Lohn<[snarfed]> "Lohn: https://indieweb.org/code..." <- Yes, I read that before asking. I understand I can use external softwares like pastebin/phorkie to host it. But I was thinking in a more Indieweb way of doing this.
LohnThe use case is to post code snippets in a article. Not only in the body of article, but with a dedicated page for it. Well, exactly the way people used to do with github gist, but self hosted in the blog. Like Aaaron does.
[snarfed]Sure! I get the idea. Sounds great! I think you can do all of those without mf2 though. The main reason for mf2 if some _other_ site or service wants to read your post or snippet and do something with it. eg a webmention receiver that wants to parse a comment or like
[tantek]there's no need for any explicit markup like u-code or u-snippet until someone at least documents a consuming code use-case for them, and perhaps even starts prototyping it
[tantek]to be fair, it's not silly at all. it's been a custom for a loooong time to markup things "optimistically" that someone might figure out a use someday
[tantek]took a similarly long time to figure out that that didn't work out well in practice. lots of things never ever consumed (so extra work done for no benefit), and many things marked up in ways not useful for actual consuming use-cases, and lastly, worst of all, lots of things accidentally incorrectly marked up, creating a lot of noise for potential future consuming applications, in some cases preventing them from working properly
LohnAnd today I was writing an article with snippets, so I was looking if there is a way to share it without hardcoding it the article. I thought that because it is a part of the article but at the same time a piece of self content information. Like a picture or a video.
@AndreJaenisch↩️ @CarlKDE@fedora Ich steh auch gerade vorm spannenden Problem, wie Kollaboration über verschiedene Plattformen hinweg möglich sein kann.
So ein Silo wie @github hat den „Vorteil“, dass alle Nutzer auf dem gleichen System sitzen
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