#dev 2021-08-20

2021-08-20 UTC
Seirdy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed++ good read
snarfed has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
jacky joined the channel
@easyaspython would django-webmention be a good fit for a website like Django Packages? I haven't looked the protocol for a while, but I keep stumbling on websites that use webmentions and I was curious.
jacky, Seirdy, hendursa1, tetov-irc and nertzy joined the channel
Quick question about the Micropub media endpoint test suite. The last step is " The URL exists and has the expected content type (image/jpeg)" My blog takes a few minutes for an image to show up since Jekyll needs to do its thing. Is there a way that the test suite could check for the image on request?
Rather than doing it automatically.
I can see the image the endpoint created. The test suite doesn't verify it though.
jacky and [manton] joined the channel
[capjamesg] Not sure if this will help you, but if you’re writing your own Micropub endpoint anyway, one thing I do in Micro.blog: when an image is uploaded, I copy it to the web server right away rather than waiting to run it through Hugo first.
jacky joined the channel
given it's not unlikely to cause problems if the image isnt there, I dont think thats something where the test suite should give leeway
if the spec doesnt explicitly allow that case
I guess it could have a "check again now" button for that case, you could open an issue about that
I have the same problem as capjamesg[d] I was thinking of moving my media into a dedicated hosting to speed up uploads, but I never found enough motivation on doing it
I think it boils down to https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#response-2 the medias endpoint do not allow you to return a 202 accepted like the micropub basic endpoint
pretty much, yes. which would be a fine issue to raise against the spec
sknebel In my case, the content and image will be available at pretty much the same time, give or take a few seconds.
So to the end user whether or not the image is available straight away or after Jekyll builds and the post with which the image is associated there is not difference.
I would love a "check again now" button on the test suite.
it is relevant if the client expects your endpoint to conform to spec and actually serve the image
e.g. because it wants to show a preview
sknebel: I'm opening an issue on the spec repo
nolith has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
sknebel: https://abisso.org/stream/2021/08/20/micropub-async-media/ I almost syndicated it twice. I forgot that I have github (via brid.gy) as part of my CI
[Alessio Caiazza] Media endpoint should allow async processing
hendursaga, gRegor, ben_thatmustbeme and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
nolith How did you respond via your website?
Or did you respond on GitHub and have the response syndicate to your site?
capjamesg[d]: through bridgy
sknebel How do you create the original post that shows all the commits / issues etc.?
I know that bridgy sends me webmentions with post contents. Do I need to create that first thread?
[Alessio Caiazza] Media endpoint should allow async processing
[Alessio Caiazza] Media endpoint should allow async processing
sigh, Loqi
^^^ bridgy if setup to publish to github sees the "reply" to the issue list and thus knows where to file the issue
bridgy docs for details on how it works exactly
(I hope I'm understanding your question correctly)
thanks sknebel! I think you are
capjamesg bridgy only sends you github comments and reactions, not original issues
jacky joined the channel
sknebel Thanks!
And thanks [snarfed]!
Do I need to link to my GitHub profile in my h-card for bridgy to work?
I got a " Could not find GitHub account for jamesg.blog. Check that your GitHub profile has jamesg.blog in its web site or link field, then try signing up again." message 😦
Rattroupe joined the channel
"My blog takes a few minutes for an image to show up..." I have kind of a similar issue with my blog, bridge, and webmentions
Bridgy won't accept a publish link if the article isn't there yet. So I have to push the article to my blog, then run the webmention process, then push it again
I understand why it does that but it's annoying
capjamesg[d]: might be http/https confusion on the link on github
capjamesg the opposite, your GH profile (eg https://github.com/snarfed/ ) needs to link to your web site
capjamesg oh, sorry, that's the error message from a publish attempt. That means you need to sign up for Bridgy GitHub on https://brid.gy/
(you need to re-auth with every different silo you want to use)
ah, looks like you are signed up. then yes, once your GH profile links to your web site, you'll want to re-auth
unrelated, Bridgy is roughly halfway through a huge migration from webapp2 to Flask. Big project, but pretty straightforward, nothing too tricky or unusual. Contributions are welcome! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1037
[snarfed] #1037 Port from webapp2 to Flask
jacky joined the channel
snarfed has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel
seriously considering making an IndieAuth PAM module for my servers to be able to SSH into them using IndieAuth...
That would be useful
[Gabriele_Girel] and westie[d] joined the channel