[tw2113_Slack_], Seirdy and [jacky] joined the channel
#@jackyalcine↩️ ugh true but I'm afraid of that being more impossible without ridiculous hacks
like for twitter to anything, that's easy (https://brid.gy for one) but like tiktok?
(begs the question of some places should be bridged) (twitter.com/_/status/1416649477104959489)
#@bennettbackward↩️ Totally! Static hosting is cheap (free?) so having a standardized kind of knowledge feed like rss would have a low barrier to entry. The main difficulty with ActivityPub / Webmentions is that you need to have a server + a database. (twitter.com/_/status/1416729480232529925)
#superkuhHm. Well, have to have a server at least. No need for a database.
#aaronpkYou need some sort of database to maintain state
#petermolnarupgrading OS is, at this point in technological advancement, is rather natural, and it fairly far from what I'd consider admintax.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[tantek]I'd definitely consider upgrading OS an admintax, one that you can often skip for multiple versions
#[tantek]for the most part they're nearly a complete waste of time (minutes to hours), with a risk of your current stuff breaking
shoesNsocks joined the channel
#petermolnarI'm not going to ague with any part of that, apart from being admintax :) especially with centos; that thing used to be security patch supported for a decade per major version
#[tantek]I'm not going to argue with anything centos-specific, I have zero experience there. My statements about OS upgrades are based on iOS and MacOS
#aaronpkthe threat profile is very different between an internet-facing server and a personal device, so there are very different considerations when upgrading the OS
#Loqisurveillance is the monitoring of behavior usually unbeknownst to those being monitored, on the web with 3rd party cookies, and possibly even on some IndieWeb sites with analytics trackers like Google Analytics https://indieweb.org/surveillance
#[tantek]in the context of what to put on your /contact page, this is still on topic
#capjamesgIndeed. I think my contact page has my Insta and maybe GitHub. I can't remember. It's not something I regularly update.
#capjamesgOne thing I have noticed is more email spam coming my way so I've moved to readers@jamesg.blog on my site and will probably need to think of some better way to represent my email.
#[tantek]yeah I got a few odd messages on my iMessage in the past couple of months (including an unsolicited offer to buy my Twitter handle for some BTC 🙄 )
#capjamesgtantek it makes me think that maybe a private /contact page only for friends (at some obscure URL for instance, noindexed, excluded from robots.txt) might be interesting.
#[tantek]capjamesg, nah, that's what I meant by IndieAuth'd
#Loqicommunication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to contact you https://indieweb.org/contact
#capjamesgI think that depends on the person. For me, I am going to keep readers@jamesg.blog for public communication. I'll get the emails in my regular inbox but at least I'm not giving out my main email.
[schmarty] joined the channel
#capjamesgWow you have done a lot of work on contact pages tantek.
#capjamesgI read a bit of your piece on markup for people focused mobile communcation and bookmarked it for later reference. Was an interesting read.
#petermolnarI've added my email and phone number on my avatar picture for chats/silos I've more or less left
#petermolnarI wonder if that is something that gets harvested
#petermolnaras for spam: it's been rather bad recently. I had to seriously tighted my spam filter a few weeks ago, because many messages were slipping through.
#capjamesgI think there might be more articles to come on the Guardian but I'm not sure.
#[tantek]it sounds like the beginning of a series yeah
#capjamesgYeah. It says that in the article I linked a few paragraphs down. They will release "the identities of people whose number appeared on the list in the coming days."