#dev 2021-09-02

2021-09-02 UTC
rockorager, j12t, nsmsn, hendursa1, neocow, nertzy__, tetov-irc, hendursaga, chenghiz_, [grantcodes] and push-f joined the channel
After a lot of confusion, site search is now on the IndieWeb search engine I am building: https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=site%3A%22jamesg.blog%22+micropub
[edit] After a lot of confusion, site search is now on the IndieWeb search engine I am building: https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=site%3A%22jamesg.blog%22+micropub
capjamesg has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
Featured snippets for most of the wiki are out now too.
I am not running on the most powerful servers so pagerank will have to wait 😦
rockorager and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
food for thought for devs / users / complexity: https://twitter.com/heydonworks/status/1432625505161908230
Anyone who says “HTML isn’t a programming language” has to accept their own implication that markup syntax is for direct human consumption. They should only be allowed to read the source of websites, not the rendered pages.
Searching the source for URL strings and filenames is the only way to access a lot of sites these days.
i like how often he stirs up this argument on twitter 😂
ugh, I hate this kind of argument. from both sides.
uhm, why does twtr.io lead to a namecheap parking page?
slash why does Loqi link it if it does that
also an odd argument. I don't know that anyone thinks eg JPEG or MP3 are programming languages, but we also don't therefore think everyone should look at them in hex editors 😆
he's definitely trying hard though!
@RegyptianStrut How in the fuck did you get a PhD lamo *muted*
mmmmm hexeditors++
hexeditors has 1 karma over the last year
especially if it's online and has CSS to make it look like hex displays do in movies (Matrix, Terminator, etc.)
oh no i thought i removed all instances of twtr.io from Loqi
uh it's been in permalinks for a while?
(when people share twitter links)
so it's in the archives. the domain should work regardless (or else all those links break)
i rewrote the archives
at least the ones where it autolinks from the twitter search results
why does https://spec.indieweb.org/ link websub to a (red) editor's draft on github.io instead of the (blue) recommendation on w3.org?
same for webmention
probably because it hasn't been updated in a while
no the links are correct, they are to the "latest version" URLs
maybe what's at the destination needs updating?
we have updates to WebSub and Webmention since the RECs right?
they also need to be updated! the websub draft is older than the REC
apparently not
really? not even errata?
cause if we did, that's where they'd b
hmm, yeah if there's no updates since the REC then showing the REC would be better
from the URLs that are being used
that is, spec.indieweb.org shouldn't change
the places it's linking to for websub & webmention should be updated
shoesNsocks and tetov-irc joined the channel
RE: those Heydon tweets, there have been some pretty (imo) stupid arguments in his replies for the last few days about the topic, likely fueled the current rant 😄
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel