#dev 2021-09-07

2021-09-07 UTC
Seirdy, rhiaro, Zegnat, stevestreza, willnorris, wagle, chee, klez, justache and npd[m] joined the channel
aaronpk Thanks 🙂
jonnybarnes joined the channel
What is microsub?
Microsub is a proposed standard for creating a new generation of social readers that decouples the management of subscriptions to feeds and the parsing/delivering content from the user interface and presentation of the content https://indieweb.org/microsub
snarfed++ for creating the IndieMap domain .txt files.
snarfed has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (54 in all channels)
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Well this is a first...
A site has scraped an article from my blog and posted it on theirs. They think I am just a coffee blog, evidently, because the post was about micropub.
↩️ There are quite a few alternatives to this. Seen OpenID? Both the original and OpenID Connect? Seen the Web Authentication API? https://webauthn.guide/ Seen the old Mozilla Persona/WebID work? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Persona Seen IndieAuth? https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
hendursa1, jonnybarnes, tetov-irc, hendursaga, PaddyF and [snarfed] joined the channel
welcome capjamesg!
[Serena] Bridgy was getting various errors from mod_security trying to fetch your posts, both 406es and 403s, but it looks like you've fixed it, and now the problem is on Bridgy's end. try disabling and re-enabling publish on https://brid.gy/twitter/vishae ?
[snarfed] Thanks for looking into it, I’ll check it out tomorrow morning.
snarfed 😄
voxpelli, mackeveli_, KartikPrabhu and jonnybarnes joined the channel
Hello, y'all! I've been interested in the Indieweb community lately, so I've spent the last couple of weeks periodically working on a personal site. I've got no prior experience in CSS, so it's been an experience
Anyways, I was trying to create a homepage with cards that would act as navigation. The cards would be an unordered list in a grid, and each list item should hold an img and a link. My plan was for the image to be transparent and only appear when the user hovers over the card, but also for the link text to be at the center of the card and be clickable from anywhere in the card. I've been having a lot of trouble doing this, however, so
was wondering if I could get some help.
This is my current HTML and CSS
This is the current abomination
jonnybarnes joined the channel
mackaveli_ welcome! centering with CSS is surprisingly tricky. I don't have a soluion for you, but others here might eventually
capjamesg re Instagram PESOS, as a hack, if you install the Bridgy browser extension, you can then get mf2 translated IG posts out of it, eg https://brid.gy/post/instagram/snarfed/2516915848395193728_420973239
more background on the URLs, https://brid.gy/about#source-urls
Genius! Thanks!
grantcodes[d] and [Justin_Walsh] joined the channel
mackaveli_ it seems like you're doing a lot of things with CSS in parallel and I'm not sure where to start with what you have. You can have cards in a grid more simply than that - flex and flex-wrap work for that and scale to different sizes, eg how I do it here https://svgshare.com/
I found this site useful for thinking about CSS layout https://every-layout.dev/
<[KevinMarks]> "mackaveli_ it seems like you'..." <- Yeah, my CSS is pretty gnarly. I'm pretty much learning it as I build the site and I'm sure it shows. Your site pretty much looks like what I'm trying to achieve with the grid so I'll take a look at it later today
<[KevinMarks]> "I found this site useful for..." <- And I'll DEF look at this too
@mackeveli_ if you want the image to just appear on hover, one solution would be to use a `background-image` and the `:hover` selector. I threw something very rough together on Codepen to show what I mean: https://codepen.io/theadhocracy/pen/mdwRPOp
feel free to fork etc. 🙂
In general, if you're after a grid layout, then CSS Grid is a good start. It has the added benefit of giving you access to rules like `place-content` and `place-items` which will align child elements on both the X and Y axis, making centering surprisingly quick (Flexbox also gives you access to these commands)
Mixing Grid or Flex with absolute positioning is a little trickier, but definitely still doable; alternatively, consider setting the image on a pseudo-element with `::before` or `::after`
(Though this all assumes you're okay with the images being inaccessible to non-sighted users, but that seemed likely given the context)
Also, +1 for Every Layout 👍 Some other very useful places for picking up CSS include https://moderncss.dev/ (or just search for Stephanie Eckles on Twitter) and https://www.joshwcomeau.com/ (for Josh, if you are struggling with `z-index` I've not come across a better explainer than their article: https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/stacking-contexts/)
<Murray[d]> "@mackeveli_ if you want the..." <- This is really elegant, I appreciate it (: my use-case is a bit different, though, since I want the text to be a link and for it to "take up" the whole card so that pressing anywhere on the card will navigate me to the link. The problem is that I've tried this and I guess the anchor overlaps the img so the img doesn't appear or doesn't know it's being hovered over. I'm not sure
hendursaga joined the channel
Is there a term for folks who claim to speak for / be experts about "web3" when they can't even build a web1 site?
