#dev 2021-06-03

2021-06-03 UTC
KartikPrabhu, batkin[m], [jacky], [schmarty], maxwelljoslyn, bneil1, [capjamesg], barnaby, petermolnar, angelo, Kaja, GWG, Zegnat, chee, Abhas[m], shoesNsocks1 and gRegorLove joined the channel
Decentralized or distributed web-references https://hacks.mozilla.org/category/dweb/ #distributed #decentralized #Matrix #ActivityPub #IndieAuth #Aragon #IPFS #Beaker #WebTorrent #Scuttlebutt
bneil1, reed, calebjasik, Abhas[m], batkin[m], nekr0z and chenghiz_ joined the channel
what is Linktree?
Linktree is a site for publishing a flat list of links at a short vanity path (like Twitter and other social media silos) for what appears to be for the sole purpose of seeming to provide multiple links from social media profiles like Instagram which only allow one clickable link in your profile https://indieweb.org/Linktree
Linktree << open source DIY alternative https://github.com/MichaelBarney/LinkFree
[tantek], gRegorLove, [manton], [snarfed], bneil1, bneil2, [capjamesg], [tw2113_Slack_], sknebel, [Murray], bneils-ghost, angelo, Seirdy, [jacky], [dianoetic] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[manton]: When did you first draw a connection between Micropub and the old Metaweblog API?
angelo, a99, gRegorLove, [tantek] and [manton] joined the channel; gRegorLove left the channel
@GWG Hmm, I guess from the first time I had heard about Micropub I thought about as a potential next-generation MetaWeblog. They aren’t exactly comparable but they both solve the “I need to upload a photo and post some text to my blog”. (And MetaWeblog was old and never had a modern replacement. AtomPub was maybe the closest but it never had wide adoption like MetaWeblog did.)
I noticed atompub being used in the wild for the first time ever a few days ago
barnaby: jamietanna left you a message 1 day ago: sorry for the late reply but https://github.com/microformats/microformats-ruby has a CLI app you can use as part of the gem, which I've used and is useful!
@barnaby Interesting. In a new client/server, or just something random you came across?
atompub is a blast from the past, I looked at implementing that once, over a decade ago
!tell jamietanna thanks for letting me know about the mf ruby CLI! good to know
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
at least, I assume it’s atompub based on the URL
As a side note, WordPress’s JSON API was a bit of a missed opportunity in my opinion because it was so focused around WP. Micropub for the very common use case is way simpler.
[manton]: I first remember you talking about it at IWC Austin
Oh yeah, I remember we had a session one year comparing MetaWeblog and Micropub.
At the time, there were a few things that Micropub couldn’t do that made it a difficult sell for an app like MarsEdit that was heavily based on XML-RPC. I think most of those holes have been filled now with Micropub extensions, etc.
lol “If you're serious about writing for the web, you need a desktop blog editor.”
[manton]: MarsEdit’s website says that it supports micro.blog, is the integration specific to your site or do they support any micropub server?
[jacky] joined the channel
do we have some kind of listing of these protocols for publishing? I'm curious because I did want to build some sort of 'bridge' between them
I wonder if [snarfed] has done this indirectly
the reason for it would be easier interoperability with existing editors (versus having to ask them to implement Micropub - it should show the power of it and have them opt to move to it that way)
[jacky]: are there a lot of existing editors? I’m not familiar with any OTTOMH
but I guess that’s because I’m “not serious about writing for the web” ;)
I don't know either
@barnaby MarsEdit’s support of Micro.blog is based on XML-RPC. Even though Micro.blog’s “native” API is Micropub, I have yet another flavor of MetaWeblog that apps like MarsEdit can use. That was the easier path than MarsEdit adopting Micropub, although it’s still on his radar. https://help.micro.blog/t/micro-blog-xml-rpc-api/108
I can imagine from a developer's standpoint, supporting multiple protocols would be a huge amount of work (hence the subtle death of Telepathy in the Freedesktop space)
ah I see, nice
Oh cool, I’m not sure I ever saw that!
That “I really need to hack something together to do X” moment being promptly answered by @aaronpk having already built the component parts to make it work.
I guess if you have a tool for publishing, one tends to bake in the editor for it as well
makes sense
angelo and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
That was the silo pub idea - Bridge from micropub to proprietary
oh til
did anyone ever make a feed reader which used atompub/MWB etc to post comments?
IMO that’s one of the most interesting use cases for micropub
Bridgy kinda does that, in that it will turn webmentions into native comment's, but the blog owner needs to enable it
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Has anyone tried to make a micropub server based off of netlify CMS config? I wonder if I could use the netlify config file for both, either by invoking Netlify CMS's code or by reading the config directly.
Looking at their repo, they have a nice backend abstraction. Assuming the packages have a usable API, it shouldn't be too hard to setup a node server that translates micropub requests to netlify cms collection edit commands which are then mapped to github/gitlab calls by their packages. https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms
[netlify] netlify-cms: A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
[snarfed] joined the channel
https://www.google.com/search?q=micropub+netlify seems to have a number of similar projects on the first page
[schmarty] joined the channel
aciccarello: i think a big issue with NetlifyCMS is that it runs in your browser and makes API calls to GitHub and GitLab as you make changes. Micropub clients expect send requests to a server. There are at least a few projects that will take Micropub requests and update a GitHub repo. for example https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github
*expect _to_ send requests
[voxpelli] webpage-micropub-to-github: Self-hosteable Micropub endpoint that publishes to Jekyll by committing to GitHub
Right, NetlifyCMS is clientside so you'd need a server running to handle incoming requests. I've looked into some of the existing static site/github micropub servers but I'd love it if I could keep the configs in sync.
The existing projects are going to be much more full-featured on the micropub side so I'll probably still go with one of those. But the concept of simplifying the config and having netlify CMS provide the backend abstraction seems intriguing.
I might try to use https://getindiekit.com/ and create a custom preset
↩️ Most of what I make is much simpler than that heavy art like the diagrams I did here. I used layers to split out the drawing. It also has a video mode which literally makes a video of how you drew from start to finish. https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/#the-serverless-deployment-architecture