#dev 2021-09-08
2021-09-08 UTC
[tantek] seemed like an interesting dev read on things that we've debated discussed about personal sites and plumbing before: https://www.baldurbjarnason.com/2021/single-page-app-morality-play/

[tantek] s/IndieAuth is a official W3C standard (ie Technical Recommendation)./IndieAuth was published as a W3C Note (https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth) by the Social Web Working Group, and is subsequently maintained as a Living Standard by the IndieWeb community (https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/)

@kevinmarks ↩️ Depends which bits of the twitter experience you want; you have a blog, you could integrate webmentions and hook up http://brid.gy to get twitter replies. You could use websub to read feeds and post responses with micropub (twitter.com/_/status/1435412624540377097)
@kevinmarks ↩️ Depends which bits of the twitter experience you want; you have a blog, you could integrate webmentions and hook up http://brid.gy to get twitter replies. You could use websub to read feeds and post responses with micropub (twitter.com/_/status/1435412624540377097)
mdas and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[fluffy], maxwelljoslyn[d] and jonnybarnes joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Looks like you need to email them snarfed. There is an email on the Satellite page.

jonnybarnes joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [chrisaldrich] re: PESOS for feeds I like that idea. I'd need to have a use case for myself first but I like the idea 😄

hendursa1, jonnybarnes, tetov-irc and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
@NeilKNet You want to cross-post between Twitter and Flickr and then 15 years later https://twitter.com/blaine/status/1435317481393074192 (twitter.com/_/status/1435319982326378499)
hendursaga, jonnybarnes and hhg joined the channel
hendursaga and angelo joined the channel
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jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna GWG share the links - I can have a look at some point, but if others are around to help too please do!

GWG jamietanna: This is for the start of Token Introspection https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/pull/217
GWG This adds the option to turn a create scope into a draft scope even if not originally requested https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/pull/213
GWG And this adds an experimental Ticket Auth receiving endpoint https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/pull/212
GWG jamietanna: Also wrote the PR proposal for refresh https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/90
GWG And introspection https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/94
GWG And accessing protected resources https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/95
Ruxton, bitmega, shoesNsocks and strugee joined the channel
@freshyill @TheGreenGreek Heads up,there's a broken image in your Eleventy/Webmentions tutorial. https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/ (twitter.com/_/status/1435688029188939782)
capjamesg[d] How should I distinguish category / emoji / tags / whatever from a regular post feed?

capjamesg[d] [tankek] this is sort of a problem for more “competitive” queries.

capjamesg[d] Where sometimes lists rank high because they have a lot of relevant heading / mentions of a keyword.

capjamesg[d] A category of pages tagged as Coffee on my blog will contain lots of Coffee pages.

capjamesg[d] and will probably rank well for them too because of the density.

bitmega joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Yeah. Feed pages are subject to change.

capjamesg[d] And I haven’t set up a regular reindex yet.

capjamesg[d] But that’s already coded. I just need to instruct the crawler to recrawl when I am ready.

capjamesg[d] aaronpk love it.

capjamesg[d] There is a 1000 page crawl budget so I’d much prefer to let sites spend it on important content.

capjamesg[d] I could basically treat them as follow, no index.

capjamesg[d] And index links instead.

capjamesg[d] (Pages linked to from the category page, sorry)

capjamesg[d] I agree re: searching web pages. I have been using the engine mainly to find docs / examples / code / fun articles.

capjamesg[d] [tantek] I have thought about recency.

capjamesg[d] It’s going on my list of ideas.

capjamesg[d] Agree that recency is good especially for some terms that are time bound.

capjamesg[d] What was the example of a result without the term on page aaronpk?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "example of a result without the term on page aaronpk" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "example of a result without the term on page aaronpk is ____", a sentence describing the term)

capjamesg[d] No thanks loqi.

capjamesg[d] I’ll check the index tomorrow.

capjamesg[d] Good to know.

capjamesg[d] I can weigh feeds of old content lower in rankings. Not sure if I’ll remove them though re: [tantek]s comment.

aaronpk on the "slightly odd but technically correct" end of the spectrum, "habanero" also returns my https://aaronparecki.com/emoji/%F0%9F%93%BA page where there are a bunch of unrelated posts on top of it

capjamesg[d] Interesting.

bitmega joined the channel
bitmega joined the channel
bitmega joined the channel
capjamesg[d] +1

capjamesg[d] aaronpk particularly curious to hear from you on queries that have a broader surface area / are likely to be addressed by multiple sites.

capjamesg[d] The engine was designed only for my blog so it has almost been a full rewrite.

capjamesg[d] I have most of the logic now for integrating with the microformats / IndieWeb wikis but I need to start looking at relevance for them.

capjamesg[d] Maybe a bit too heavy on mine but I write a lot about recipes

capjamesg[d] That’s sort of where tag pages are helpful haha 🙂

capjamesg[d] Because a few show up on that list that would not if they were no indexed.

capjamesg[d] OAuth is almost all your site 😂

capjamesg[d] I really need to fix those meta descriptions.

bitmega and tetov-irc joined the channel
npd[m] ah, I honestly wasn't thinking as much about IndieAuth at all
npd[m] like I thought the Mastodon example is a really strong one, and maybe not as highlighted as it could be. Mastodon can verify links (and provide some evidence along with a checkmark) without an authentication step, just using the publicly observable symmetric rel-me links
npd[m] when I was looking at this, it actually seemed to me like the main challenge is that a surprising number of accounts don't allow for user-controlled profile fields to point back to a personal URL
npd[m] like the Matrix spec includes profile information, but it's not really implemented much yet
Seirdy joined the channel
npd[m] yeah, I think it'll help in the future to encourage that. many people will encounter me through some silo'd service originally (like this Matrix account I'm chatting with right now), and we'd like to be able to provide verification to them of my other accounts
npd[m] my other thought was that I'm not sure you need to fill out the rubric yourself, that's just how Jay et al. will be evaluating proposals
npd[m] and maybe more to the point, I don't think this would be scored low on originality -- we're evaluating the tradeoffs of using this existing technology to apply to this use case
npd[m] okay cool
npd[m] I think the symmetric links are more effective than service-by-service authentication in order to show common identity
npd[m] there are caveats about repeatedly testing verification over time, and making sure the links are provided the same to everyone, but I think the robustness comes from having those links public and easily auditable by anyone
npd[m] and if we wanted to talk about areas to make improvements, I think it's making it as easy as possible to add links in any new service's profile, and ideally to specify that those links are that person with rel-me
npd[m] yeah, I think the stop-gap is to interpret profile links from known silos as implicitly identity-providing. so that the symmetric link is still some kind of verification, even though ideally it would be symmetric with both sides explicitly stating identity
npd[m] that's what this XFN page describes under "Identity consolidation": http://gmpg.org/xfn/and/
npd[m] but your suggested alternative is to implement OAuth dances for every such silo, right? that seems like a much higher burden of API implementation
npd[m] but yeah, figuring out implicit symmetric links for large silo's requires some custom code for those silos, to grab profile data and to determine that some links or fields are useful for inferring identity