#dev 2021-08-23

2021-08-23 UTC
Seirdy, nertzy, asteria, nertzy_, mikeputnam, moose333, push-f, chee, aaronpk and alex11 joined the channel
+1 een open ‘sociaal netwerk’
hendursa1, tetov-irc, KartikPrabhu and nertzy_ joined the channel
That was a pretty good threat all around
KartikPrabhu, shoesNsocks1, hendursaga and [manton] joined the channel
I asked about Caddy a couple months ago here… We finished a migration from Nginx to Caddy for hosted static blogs on Micro.blog (still using Nginx to front-end the web app). Highly recommend Caddy if anyone is looking for a nicer HTTPS solution.
Ramon[d] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Doing a 403 redirect for HTTP is pretty nasty.
jacky joined the channel
HTTP+HTTPS is great. HTTPS only isn't.
I can imagine caddy's TLS support for auto generating things makes it a lot easier for maintaining
I’ve come to terms with browsers essentially requiring HTTPS. I don’t love it, but it’s not worth fighting for me.
Interestingly, Caddy does 308 redirects by default for HTTP → HTTPS.
Oh. I guess I just assumed re: 403. Didn't actually look.
Er, 304.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
oh dang a 308? wow
[schmarty] joined the channel
TIL about 308 🤔
ah, there's a semantic difference. 301/302 allow the user-agent to switch from POST to GET. 307/308 explicitly disallow that.
epilys left the channel
wants to make a mental note of that but I've run out of RAM
maxwelljoslyn[d] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jjuran, KartikPrabhu, Kaja, sknebel, oenone, nertzy_ and jamietanna joined the channel
https://http.cat/308 makes a lot of sense - any thoughts on why not https://http.cat/301 ?
manton glad you like Caddy :)
is there anything cool you've learned / how you went about the process that may be worth blogging about
Oh yeah, learned a lot and I’m still learning… I’ll have to figure out what would be useful for other folks.
Probably the most interesting thing is getting Caddy to use a Redis server as shared storage for SSL certs. I never had a good solution for that with my old Nginx-based setup.
ooh that's very cool!
shoesNsocks, gRegor, tetov-irc and Seirdy joined the channel