#[KevinMarks]When we were explaining how quicktime streaming worked at WWDC we acted out the protocol with big bits of card as the packets and each engineer playing the component they worked on
#aaronpki literally can't figure out how to create a response that taproot\indieauth likes from within laravel
#aaronpkright, but most implementations don't create docs because they assume the PSR spec is good enough docs, but then the PSR specs don't actually tell you how to do anything in practice because they are documented for the implementation developers not the users
#barnabyso I guess I could at least link to that from my documentation
#aaronpkalso it takes a surprising amount of digging through class hierarchies to even be able to tell whether something claiming to be an http response is or is not a psr7 compatible object
#barnabythat’s one of the things psalm is useful for
#barnabyif your code is type hinted to use the PSR-7 interfaces, and there’s a code path which will allow an incompatible object to be passed, psalm will likely pick it up
#aaronpki mean before you even get to writing code
#barnabybut yes, I agree that it can be awkward to dig through 3rd party code and documentation
#barnabycomplicated class hierarchies sounds more like a framework-specific issue though
#aaronpkbut even that section is a great exmaple of docs failing
#aaronpkwithout prior knowledge, there's no indication that "nyholm/psr7" is a PSR7 implementation
#aaronpkso eventually i figured out that's what it is, and that i could create a Nyholm\Psr7\Response object
#barnabywell I can’t solve the laravel problems, but I can definitely make my documentation clearer
#barnaby…tomorrow. it’s much too late for me to say anything coherent, I definitely appreciate any feedback you end up having about my indieauth libraries though!
#aaronpkyeah i'm not blaming you for this at all, i am just generally frustrated by lack of docs in laravel and PSR things
#aaronpkhmm, i am thinking i may prefer to use this the other way around
#aaronpkright now i have to do things like override templates and create response objects for this library
#aaronpkwhich makes it awkward to integrate with a full framework like laravel which has its own opinions about how those things work
#aaronpkinstead, i'd prefer to hand the library request objects and have it give me back error or success objects and then i could pass those on to views myself
#RattroupeI started because I wanted indieauth enabled on my site but then thought it would be nice to make it a plugin so anyone with a rails-based site can turn it into an authentication endpoint
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Authorio" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Authorio is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#[fluffy]So, question… given that so many people are implementing mechanisms on their ticket auth flow to allow simply requesting a ticket, would it make sense to formalize that in the spec? I feel like it would be very useful for the social reader subscription case.
#LoqiAn assertion is a relationship where one individual/organization makes a statement, asserts, or endorses that another’s statement is accurate in their opinion https://indieweb.org/assertion
#GWGMaybe talk to a certain person who liked to talk badges
capjamesg, KartikPrabhu, [fluffy] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]gwg webmention badges work fine....I am going to try and build them into my app as the world fights over Open Badges 3.0 and the Verifibiable Credential spec grows and grows while nobody uses it
jjuran, capjamesg, chee, [tantek] and [jacky] joined the channel
#[jacky]just wanna give a shoutout / :thumbsup: to everyone hacking on AutoAuth stuff!
barnaby, [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel