#dev 2021-06-16
2021-06-16 UTC
samwilson joined the channel
# Saphire Oof those arguments
tonz joined the channel
# @dshanske Working on expiring tokens for the WordPress IndieAuth endpoint. This would be a breaking change, as currently, tokens issued by the endpoint never expire. This is a security concern, if you keep issuing tokens without ever expiring them. With the new… https://di5.us/t/1Qg (twitter.com/_/status/1405028295134126084)
pinkie and [snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] angelo got a link? I’m not seeing that in https://github.com/kurtmckee/feedparser/pulls
tonz, capjamesg, hendursa1, jeremycherfas, reed, calebjasik, BinyaminGreen[m], Abhas[m], batkin[m], LaBcasse[m] and nekr0z joined the channel
# Saphire Wait what
# Saphire ... I'm guessing those tokes can't be revoked either?
jeremy and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# doosboox Not sure if that explains it for you, but feel free to ask for clarifications :D
[Murray] joined the channel
# doosboox capjamesg: what kind of file system is the drive you're attempting to mount?
# doosboox 👍 I use ext4. I have no idea what the difference is :D
# doosboox that depends on the speed of your USB bus and the write speed of the USB drive :)
# doosboox use --progress for rsync if you want it to show you that it's actually doing something
# doosboox hahaha
# doosboox :D
# doosboox Loqi is by far the best IRC bot I've ever encountered
# Saphire gives Loqi a pat
# doosboox I'm sure "use" doesn't mind
# doosboox still a good fix :D
# doosboox yeah, that does sound unfair
# doosboox Uhm. Random question about backups: How old backups are reasonable to keep? In my case I'm afraid of tossing old backups because file corruption may creep in over time. I'm not sure that's a legitimate concern, however. And I've found that a not-insignificant fraction of my incremental changes are actually git garbage collection
# doosboox capjamesg: a full backup takes a lot longer and takes up more space
# doosboox If I were to run a full backup I'd have to delete the old backup first to make room. And then rsync would have to churn through all 75GB.
# doosboox oh, absolutely.
# capjamesg Here's my very rudimentary implementation of a full backup: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/3d3326abaf3a0a9b8f26b533a477b824
# doosboox The file tree is just a couple of levels deeper. "/mnt/usb2/latest/users/" looks exactly like "/mnt/usb1/users/" did last Sunday morning
# Loqi rsync is a command line tool to copy files from one server to another, which can be used for incremental backups or migrating web hosts https://indieweb.org/rsync
# Loqi ok, I added "https://warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/simple-incremental-backup-with-rsync.html" to a new "See Also" section of /rsync https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76089&oldid=58101
# doosboox yeah, time and space are the big problems with a full backup. If I were to go that way I'd rather have a RAID 0 setup (mirrored disks)
# doosboox capjamesg++ ❤️
# petermolnar similar to the full rsync example, but instead of snapshotting, I use `--backup --backup-dir="../deleted_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M)/"` as rsync arguments
# petermolnar so anything that gets deleted gets moved
# petermolnar this, however, doesn't take care of altered content
# petermolnar I do have daily/weekly/monthly zfs snapshots on the backup server though
# capjamesg This seems to work pretty well for incremental backups rsync -a --progress --delete /home/james/ /mnt/myusb/
# doosboox capjamesg: check out the --delete-before and --delete-after flags. I'm not sure what the default behaviour of --delete is, but if you have a power outage in the middle of the rsync it would suck if it had removed a big file but then not put a new copy in place. I mean, the risk is small, but worth reading the rsync man pages for :)
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# doosboox nope
# doosboox but if you have file A in src and in dest, but the one in src is newer, then the one in dest will be deleted either *before*, *during*, or *after* transfer of the newer version :)
# doosboox you're welcome!
hendursaga and shoesNsocks joined the channel
# petermolnar --delete is delete on the spot
chenghiz_, [Murray], jeremycherfas and [snarfed] joined the channel
# @willtmonroe TEST WordPress post to Twitter using http://Brid.gy and http://micro.blog (twitter.com/_/status/1405171508100714500)
# petermolnar > 256gb laptop - this combination of words is sad. It used to be 256gb hdd or ssd, replace-able. Now it's a 256gb laptop. One of the reasons why I don't want a new laptop and certainly will never have one with soldered-on storage.
# petermolnar aaronpk: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Lenovo-ThinkPad-P52-i7-P1000-FHD-Workstation-Review.322974.0.html 2x M.2-2280 + 2.5" drive space.