if i want to offer my resume to visitors of my personal web page what's the most operationally secure way to achieve this (such that my resume can't be scrubbed by bots)
or is that just bad practice
depends on your goals
in general, just robots.txt
beyond that, what concrete harm are you trying to prevent from robots reading your resume?
spam calls / emails
lots of techniques for obfuscating email addrs and phone numbers on web sites, we're not experts...but in general, that's an arms race that you're probably out-resourced in
(you'll get a long way with eg "my first name AT this domain" though)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
@macheveli_ not a problem, there are two ways I can think of to solve for that. I've updated the pen to show them: https://codepen.io/theadhocracy/pen/mdwRPOp
the first wraps each `<li>` in an anchor, which will just work but could be a little iffy from a semantic perspective. Alternatively, you can set the `<a>` tag within to be the width/height of the `<li>` and then re-center the content using Flex (or Grid, but Flex probably makes more sense here)
(I should note, I'm testing this in Firefox, not sure if other browsers might trip on certain bits)
[pfefferle] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Another thing to consider is that hover doesn't work on mobile, so your clever highlight won't show up for a lot of users
(you can trigger a hover by scrolling, but it is more of an accident)
[KevinMarks]: Dam, in all my hype around this little feature I never even considered that :\
Oh, btw, I should probs avoid Matrix-specific stuff like replies in this chat, huh? Sorry about that
You could also trigger based on the `<a>` event, but it would be a flash-and-gone type thing 😄 (assuming a decent internet connect, otherwise it might hang around for a bit)
In chrome android I get a flash of the image before the link loads in your code pen
Hmm I may have to rethink the design tbh because none of that seems ideal for mobile users. What a bummer, but at least it'll help me simplify things.
tetov-irc and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Reminder for npd and [snarfed] that zegnat has a nice article on rel-me: https://wiki.zegnat.net/media/the-real-deal-about-rel-me.html
thanks [chrisaldrich]!
I may take a small swing at such an article which I could add to your effort [snarfed]. Not sure how much time I can dedicate to it until this weekend. Do you have a timeline for submitting it?
Seirdy joined the channel
!tell capjamesg, If you're looking for a fun micropub related server project outside of just for your own site, I've always thought it would be fun to build a brid.gy like micropub service (perhaps using Granary as a translation layer) that would take a feed input (RSS, Atom, h-feed, JSON feed, etc..) from silos and create a micropub post to anyone's site as a means of universal PESOS to a variety of indieweb sites.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
no timeline, but the catch is the 750 word limit. that draft is already 440 ish words, and I want to spend a solid chunk of the rest addressing their rubrics, so there isn't a lot of room for expansion per se
so there's room for revision! but probably not much expansion
"apologies this entry is so long, we didn't have time to make a shorter" 😐
I sort of wonder if IFTTT.com, Zapier, etc. would let you build a micropub service on top of them so that you could take a variety of inputs and output to an authenticated micropub endpoint? Then you could leverage the thousands of integrations they've got with silos to indiewebify them in a sense.
short answer is yes, they support arbitrary POSTs
Most of the solutions I've seen so far are a scan one word long: blockchain. :face_vomiting:
auth is one key challenge
but yeah if you expect users to set up the IFTTT etc rules themselves, and plug in hard-coded micropub tokens, auth will Just Work
(also re the bluesky contest, sounds like the official entries aren't on Twitter. they have three so far, bottom of https://blueskyweb.org/satellite )
(also for those following along, [chrisaldrich] may be the most qualified of any of us to talk about an IFTTT PESOS service 😁 https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/21/using-ifttt-to-syndicate-pesos-content-from-social-services-to-wordpress-using-micropub/ )