#dev 2021-08-24

2021-08-24 UTC
do the example code_challenge and code_verifier in the indieauth spec correspond to one another?
nertzy_ joined the channel
yes it looks like it
you can also use this to check https://example-app.com/pkce
jacky joined the channel
i was converting to the hex digest of the sha256 before proceeding.. got it now, thanks!
rockorager joined the channel
common mistake!
my urlsafe_b64encode(sha256(ascii(code_verifier))) is returning a trailing "=" and indielogin is sending me a code_challenge without one
almost there..
correct, PKCE uses "base64-urlencoding" which is a slight variation on base64-encoding
(replace + with -, replace / with _, trim trailing =)
so i think i get the replacements.. just have to trim
huh, wonder why it does that
aaand i'm in..
jacky, gRegor, hendursa1, KartikPrabhu, shoesNsocks1, [fluffy]1, asteria1, moose3337, tetov-irc, rockorager, sayanarijit[d], [jgmac1106], nertzy_, gRegorLove_, hendursaga, vilhalmer, GWG, strugee_, wrmilling, joshproehl, [chrisaldrich], gRegorLove__, [snarfed] and alex11 joined the channel
[tantek]: I am also doing a photo list view
rockorager joined the channel
like a film strip?
Look in the sidebar under test... haven't done any css yet
Just fiddling now
nice! curious what text content you may want to provide or just the date? (date alone could feel redundant if there are many photos on the same date for example)
[tantek]: I just started refactoring my list view code to differ by post type.. previously it would show a post type icon, a title or excerpt, and date
Now that it can differ by type, photos might get a caption if short enough instead
in my photo grid (when it was working) I opted to not show any text except to of course include the alt text for each photo on its thumbnail displayed in the grid
[tantek]: The grid I would do will likely look a bit more like yours
I have some other photo ideas I want to play with
Like mixing it with my Memories code
So, one year ago photo
Maybe a carousel
okay so been talking to martijn about the the micropub migration tool...came about bc I think I FUBARed my Known site,
I have spoken to [cleverdevil] about this one a lot, but it would be a neat tool. you drop in url it crawls for h-feed and then if something had a micropub endpoint could republish them
I would think you would need someway to control the speed of the job....I have too many posts
rockorager joined the channel
aaronpk (and other folks interested in "federated" "identity" and IndieAuth interop in general), are you tracking the new W3C CG on this? E.g. recent meeting notes: https://github.com/fedidcg/meetings/blob/main/2021/2021-08-20-notes.md
rockorager, tetov-irc, jacky, [tw2113_Slack_] and nertzy_ joined the channel