#dev 2021-06-25

2021-06-25 UTC
barnaby: I'm down to do that pairing thing you mentioned! I might also ask for the same with some stuff I'm working on but down to pilot yours first
Seirdy, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], samwilson, cambridgeport904, rockorager and [jacky] joined the channel
what is rust
Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety https://indieweb.org/Rust
can't remember if that mf2 library was listed there that someone here is working on
that dfn is a bit praise-y lol
also no relation to indieweb
at all
thinks that page could be deleted until it's relevant
gerben, justache, Lohn and [tantek] joined the channel
now I'm curious about its history
yeah I'm having a hard time seeing the IndieWeb relevance
eco, capjamesg, hendursaga, alex11, brennanbrown, pepperoni_, [Murray], reed, calebjasik, BinyaminGreen[m], Lohn, Abhas[m], astralbijection[, cambridgeport90[, batkin[m], LaBcasse[m], nekr0z, KartikPrabhu, oenone, [fluffy], [Rose], barnaby, maxwelljoslyn and [snarfed] joined the channel
re https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2021-06-01#t1622519376954600 , I ended up writing a tiny Cloudflare Worker. handles arbitrary file types (including video), automatically uses Cloudflare’s CDN as a cache within the free tier, hosted by Cloudflare, just 36 loc.
[[snarfed]] anyone know of a decent video caching proxy service? we have https://indieweb.org/image_proxy but I haven’t found any similar resources for video
working well so far
capjamesg joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and [jacky] joined the channel
Finally hitting the point where having a Microformats parser in Rust would be ideal.
Mainly because doing post type discovery without it is _hard_ lol
didn’t LaBcasse[m] have a WIP one? maybe it works enough to do some basic parsing?
and there’s always std::Command, and your choice of external parser ;)
std::process::Command, rather
barnaby: lol I almost did this
AFAIK the ruby parser and the php parser both come bundled with a command line interface
probably the go one as well, if you want something compiled
you could turn the go one into a library
and use that
or call one as an HTTP api, that IMHO makes more sense that calling a commandline one
pepperoni_ and PuercoPop joined the channel
I don't know Golang that well tbh
I remember trying to learn it and it reminded me so much of Perl, I had to stop
I briefly tried learning it years ago, made a little IRC bot but didn’t get on with it very well. more recently, I realised that rust was actually what I was looking for, it just didn’t exist/was in early infancy at the time
Go reminded you of Perl?!
[tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk: indeed ^^^ ;)
that's there mainly because of the legacy implied name parsing rules
I guess that’s what comes from trying to shoehorn a name in where it doesn’t really belong
fortunately there’s an easy workaround
there, that should look better than “a post” in the newsletter now
it looks the same to me still
yep. I tricked indienews
[waterpigs.co.uk] New #indieweb libraries: taproot/micropub-adapter and taproot/indieauth!
Interesting. So what XRay is doing is basically cutting out a mf2 parsing thing
snarfed: I know - everyone laughs at me when I say that
The Rust library on GitLab seems to work well for my use cases (the interface's a little rough but patches are welcome)
Zegnat: the algorithm is documented somewhere on the wiki I forget where
is the recommendation to no longer use p-name e-content for notes? I noticed that the implied name parsing got a bit more selective since I was last working on mf2 stuff
The reason for putting p-name on notes was because name was an automatically generated implied property which would end up with a mess of content if you didn't put it on the e-content property
we changed the implied parsing rules to no longer make a mess of things in those cases so there's no need for a p-name property on notes anymore
in other words including it on notes was always a hack around the mf2 parser
makes sense
the new implied parsing rules are definitely an improvement
in theory I like the idea of being able to guarantee that every mf structure has a name property, but in practise it was usually a mess
tbh the want for that for me was to insure that there's a page title lol
turns out sometimes things just don't have titles
[arush], [tw2113_Slack_], pepperoni_, hendursaga and petermolnar joined the channel
[snarfed] granary broke for one of my twitter lists that I renamed, do you have any idea how i can fix it? it's returning "not found" for both the old name and the new name now
i also tried with the list ID and it doesn't work either
wait, it's just not working at all with any list
this is weird, actually a couple work, but most don't
also i don't understand what's going on here https://i.imgur.com/Iw4Rxzu.png
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk hmm! sorry for the trouble, will look
does it work if you put the username in explicitly?
like instead of "@me"?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
no that doesn't seem to change anything
hmm ok, will look. what’s an example? aaronpk/okta?
that one is working
the "youtubers" list doesn't work
also i expect you saw the token in that screenshot and revoked it
did i not black out enough of it?
oh yeah you blacked out part of the token key, maybe that’s enough
aaronpk is the youtubers list not public? I don’t see it on https://twitter.com/aaronpk/lists
it is not public, correct
but also neither is the okta list
not satisfying but I may have to blame the twitter API. https://api.twitter.com/1.1/lists/statuses.json?slug=youtubers&owner_screen_name=aaronpk&… is returning 404 with body {“errors”:[{“code”:34,“message”:“Sorry, that page does not exist.“}]}
is there a way to give it the list ID instead of the name?
the API? maybe? I can look. not sure that would help though
i'm assuming something broke when i renamed the list, so my theory is giving it the list ID might work
ah maybe
sounds like my best bet is probably to just re-create the list from scratch
feel free to try, twurl is easy. if it works i can take that as a feature request
disappointing if that works, but 🤷 would fit with the legacy (“standard”) API being effectively deprecated, just on a very long time scale
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel