#aaronpkbut the reason is because you're sending something unsolicited to someone and it's safer to send something that is short lived and single use than sending the actual access token
sebbu, capjamesg, lanodan, Seirdy, hendursaga and jamietanna joined the channel
#jamietannajacky I think it's a bit early in the morning but not quite sure I get what you mean re "what's the implication of having a specialized token and authorization endpoint"
#jamietannaaaronpk I'm currently using `resource` indicators internally and bake them into my tokens, but it's currently unenforced in any of my services (as of now)
#jamietannaI think it's nice with resource indicators because if a token were to be stolen / leaked, it's harder to use it against multiple services
#jamietannafollowing the way that they work with the `resource` indicator in Ticket Auth would be good, as then we've got a well defined standard telling us how to handle URI paths
samwilson joined the channel
#GWGI'm thinking of doing some editing on the ticket auth page
chenghiz_ joined the channel
#GWGI was reading the autoauth spec and the private webmention spec and there is some explanatory language that might be helpful
#GWGAlso the private webmention page mentions freenode, probably should search for any other freenode mentions
#GWGI also reread the autoauth spec about how the client makes an authenticated request to the token endpoint to get the external token
joshproehl, capjamesg and Poorchop joined the channel
#Poorchophas anyone ever tried to suggest that Automattic enable Webmention by default in WordPress? that seems to be how pingbacks gained any traction
#Poorchopalthough I guess there's no easy way for them to automatically mark up submissions with microformats
#Poorchopsince setting up mentions, I started noticing that most mentions on other sites were just likes and retweets or whatever from Twitter/Mastodon/micro.blog/Facebook/etc.
#Poorchopkind of a bummer for those of us not on social media
#GWGPoorchop: We need to get more people on Indieweb readers that can reply in the same app as the reader...it would help with that
#GWGFor example, people using Microsub are much more likely to respond with their site because it's one click
#PoorchopI'm not too familiar with that stuff but even I wouldn't mind if sending a mention wasn't so cumbersome
#Poorchopeven with scripts to autogenerate things like likes and bookmarks, it's still a few steps to like something, push to my site, then go back and forth between browser and command line to paste links for sending the mention