#capjamesgShould questions in an interview be headings?
#capjamesgI just realised I have been marking up questions in my interviews as bold text in markdown.
#capjamesgI did not think about the semantics about this until now :(
#ZegnatI do not think there is really any specific semantics for something like that. I do not think I would make them headings unless the answers are long form and I would expect people to want to jump between them
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#capjamesgYeah. The answers are not usually too long.
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#ZegnatSemantically I think I saw someone do the post so everything you (the blog) say (ask) are normal <p>, while everything they (the interviewee) say (answers) are <p> within <blockquote>.
#ZegnatSort of reverse of an email, where you would be quoting the questions and your answers are unquoted.
chenghiz_, capjamesg, lamantine, j12t, [chrisaldrich], [fluffy] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]the irony is that <q> is for quote, not question. You could use <p> and <q>
#[KevinMarks]though <blockquote> make sense for longer aswers
#sknebel"Name-value groups may be terms and definitions, metadata topics and values, questions and answers, or any other groups of name-value data."... still feels more like for FAQs than interviews
#Loqi[KevinMarks] has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
#petermolnarbecause dl is a rarely used element, yet one of the first ones
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#astralbijection[Good news: all that indieauth and micropub code I wrote for my backend works with quill! Bad news: it doesn't work for indigenous for Android. Baby steps are always good, though!
#astralbijection[There is surprisingly little support for indieweb stuff in Django, so I'm thinking of separating out my indieauth and micropub apps and putting them up as pip libraries
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#[jacky]astralbijection[m]: IIRC there's modules for IndieWeb for Django
#astralbijection[Yeah there is a webmention library, but the only micropub/indieauth library I saw was 3 years old and the indieauth spec has been updated a lot since then
#[jacky]true! tbf, I think those repos _should_ be moved under the github org
#[jacky]so it'd be easier for the community to maintain
#aaronpk4: you should assume that you need to go get a new token using the new ticket provided
#sknebel5/6 are the bits that make AutoAuth "too complicated" :P
#aaronpk6: that's an implementation detail between your website and your reader, which may be just internal logic or may also benefit from a separate spec
#aaronpkwell that was fun, i have unlisted posts with a secret slug now
#GWGaaronpk: 4. Isn't it the social equivalent to keeping sending people invitations to a party they don't want to attend?
#GWGTicket Auth is an invitation. What if I'm just not that into you?
#aaronpki mean you don't have to go use the ticket in the first place, but i was assuming that you had already successfully gotten a token in the past from them
#aaronpkor rather, that feels more like an "unsubscribe" than something at the auth layer
#GWGaaronpk: I defined these as follow-up questions. I intend to try to build something, then iterate on the questions that require additional spec or thought
#GWGThe reason I asked was I just intended to, for first generation, redeem every ticket I got, whether or not I plan to use it
#GWGEspecially because the spec says the tickets are short lived
#GWGIf I have to decide what to do immediately, I might miss it
#Loqiunlisted are publicly visible posts that are not included in a homepage or feed(s), and are typically excluded from site search features and broader web search services https://indieweb.org/unlisted
#ZegnatI like how you were already on there, aaronpk ;)
#sknebelso ticket auth only gives out tokens valid for one URL? or are they supposed to be tried everywhere, if its not appropriate the error will tell the client?
#sknebel(since my site supports tokens to auth for posts already, looking how much I need to add over the autoauth logic)
#ZegnatFrom the wiki, I am assuming it is tokens per-path.
#ZegnatOr well, I would assume that everything under the path the token is for you should try the same token for.
#ZegnatSo a token for root could be used everywhere.