#dev 2021-06-23

2021-06-23 UTC
[tantek], rockorager and [jacky] joined the channel
Ok, schmarty, I've fixed it to now handle microformatless html. Thanks for pointing that out
If there is no specific u-* for the `target`, then it searches every link on the page. If it finds the link in an <a> tag, it is simply called a "mention-of"
what is the type of an untyped webmention
It looks like we don't have a page for "type of an untyped webmention" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "type of an untyped webmention is ____", a sentence describing the term)
the type of an untyped webmention is a [[mention]].
anyone else send a CSP from their website? we only have two IndieWeb examples currently documented: https://indieweb.org/Content-Security-Policy#IndieWeb_Examples
[tw2113_Slack_] and [snarfed] joined the channel
added Bridgy’s
[chrisaldrich], gRegor, samwilson and capjamesg joined the channel
↩️ I'm using http://webmention.io for years now and it works great! Here's a tutorial I've written for Eleventy, btw: https://mxb.dev/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
What's the sentiment on blending webmentions and comments?
Webmentions are not accessible to the majority of my readers, which is a shame. So I was thinking of creating something that would let me store comments and add them on build but also retrieve my webmentions.
capjamesg: I feel like some people have do that, but I am not sure of any examples right away. I think some people have also used commentpara.de as a comment form on their site, that way people can write comments that are sent to your site as webmentions
pepperoni_ and [fluffy] joined the channel
That idea came to mind.
The issue is that Commentpara.de feels a bit... technical. I know it's easy to fill out but it's not quite right for me.
hendursa1 joined the channel
(But commentpara.de is really well-built and I can see why people use it!)
It definitely still adds a small hurdle, e.g. having to identify before seeing the actual form where you write your comment into.
[grantcodes] and [Murray] joined the channel
commentpara.de also has some pretty big issues in terms of potential privacy and abuse-related stuff
I’m extremely not fond of how every comment uses a global autoincrementing int identifier, for example
Yep. I did notice that.
I'd like something I could deploy out of the box.
Maybe on Heroku, or just even on my own server.
And maybe each comment would have a captcha.
[jacky] joined the channel
what is isso
isso is a self-hosted commenting server similar to Disqus https://indieweb.org/isso
capjamesg ^ you might be interested in that
jacky has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (79 in all channels)
[fluffy]: yeah, the incrementing id in the URL is an interesting choice
To be honest I should probably restructure my webmentions haha. I use incrementing IDs just for convenience.
Do you let your webmentions be indexed?
I do not display them at all
what is "your webmentions"? mentions your site has received? posts you've sent webmentions for?
Webmentions you have sent sknebel.
Rather, webmentions I have sent.
so the question is "do you let your posts be indexed" ;)
When you put it that way my question seems quite silly haha.
I think its a fair point in some ways. e.g. plenty people don't put replies/likes/... in the main views and feeds of their site
but hide them away to some degree
so maybe someone also sets noindex on those?
I haven't seen it, but it's also not like I look in detail at if pages I view have search engine headers set :D
(in the reverse, I guess for sites that load a list of received webmentions with JS, they likely wont be captured by search engines, those that serve them in the page content they would?)
I don't display the webmentions I have sent because they don't seem too relevant to my readers.
I wondered about noindexing because I guess they would appear in search. But it doesn't really matter to me either way.
Especially considering webmentions often appear on people's sites anyway.
rockorager joined the channel
Re: mixing webmentions and comments, you could make a comment form that creates a page on *your* domain via micropub, with a u-in-reply-to for commenters who don't have their own site
Then their comments would also come in as webmentions, after you do the sending
If you don't need real-time, and you want more moderation you could just collect the user input and manually make the pages
webmention.io is down again :(
Good idea rockorager re: parsing comments as webmentions.
rockorager, gRegor and barnaby joined the channel
Zegnat: did you see the progress on the guzzle gif upload header issue? looks like an Expect: 100-continue header is being blanked somewhere between guzzle sending the cURL request and getallheaders() https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/2905
[barnabywalters] #2905 Guzzle adds an empty header on multipart POST request containing an animated GIF
IMO knowing that getallheaders() isn’t guaranteed to return valid results would be a justification for psr7-server to filter out invalid headers before creating a ServerRequest. If you/nyholm agree, I’d be happy to make a PR to nyholm/psr7-server with a fix
I suppose I should also submit a bug support somewhere else, but it might take some time to figure out exactly where is the best place
Yeah, I think I would accept a PR that ignores a header when both name and value are fully blank.
bear1 joined the channel
okay, I made an issue on psr7-server to establish “official” contact before starting a PR
barnaby, capjamesg, [Murray], mikeputnam, gRegor, nsh, pepperoni_, KartikPrabhu, alex11 and [jacky] joined the channel
I keep wanting _not_ to build a CMS for my site and I think that https://www.drupal.org/developers might be *it* for me
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I haven't heard much about drupal over the last few years. How active is the community?
I think it's strong - had two leads ask about it
That said, I think I misspoke there, lol. I want something I can use to _render_ content that isn't static (not opposed to it but it'd be easier to handle) but I can define where the content comes from.
Something like this would be prime to use with a Micropub service (so Micropub itself would be the content store)
AFAIK recent versions of drupal have embraced a lot of the positive changes in the PHP community, e.g. the various PSR standards
I’ve never worked with it myself, but in the very unlikely scenario that I was in the position to make a medium-large CMS-based site, I’d definitely look into it
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
The founder of Drupal is also definitely in to IndieWeb ideas too, I've talked with him a few times
pepperoni_ joined the channel
swentel, who has been out of chat recently, was very active in Indieweb drupal stuff
[schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
Yeah, I think he did a bunch of Drupal IndieWeb modules
What is Drupal?
Drupal is a popular open source content management system with excellent plugins for IndieWeb use https://indieweb.org/Drupal
[aciccarello] and [tantek] joined the channel
sorry, *proposal* not spec 🙂
aaronpk, WDYT of this spec, and what would be the IndieAuth equivalent? change what domain you sign-in with? https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-change-password-url/
oh i've seen this before
i think the equivalent is the same, your website could advertise its "change password" URL
my website doesn't have a pw
the target consumer of this proposal is password managers
nor does IndieWeb for me
then you don't need it :)
that's why I asked about the equivalent
people have changed domains before
i don't think this is not-indieweb to begin with
and it would be reasonable to provide UI to do so in an IndieAuth setup
changing domain names would be more like changing usernames
that makes sense. and yes also something people can do on many sites
[fluffy] and gRegor joined the channel