch of hosting suggestions, but I personally use Krystal
(https://krystal.uk/wordpress-hosting) and find their customer support excellent. The fully managed WordPress stuff is a touch expensive imo, and I personally haven't used that, but I have run WordPress on their standard web hosting and it worked fine (you just get less one-click setup and more maintenance).
If you prefer VPS, I imagine DigitalOcean will have quite a lot of tutorials out there for getting a WordPress install running on one of their "droplets"
Alternatively, if you want to get something up and running quickly and are happy to get to the dynamic content part in the future, services like Netlify have drag'n'drop hosting options for free. It doesn't sound like that's a good fit for you, but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case 😄
[schmarty], [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
If you want a python based indieweb site, have a look at fluffy's publ https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Publ
[PlaidWeb] Publ: Flexible publishing system for the web
forest-johnson and [snarfed] joined the channel
[girrodocus] welcome! good tips from everyone so far. definitely also check out https://indieweb.org/web_hosting , lots more recommendations there
in general i’d avoid a VPS unless you really want (and have a good reason) to manage an entire server and OS. even most developers here often use shared hosting, or serverless for apps, instead of a full VPS, which is usually overkill and too much of a maintenance burden and security liability, as you mentioned
minoru_shiraeesh joined the channel
^ agreed
what is admintax?
admin tax is all the time you spend maintaining your personal site, rather than actually using it (like to create posts) https://indieweb.org/admintax
[girrodocus] ^ you may find some of the analysis there useful, in considering the spectrum of options
[chrisaldrich] and [manton] joined the channel
Following up from the main channel… Is this new Facebook export using the Data Transfer Project API? I thought the photo transfer was, but haven’t seen any technical details recently.
I just tested it to Google Docs and it created a separate doc for each Facebook post. Didn’t expect that for some reason.
i would test it but i deleted all my facebook posts 😂
ugh wow that's nuts (separate gDoc per post)
does it at least put them in a single folder on your gDrive?
i also noticed it doesn't give you the option of exporting photos to wordpress
[tantek] Yes, it does appear to put them in a folder on Drive.
I never deleted my Facebook account, so I still have some old posts. I just never login. I’m testing it with WordPress.com now and can confirm it uses the Data Transfer Project.
What I don’t get is this: let’s say I made my blog compatible with DTP. Could I integrate with Facebook, or do only special partners get to be listed in Facebook’s export options? If DTP is only for big tech companies, that’s not great.
you're in a great position to try this and report back :D
I have the WP.com transfer running now. It is creating all the posts in WP as drafts with blog post titles like “Facebook Post: <date here>“.
[girrodocus] joined the channel
[Murray] thanks for recommending that hosting provider - I'll have a good look at them. Wordpress might be a good option for starting out and then I could expand in future if I find a better solution for a specific need. I'd also quite like to learn how it works - I've used the wordpress-hosted version some (not particularly a fan). I'll have a peep at Netify too - thanks for mentioning it.
lol "facebook post" in the title? ffs
[KevinMarks] thanks for recommending the Publ repo. That looks like it could be a lot of fun! The main demonstration site is here: http://beesbuzz.biz/ Which reminds me somewhat of neocities sites.
[aaronpk] I think all my FB posts were essentially short posts (cross-posted from Micro.blog), so maybe the title is more useful for full articles? But as it is right now, it would take work to turn this data transfer into something usable.
[snarfed] thanks for the link to the web-hosting indieweb page, and thanks to you and [tantek] for your thoughts on running a VPS - that's really helpful! Maybe I should start with shared hosting and only think about a VPS if I hit a barrier I can't cross there.
^ excellent idea. or when you hit a limitation that impacts your prioritized list of user-features that you personally want on your setup (gathering that list first can really help filter/prioritize IT/plumbing/service needs)
KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], jamietanna and __minoru__shirae joined the channel
FYI for those of you dealing with crypto (the tech, not moneys) / encryption etc. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/national-security/cia-crypto-encryption-machines-espionage/
welcome girrodocus :wave:
[Rose] joined the channel
huh "ReviveOldPost" makes me suspicious 😕
shoesNsocks joined the channel
revive old post sounds like a wordpress plugin that moves your content back to the top of your WordPress blog so it looks like you're posting regularly and may also re-syndicate to social media...
jimpick, stacktrust_, shakeel and unrelentingtech joined the channel
yes, that's definitely what it is.... probably better used on evergreen articles than time or context specific notes or /jam posts.