# petermolnar but I've been wondering for a while to make a docking-tray like thing for macs that could accept multiple devices, like extra m.2s and such, with a clamp-on mechanism, that keeps it in place constantly
# petermolnar iThicc would be a good name for it
# petermolnar I mean like the ultrabase for the older X series thinkpads: https://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkPad_X200_UltraBase
# petermolnar now I want something like this, both to make apple fans cry, and to make oldschool laptop fans envy it
barnaby joined the channel
# barnaby [snarfed]: thanks for deploying the fix! it didn’t work, but it looks like it’s twitter’s problem this time, not yours ;) https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1623855361&key=agdicmlkLWd5ckwLEg1QdWJsaXNoZWRQYWdlIiVodHRwczovL3dhdGVycGlncy5jby51ay9ub3Rlcy81RDlOY0ovDAsSB1B1Ymxpc2gYgIDI9K-58QoM
jeremycherfas joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
# @call_user_func taproot/indieauth PHP PSR-7-compliant IndieAuth Server and Client implementation. https://github.com/Taproot/indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/1405179044178563081)
[tantek] joined the channel
# doosboox I’m butting my head against CSS. I want to align elements on a page like this: https://lounge.warmedal.se/uploads/616ec43eb3b8a45a/F989968E-97C8-4D70-936E-B010CD317BEF.jpeg
# doosboox I just can’t get it to work :(
# mgdm what are you using to do it? I've been playing a bit with CSS grid recently, which worked out for me
# doosboox I can’t get the lower input field to stretch all the way to the button, nor can I get the large textarea to fill up the available space vertically
# doosboox I’ve mostly tried stuff with flexbox, but I’m open to any solutions
# mgdm This isn't quite the layout you're after but it describes something in that direction: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-quickly-prototype-apps-with-css-grid-and-css-variables-8d3d96d68eaa/
# doosboox one problem I’ve identified is that the body element doesn’t fill the viewport vertically, but even when I manage to make it higher I can’t get the elements within to be placed right
# doosboox mgdm: definitely worth looking at! Thank you
# [Murray] So flex or grid would both work here. Grid is perhaps a little more precise in this layout. Either way, you can use `100vh` on a parent container to get the height bit sorted (though *huge* asterisk around mobile/Safari/the whole stupid ordeal around what counts as the viewport 😄 so YMMV to some degree)
# [Murray] (I can also recommend https://every-layout.dev/ for learning Grid/Flex/modern CSS, though minor paywall. Plus anything Jen Simmons/Rachel Andrews have put out 😉)
[chrisaldrich], [fluffy], [schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] barnaby thanks for trying! here’s my successful test from early today: https://twitter.com/snarfed_org/status/1405162885521629185 . feel free to try again later I guess
barnaby joined the channel
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] I think syndicating video posts to twitter
# barnaby twitter Does Not Want my hamster video https://waterpigs.co.uk/img/screenshot-2021-06-16-at-192320.png
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
# [tw2113_Slack_] how rude
barnaby joined the channel
# [snarfed] and their status page is…thin…and not exactly confidence inspiring https://status.twitterstat.us/
# barnaby [snarfed]: this status page is a bit more detailed, but has nothing relevant to my issue https://api.twitterstat.us/
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] [manton] are the h-feeds on mastodon usable? You could atomize them with granary.io worst case
# [KevinMarks] @barnaby I had another friend whozw video twitter kept rejecting recently too
[schmarty] and [manton] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] I think the h-feeds are richer than the RSS - the Atom used extensions for more details, the RSS is pretty thin. Not sure if you can distinguish boosts in rss
# petermolnar !tell capjamesg I have a laptop, which is synced to a home server, which is synced to a rented server in Germany; the servers run FreeBSD on ZFS filesystem, which takes care of the snapshots. Given that most of my life's content - photos, documents, etc - are digital these days, and that once we had been burglered, I don't feel OK without off-site backups.
# barnaby https://micropub.rocks/ doesn’t seem to use them
Seirdy joined the channel
# aaronpk Here actually I talked about this last week https://youtu.be/uwbqqRA7wbI
# barnaby I was just a bit freaked out when reading through the description here https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/access-tokens/refreshing-access-tokens/ where you just have this eternal refresh token which can be exchanged for access tokens potentially without a client secret
barnaby, [aciccarello] and sebbu joined the channel