#dev 2021-09-04

2021-09-04 UTC
[snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [benatwork], [Rose], [schmarty], [grantcodes], [Matt_Maldre], tetov-irc, shoesNsocks, jjuran, voxpelli, sebbu, hendursaga, hendursa1 and [Serena] joined the channel
Hey, someone ping me?
Huh, I wonder why the Twitter link doesn’t link back to my site. It used to, and I hadn’t made any changes (well apart from automatic updates of Wordpress plugins)
tetov-irc and hendursaga joined the channel
So far I have indexed 221 domains on indieweb-search.jamesg.blog (max 1,000 pages indexed per domain). So excited!
Now I just need to work on improving relevance.
[fluffy] joined the channel
Welcome [Serena]! Looks like [chrisaldrich] did.
We were curious what happened with the Bridgy link in your tweet. Makes sense that you wants to link from the tweet back to your original post. When did that stop working and which plugins are you running? (Perhaps GWG can help)
The bridgy link stays till it's replaced by the real link, otherwise bridgy publish won't publish.
Of course, it should check for those links periodically if it doesn't go
[manton] and Seich joined the channel
GWG, that doesn't make sense, this is about the link in the POSSE tweet, not the link in the original post
either way there's a bug here, and either Bridgy Publish is mistakenly including the brid.gy link in the POSSE copy on Twitter, or the WP plugin is mistakenly asking Bridgy Publish to do so. which is it?
Well, that I'm not sure, snarfed and I need to chat
↩️ I see, it looks like you'd closed comments on that post and someone must have finally fixed the issue in the WP plugin that still allowed webmentions despite the setting. :) (http://boffosocko.com/2021/09/03/55795444/?replytocom=335744#respond)
[tantek] the usual way this bug happens is that the link is originally in the post itself, like GWG mentions, which Bridgy reads and includes in the POSSE copy
and yes, afaik it's usually WordPress
should Bridgy be filtering out such self-links for Bridgy Publish?
[snarfed]: Could Bridgy exclude it if in a u-syndication link
or that
it could! esp if it only filters exactly that link text. good feature request!
(the link itself is required, to prove publish intent, but the text obviously isn't)
most sites manage to put the link outside e-content, so Bridgy doesn't see it, but I guess some have themes or other plugins that interfere with GWG's plugin? Not sure
[snarfed]: I can't control where it ends up in a theme
I'll do some tweaking though
[snarfed]: not to distract you from the very important work of twitter's contest, but I am getting some pretty weird/inconsistent responses from granary trying to subscribe to a new list
https://i.imgur.com/nEWiquz.png for example i entered a list ID, and it fetched it properly, but then the URL displayed doesn't have the list ID in it
if I try to visit what I think it's trying to tell me the URL is, I get an error "Twitter ids must be integers; got @app"
I tried enough combinations of things and found one that works: https://granary.io/twitter/@me/1433267860172800001/@app/?...
no "@list" in the URL, and the list name itself doesn't work
hendursaga, adi_onl, chenghiz_, tetov-irc and Seirdy joined the channel