[kimberlyhirsh] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
many years ago i wrote a plugin that’s meant to remind you to review/check on older content and just make sure it’s current. Mostly just pages, not posts
[girrodocus] joined the channel
I've just been reading about DBA Tax and database-antipattern and am second-guessing Wordpress as a good place to start for me. https://indieweb.org/database-antipattern
Question for people who use static sites - how do you update from your mobile phone? I'd really like to keep the friction low and get as close as possible to the ease of tweeting or posting on facebook, however I would like to incorporate bidirectional links as in a 'digital garden', and tags as in a blog. I'm less interested in hierarchical organisation like a wiki, I'd rather handle that by curating the front page.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[girrodocus] I currently have netlify cms setup on my site but it doesn't have a good mobile view. If you setup a micropub server that updates a git repo backed static site, you could use a micropub client (like Indigenous) to make a post.
what is a micropub client?
Micropub clients are sites and client applications that publish to servers via Micropub https://indieweb.org/Micropub_client
[girrodocus] What are you looking for with bidirectional links?
forest-johnson and marinin[t] joined the channel
That’s interesting. I’ll have to do some research into micropub.
High priority: I write a post titled “foo”. I later write a post titled “bar”. In “bar” I link to “foo”. The system updates “foo” so that it in turn links to “bar”, without me telling it to. This sort of behaviour is explained here https://nesslabs.com/notion-backlinks and here https://nesslabs.com/digital-garden-set-up for example.
[aciccarello] For bidirectional links (backlinks) I would want two things:
Low(er) priority: When writing the second post, “bar”, I don’t have to look up the full URL for “foo” when I link to it. This process is somehow simplified.
you might take a look at webmention which provides a way to do that
marinin[t] and [snarfed] joined the channel
where’s Ted Nelson when we need him
[girrodocus] if that’s a hard req’t, you probably want a wiki. they’re the main class of web-based tools that (sometimes) build in bidirectional links. mind mapping tools are the other, but they’re usually aimed at personal/private notes, not public on the web
Thank you both. I’ve found this GitHub repo which lists a number of “digital gardens” https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners I think I need to go and do some research. Thank you for helping me talk some of this out - it’s clarified things in my head a bit, although I’m still at a bit of a loss as to where to start. I wonder if I’m hoping to get far too much functionality for my current skill set.
[MaggieAppleton] digital-gardeners: Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is a digital garden?
A Commonplace book (or commonplaces) are a way to compile and store knowledge, usually by writing information into books, notebooks, card catalogs, or in more modern settings on one's own website https://indieweb.org/digital_garden
[girrodocus], you should find some useful examples of digital gardens on that ^^ page.
Oh brilliant - thanks for the link!
In particular you might appreciate this Gatsby set up I've seen a few people using: https://github.com/mathieudutour/gatsby-digital-garden
[mathieudutour] gatsby-digital-garden: 🌷 🌻 🌺 Create a digital garden with Gatsby
Thank you. I think when I briefly looked into Jekyll and Gatsby earlier I couldn’t see a good route to quickly add posts from my iPhone. I need to explore that further. I want to avoid Roam because it’s expensive and (as far as I understand) not indieweb.
marinin[t] joined the channel
I will make sure to read up on those links you shared though.
[Murray] joined the channel
You have a good point RE: Gatsby and mobile. My site runs on Gatsby; I run a whole database-driven CMS though and that does me well for mobile edits/posting etc. But natively, those kinds of frameworks aren't really for that 🙂
Personally, I really enjoy the experience of a decoupled CMS and a static front-end, but it does have some of its own quirks too 😄
That’s really interesting. Have you written up anywhere how your decoupled CMS system works?