#dev 2021-07-19

2021-07-19 UTC
shoesNsocks1, KartikPrabhu, [tantek] and [raph_l] joined the channel
hey, I haven't poked my head in here in a while, but I just released al alpha version of the system I've been building for the last 10 months or so. It's a AWS-hostable serverless blog that costs around $2 / month to operate and includes an authoring UI. I'm planning to add federation features so that it can do social-media things. https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/Mid-July%20check%20in%3A%20alpha%20and%20beyond.html
jjuran joined the channel
It feels weirdly good to be blocked by some sort of an "outside" problem when you know your software works properly on its own, it's just some other thing preventing it from working.
Still, I hoped to finally deploy today :c
At least I know the e2e tests are working and the deployment should work too, since it runs on the same platform I use for e2e tests
Maybe I should write a token endpoint to be able to use Micropub in my e2e tests...
I figured out why my site was slow. It was my brother. He has a site on the server and he got my redis cache up to 500mb of data. I was only using Redis for PHP session caching and WordPress object caching, so I never expected that.
how much RAM on the machine? 500mb isn’t a big deal for reid’s, but if it’s swapping that out on disk that would be a problem
lol autocorrect
aaronpk: I had it tuned for a much lower number. It's fixed now.
He's storing pictures in there, apparently
I also keep asing him to stop running expensive LIKE queries on the SQL server
HelloMatrina joined the channel
<GWG "He's storing pictures in there, "> I don't think Redis is intended for storing large binary blobs such as images... Even I only store small-ish JSON blobs and use a static folder for pictures
Considering to move to MinIO for latter to gain compatibility with S3
vikanezrimaya: I'm pushing him to fix his code.
In case I ever decide to migrate to a cloud hosting, IIRC object storage is cheaper than block storage
↩️ I got to the point of creating meaningful contents. Your blog about webmention is great.
capjamesg joined the channel
Oh well. I guess it was too early to celebrate. I deployed... And then BOOM. a lot of bugs in the frontend I didn't expect.
That's just because I've never actually tested the frontend
Only some manual testing, but it wasn't comprehensive enough
I might need to set up a proper test harness for it later
At least the Micropub endpoint works as expected. Even when the expected is technically a bug
For example, my Micropub endpoint (very correctly) rejected two h-cards because they contained foreign u-urls - which is technically expected behavior... I've decided to do so because I'm thinking of making Kittybox support sideblogs and/or multi-tenant setups and there's an access control check that rejects a post if any u-url doesn't match the user. I guess I should relax the check to make it simply not set up redirects on foreign
At least I know the bulk import works - and thanks to my software always storing mf2-json data it's extremely easy to write an importer - in fact, mine is just 50 LOC
hoenir` and hoenir joined the channel
Fixing bugs in production is fun
hendursa1, hoenir and Aerir joined the channel
Yay! I've ironed out enough bugs to make the software minimally usable
hoenir, [d]_, cadeyrn[d], indieweb-irc-bri, capjamesg[d], GnorthernGnome[d and grantcodes[d] joined the channel
https://fireburn.ru/ - webmentions don't work yet since I don't have the endpoint
But the new design is prettyyyyyy ✨✨✨
Go look at it and give me critique please, I want to make it even better!
<Loqi "Vika"> Yes, I am called that
Love it vikanezrimaya!
nekr0z, reed, calebjasik, Abhas[m], Lohn, BinyaminGreen[m], astralbijection[, LaBcasse[m], cambridgeport90[, benatkin, vikanezrimaya, shoesNsocks, [tantek], capjamesg, KartikPrabhu, aaronpk[d], jeremycherfas, hendursaga, Hello[d], doosboox, doosboox3, [jgmac1106], Seirdy, rockorager, Guest78, shoesNsocks1 and doosboox4 joined the channel
it seems i now have the technical ability to have my 3D printer post a photo automatically when a print completes...
the question is whether my 3D printer should get its own blog, or should i have it post those to my website
i don't have a good solution for spinning up another blog since my software isn't really packaged up nicely, so maybe i should just stick to posting them on my site in a special category
[snarfed] joined the channel
seems like the easier path ops wise (and more). if you really wanted, you could even custom style category feeds like those, but might be a double edged sword
ooh custom styling would be kind of fun
i already have pinned posts per tag, so it's not a huge stretch to have a way to add some custom css too :)
or i could take a more heavy-handed approach and use a totally different template like I did for photos https://aaronparecki.com/photos
in any case yes this is probably a better long term plan :)
could be a candidate approach for indiewebcat.com too? and maybe not w7apk.com, it doesn’t look like p3k?
w7apk.com is a delightfully simple pile of php files
no libraries or dependencies
i'm not sure i want to collapse my cat's website like that, but on the flip side, i haven't been posting anything there since ownyourgram died so maybe that would be a better plan
huh that's an interesting thought... i could effectively turn my site into a multi-user/multi-domain site without too much hassle by adding a new property to my posts to keep track of which domain they should be shown on
so you'd still visit indiewebcat.com, but that would query my main site's posts table and only show the subset of posts associated with that domain
then i could "spin up" a new domain pretty trivially since there would be no new code running per domain
oh yeah true, hadn’t considered keeping the domains, but yeah totally doable
i’m curious how different people here choose whether to use a full domain, subdomain, or path for category feeds like these
probably not enough examples yet
I would use some subdomains if my site itself wasn't a subdomain
I have a .com reserved if I ever change my mind.
Iave a lot of custom paths
aaronpk: Yes, but I can't imagine photos.david.shanske.com
I always wonder if I should do something with dshanske.com
But, I wonder if special category feeds is worth a wiki page
subdomains are good if you need an origin boundary, or a way to route an entire set of resources to a different service (image hosting), other than that it's more hassle than using paths
i.e. resist the desire to do so for "cosmetic" (vanity?) reasons, beyond the use-case that GWG noted (first.last.tld)
I have a few that I forgot about till now. /kind/reaction, /kind/media, and /kind/food that are custom categorizations
rockorager, rockorager_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel