#dev 2021-07-12

2021-07-12 UTC
jswagner joined the channel
ugh i need tag aliases on my website so i can combine multiple tags into a single one
i apparently swap at random between tagging things "3dprint" and "3dprinting" and i'd really like those to be considered the same tag
aaronpk: I have tag merging I use.
But that eliminates tags
aaronpk: While you are here, does Aperture store feeds per user?
I was thinking about your use case yesterday. If you added private feeds to your system, then wouldn't other people in Aperture get them if you use the same store?
it knows which users are subscribed to which feed, so i would have to treat feeds fetched with authentication as a completely separate feed per user
chenghiz_ and [jacky] joined the channel
New blog post: DLTJ Now Uses Webmention and Bridgy to Aggregate Social Media Commentary https://dltj.org/article/dltj-with-webmention/
Loqi, mgdm, Seich and capjamesg joined the channel
I'm currently working on an article about webmentions in @GatsbyJS + I created my own plugin as I wasn't successful with others The article would be for absolute beginners #100DaysOfCode
jamietanna, [fluffy], hendursaga and neocow joined the channel
Curious: do you let search engines crawl your feed pages (i.e. /blog/2, /blog/3, or whatever)
ok, I added "https://superuser.com/questions/7327/how-to-add-a-custom-search-engine-to-firefox" to the "See Also" section of /2012/Open_Real_Time_Search_Engine https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76408&oldid=60898
What is Search?
search in the context of the IndieWeb refers to being able to search your personal site for your own content https://indieweb.org/search
capjamesg: that's a non-intuitive bug in Loqi - capitalization matters in that case due to how it finds pages :/
ok, I added "https://superuser.com/questions/7327/how-to-add-a-custom-search-engine-to-firefox" to the "See Also" section of /search https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76409&oldid=76403
Thanks sknebel.
I didn't know that.
Does anyone syndicate their wiki contributions to their blog?
Just curious.
capjamesg, hendursaga and [mapkyca] joined the channel
Can anyone explain what would make a file readable on one machine (iMac) and not on another (MBA)? (Asking here because it is so much friendlier) Background: I save log files to Dropbox for later analysis. On my laptop, when I open the file in BBEDIT, the whole thing is upside down red question marks. On the iMac, perfectly legible.
I suppose it must be something about BBEDIT's settings, but I'm not sure where to look. Thanks.
[snarfed] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: probably character encoding. run `file [filename]` and see which encoding it’s in. if it’s not ascii or utf-*, you’re going to have a bad time
ASCII text
That's why I think it isn't the file, but BBEDIT.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Check bbedits prefs, it may have picked the wrong encoding when opening the file
There is a default encoding to assume
KartikPrabhu and rockorager joined the channel
re: ticketauth and the client_id issue....if the ticket/access_token is given to a site and not a client, then a client would need to request existing access_tokens on behalf of the site to be able to e.g. retrieve a private feed? Am I understanding that right?
I just checked on the MBA, and there the file is `data`. And that I find exceedingly odd, as it ought to be the same file in Dropbox.
rockorager: good question! that could be one way to handle it, but right now it's not modeled that way
capjamesg and rockorager joined the channel
How is it modeled now?
(if there is a model yet :) )
rockorager joined the channel
rockorager: Expectation of internal integration until we model it
KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], jjuran and [jacky] joined the channel
okay so I'm like at the point with https://git.jacky.wtf/indieweb/sele where if someone ran it themselves, they'd be able to get a IndieAuth server for like multiple sites (or just one, that's how I use it), see which apps they've authorized and see when tokens will expire. I'm thinking more now about how to add something for TicketAuth (after I clean up some tests) and how to potentially add logic to help build something for audience
I saw/view "audience lists" as a only-visible-to-you list of h-cards or URLs (guess it could be a 'stubbed h-card') of people who can view a particular post but I was kinda wondering if such a list could be extrapolated from one's Microsub server instead (by pulling the authors of the feeds in a channel)
Does anyone have something similar to this or thoughts around this approach? Would like to pool some thoughts on it. I feel like [fluffy], you have something similar in Authl?
Authl only handles login, the actual access control is a function of Publ. And in Publ there’s a config file which declares access control lists and then individual entries can reference those lists.
There’s no h-card involvement for any of that.
[jacky]: not sure how that'd link to a microsub server. I guess you could take feeds from there as suggestions? but generally, "I follow this feed" does not mean any meaningful trust level for me
Yeah, mainly for suggestions tbh, I was wondering about a good place to 'prime' such feeds from
[fluffy] gotcha, hm
Okay, I might be playing with some green-field stuff here then lol
Having an integration point between microsub and publish ACLs would be interesting. I don’t think it’d fit Publ’s overall model especially since Publ itself tries to be pretty IndieWeb-agnostic (ticket auth is technically the only indieweb-specific thing it has in the code directly but it’d make a lot of sense for a more indieweb-specific social stack.
[jgmac1106], [aciccarello], doosboox and [tantek] joined the channel
Yeah! I think it might reinforce a "you should be able to align a channel to people you want to share with" but not completely force it
@ccrrccrccrr RSS was never meaningfully two-way. A lot of the indieweb stuff is effectively about adding that, though.
blaine++ for that summary criticism of RSS "was never meaningfully two-way"
blaine has 1 karma over the last year
[tantek] joined the channel