#dev 2021-08-21

2021-08-21 UTC
doosboox6, jeremycherfas, jacky, gRegor, oodani, hendursa1, [jacky] and sknebel joined the channel
Do you need to use the bridgy "publish" feature to create a GitHub issue via Bridgy?
Or is there another way?
snarfed++ for all the help re: GitHub.
snarfed has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (48 in all channels)
!tell snarfed Good luck with the migration! I love Flask.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[KevinMarks] and tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ I’ve had an account limit on this SaaS-service of mine since the start, as it’s very much a side project and I don’t want an influx of users to kill the experience for the current users (and I probably should bump it soon): https://webmention.herokuapp.com/
gRegor joined the channel
just found out my webmentions were broken. so much better now
rockorager, hendursaga and jamietanna joined the channel
capjamesg[d] that's how I've done it before - I'd guess an alternative is to write your own syndication client for i.e. MF2 -> GitHub?
jamietanna +1
I'll probably just do it with Bridgy.
No need to overcomplicate it right now.
jamietanna quick question: how do you host your site?
morning! capjamesg yes, Bridgy Publish is the name for that Bridgy feature. not sure if that answers the question...?
[snarfed]: capjamesg[d] left you a message 5 hours, 43 minutes ago: Good luck with the migration! I love Flask.
Yep. It does [snarfed]!
capjamesg[d] currently it's Hugo -> AWS CloudFront, backed by S3,
Seirdy and nertzy joined the channel
↩️ Two solutions: Either you have an API that commits that comment to your git-repo which then triggers a rebuild. Or you see inline rendering of comments as a progressive enhancement and fallback to a link to a dynamically rendered page. I do the latter for my Webmentions.
Had a thought today while I was RSVP-ing to the IndieAuth popup session. One reason I’ve hesitated to add a UI in Micro.blog for RSVP-ing (you have to manually add the RSVP mf2) is that most things you link to aren’t going to support RSVP-ing. What if there was a way to discover if a Webmention endpoint supported RSVPs? Then an app like Micro.blog could let you link to something and if it supported RSVPs, it could prompt like: â€
you want to also send an RSVP to this event? [yes/no]”
Good idea? Bad idea? Haven’t totally thought it through but maybe it fits with some of the Webmention querying discussion lately.
i would think that if a page has h-event markup and also a webmention endpoint then it is likely to support RSVPs
obviously not 100% guaranteed but i'd be curious to see the split on how many are supported
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[manton] is your definition of "support RSVPs" custom display for them on the receiving end? RSVP wms gracefully degrade to plain replies that display the response (yes, no, etc), so I'm not sure that support is strictly necessary...?
Yeah, I guess I’m thinking of alternative workflows to simplify creating RSVPs without the user needing to think about it.
aaronpk probably has the right idea, look at whether the target page has an h-event, and if so, automatically show the RSVP UI
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Hi all! There is no post kind for code snippets? I read the wiki, but there is no mention a kind for it. And I liked the way Master Aaronpk and Pstuifzand hosts it, but I found no clue how they do it.
[snarfed] [manton] : yeah, if a page has h-event and supports webmentions I think it'd be fine. something will go through. although the UI should make it clear that "RSVP" doesnt necessarily register you for the event - if that's the goal, some extra markup would be needed (should IMHO be a h-event property then), not sure how to do that well though....
Cool, thanks everyone. Checking the markup makes sense. I may try to experiment with this.
Seirdy, tetov-irc, gRegorLove__ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel