#dev 2021-05-06

2021-05-06 UTC
[chrisaldrich], VKL and sparseMatrix joined the channel
hey when is the zoom meeting
ahh, 8:00PM CST (LOCALTIME for me)
nertzy, maxwelljoslyn, benatkin, batkin, jeremycherfas, [Serena], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], aaronpk, koddsson, [fluffy] and [schmarty] joined the channel
just found this https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807 and I'm liking the detail in the error response https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807#section-3
was looking for something to show more complex errors and links to docs on the fly for Micropub clients and Microsub readers
alex11, [tw2113_Slack_], [tantek], [Serena], [Murray], [grantcodes], IWSlackGateway, lanodan and sparseMatrix joined the channel
hurrr, indielogin.com throwing '502' bad gateway
I had to add 90 line of if-else to my templating to figure out the correct name of the lens of my photos. Thank god I never owned multiple manual 135mm lens overlapping in time.
Kinda hoped and expected this result. Comments tend to go with blogs, but they really aren't needed. If you're adding them for discussion great but moderation can be painful. If you're adding them for engagement metrics I'd probably suggest that webmentions is better suited?
gxt, [KevinMarks], [grantcodes], [snarfed], [arush], oenone, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], [tantek] and [fluffy] joined the channel
↩️ Most of the discussion on my site these days comes via http://brid.gy webmentions and it’s really annoying. Impossible to track conversations, and if people post a tweet in response to a private post, that’s just... y’know. Not great.
↩️ Most of the discussion on my site these days comes via http://brid.gy webmentions and it’s really annoying. Impossible to track conversations, and if people post a tweet in response to a private post, that’s just... y’know. Not great.
↩️ I have a love-hate relationship with comments on my blog, and I have them there for conversation, not “engagement.” Webmention is great for engagement but the UX leaves a lot to be desired for extended discussion, plus there’s a HUGE gap when it comes to private/protected posts.
[Murray] and [snarfed] joined the channel
fun bridgy bug to debug, it evidently needs to handle emojis in domain in tweeted links: https://twitter.com/theprincessxena/status/1389962860269289475
small comfort that neither twitter nor slack handle them either 😎
[KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
punycode is so heckin’ annoying to deal with yeah
[jeremycherfas] and gxt joined the channel
Is huffduff-video down?
[chrisaldrich] and [snarfed] joined the channel
why yes it is, sorry, fixing now
omz13 and sparseMatrix joined the channel
heya friendos! just trying to start experimenting with kylewm's flask-micropub library (actually just trying out his larger example) and I'm seeing this exception when the library is imported: https://pastebin.com/aSLGrH3S
does anyone have a clue for me?
sparseMatrix: looks like it might be expecting a particular version of Flask installed that exports that
@jackie Thanks for the legwork, any idea what version it's lookin' for?
[snarfed] joined the channel
sparseMatrix oh, no, that’s the extension itself that it’s failing to import. i assume there’s some flask way to register/load an extension? you probably need to do that
lemme try the quick and dirty example
yeah I get the same thing from the basic example shown on the README.md
it's happening on an import
(of the micropub library)
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel
right. i expect you need to tell flask to load the extension somehow
or maybe alternatively pip install it wherever your web server runs python, whether virtualenv or system wide
If so, there's no mention of it on the README.md
in a virtualenv and yes I did
(pip install it)
it installed without issue