#dev 2021-08-22

2021-08-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu and [fluffy] joined the channel
Lohn: https://indieweb.org/code#Code_Snippet_Hosting ? if you mean mf2, do you have a consuming use case in mind? We generally look for that before we come up with new mf2 for anything
<[snarfed]> "Lohn: https://indieweb.org/code..." <- Yes, I read that before asking. I understand I can use external softwares like pastebin/phorkie to host it. But I was thinking in a more Indieweb way of doing this.
I don't know if I could express the idea.
The use case is to post code snippets in a article. Not only in the body of article, but with a dedicated page for it. Well, exactly the way people used to do with github gist, but self hosted in the blog. Like Aaaron does.
With MF2, of course, and micropub support too.
Sure! I get the idea. Sounds great! I think you can do all of those without mf2 though. The main reason for mf2 if some _other_ site or service wants to read your post or snippet and do something with it. eg a webmention receiver that wants to parse a comment or like
you might start by looking at those sites to see if they have any code snippet specific mf2
Jamie Tanna has his snippets inside the post. Example: https://www.jvt.me/posts/2021/07/15/chef-version-compare/
[Jamie Tanna] Programatically Comparing Versions Using Chef's Versioning Schemes
But Aaronpk have a /code kind and a page for each snippet. https://aaronparecki.com/code
<[snarfed]> "Sure! I get the idea. Sounds..." <- Exactly. And even post snippets through micropub.
<[snarfed]> "you might start by looking at..." <- aaronpk has a lot of them. But none seems to look like mf2. No u-code or u-snippet.
there's no need for any explicit markup like u-code or u-snippet until someone at least documents a consuming code use-case for them, and perhaps even starts prototyping it
<[tantek]> "there's no need for any explicit..." <- That makes sense. Silly me.
to be fair, it's not silly at all. it's been a custom for a loooong time to markup things "optimistically" that someone might figure out a use someday
took a similarly long time to figure out that that didn't work out well in practice. lots of things never ever consumed (so extra work done for no benefit), and many things marked up in ways not useful for actual consuming use-cases, and lastly, worst of all, lots of things accidentally incorrectly marked up, creating a lot of noise for potential future consuming applications, in some cases preventing them from working properly
(because of existing markup pollution)
tantek has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
I'm crazy about give semantic meaning for everything. I decided to make the frontend part of the site by hand to clearly understand how mf2 works.
And today I was writing an article with snippets, so I was looking if there is a way to share it without hardcoding it the article. I thought that because it is a part of the article but at the same time a piece of self content information. Like a picture or a video.
But, for sure a more robust use case is needed.
You know, we have chicken post kind. Why not a snippet one?
some people definitely posted chickens as a fun joke, but there's no chicken mf2 😁
Yes, I know it's a joke. I was joking too. And I took looong time to figure that chicken is a misspelled checkin.
me too!
Besides, isn't there already code markup in HTML?
<GWG> "Besides, isn't there already..." <- Yes, there is <code> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/code
But I think it's just for very small pieces of code, like one command.
Not sure about it.
According to W3C, code can be used together with pre with longer snippets. Then you're right +GWG
Again, why reinvent the wheel?
You are completely right. I forgot about that.
Lohn: I've gone down similar roads in my time in the community.
↩️ @CarlKDE @fedora Ich steh auch gerade vorm spannenden Problem, wie Kollaboration über verschiedene Plattformen hinweg möglich sein kann. So ein Silo wie @github hat den „Vorteil“, dass alle Nutzer auf dem gleichen System sitzen Meine bisherigen Überlegungen gehen gen WebMention
Seirdy, hendursa1, tetov-irc, maxwelljoslyn[d] and nertzy joined the channel
↩️ I do on my blog as I use the Webmention specification, which makes use of h-entry: https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/
nertzy joined the channel
↩️ Dankzij standaarden als Webmention of ActivityPub kan dezer dagen ook een ‘gewone’ website als het ware deel worden van een open ‘sociaal netwerk’
nertzy, shoesNsocks1, hendursaga, [chrisaldrich], jjuran and tetov-irc joined the channel