#dev 2021-09-11
2021-09-11 UTC
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu1, Tirezias[d] and oodani joined the channel
capjamesg[d] tantek re: mobile, offline first, auto-server-syncing… micropub-based… Could this be done with the web or would it be better to build something native to the mobile device?

capjamesg[d] I’m curious how this would work on the web.

capjamesg[d] TIL HTML5 offline storage is a thing.

jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna GWG sorry for the late reviews, some good stuff you've been raising :+1:

hendursa1 joined the channel
capjamesg[d] aaronpk How does one render a video / audio component in Monocle? I have provided some in my "html" jf2 content but the text is being rendered instead.

capjamesg[d] [KevinMarks] I'll probably do it with Feedparser because I'm using the library quite a bit.

[KevinMarks] Adding h-feed to feedparser is one of those "I should get to that" tasks I've been procrastinating for years

capjamesg[d] [KevinMarks] such support would be excellent.

capjamesg[d] I am processing h-feeds separately but would love to have support built in.

capjamesg[d] I have to check the content type then make a determination about whether a feed is rss/atom vs. a potential h-feed.

capjamesg[d] I should probably add something into the DB with feed type because I already have a discovery function written.

capjamesg[d] I have to document the DB anyway and write a seed program for the project.

[KevinMarks] There is a bit of a mismatch in the data models which is what put me off as h-feeds are richer than rss/Atom.

[KevinMarks] Also feed PTSD from Technorati

capjamesg[d] Side note: I finally got around to fixing the charts on the IndieWeb Search index page. "There are 146,854 pages indexed across 715 domains on the IndieWeb search engine."

capjamesg[d] Not bad.

tetov-irc, [grantcodes] and Allie joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Allie it depends on the size of your project.

capjamesg[d] Static generators are great for multiple pages but they add a lot of overhead to a project.

Allie we do *a lot* of these :D
Allie way back in the day i'd probably just use wordpress for this tbh
Allie but that is a lot of clientside overhead which i want to avoid
Allie trying to see if i can find an example that's not significantly NDA'd :D
Murray[d] Depending on how big a *lot* is, consider that an SSG will need to rebuild *everything* each time you make a change or add a new page. For 10s of pages, rebuild times are negligible, for 100s it's enough to make small changes feel slow, and for thousands it can get a little daunting. All of this can be mitigated with server-side caching and some SSGs are moving towards hybrid rebuild models that help a lot.

Murray[d] From experience, the biggest issue with rebuilds is stakeholders who want to "just see a tweak for a second" or need a typo fixed "now". SSGs add lag time and I've had a few angry meetings with Marketing or Content as a result 😄 (We're still only talking minutes of time here, and yes this can be remedied with robust previewing practices and sign off workflows, but just something I've ran in to)

Allie Murray[d]: minutes is very quick compared to all the other things that need to happen for the platform build :D
Allie "due to the technical constraints of operating a virtual event platform at scale, that is an unreasonable requirement" is a common phrase i utter :D
Murray[d] On the plus side, I really enjoy the combo of headless CMS + SSG from a content authoring perspective, and the decoupling means that Content teams can be more fluid about where/how they create/edit/manage their own work (as someone who used to run a Content team, this was immensely satisfying :D)

Allie bah, i can't find an example which doesn't have privileged client information on it :D
Allie welcome to virtual venues, it's ridiculous
Allie Murray[d]: what headless CMSes do you like?
Murray[d] Headless support is increasingly being built in, so if you have a license you get a GraphQL API out of the box, though I've never actually used that (last time I was using Craft commercially was before that release, and we were using a third-party GQL plugin that was incredibly simple, and I believe partially used to base the new first-party feature off)

Allie we're in a bit of a weird position where we effectively want (for the want of a better example) internally-hosted squarespace!
Allie each event has it's own branding, and so the SSG needs to be able to apply per-event colours/fonts/etc.
Allie but it also doesn't need any navigation/furniture, because that all comes with the platform itself
Allie it's literally just a case of "put some arbitrary content on a nice responsive page, apply colours + logos"
Allie ... oh, i like that a lot
Allie now, let's see how badly their licensing model breaks down for us... :D
Allie ha, very badly
Allie Murray[d]: cheers, i am goign to spend some time on this this week and i will no doubt report back my experiences
Allie this is exactly why i asked here :D
Allie Murray[d]: i would pay An Amount Of Money for that
Allie we build a lot of microsites for conferences/etc
Allie Murray[d]: the nice thing about productising it is that you can take other people's money to fund it ;)
Allie we've had internal conversations about forking owncast's frontend and tearing out the streaming/CDN stuff (we have our own video CDN already) and using it as the base for a small conference player/interaction platform
jamietanna Very true. I still think we should align with OAuth2, and leave it up to implementers to decide how they manage it

jamietanna Or did we say there would be a difficulty for some Resource Servers like Aperture?

hendursaga joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Anyone up for testing if they get a webmention from me?

jamietanna Go for it - if you send me one to my profile URL, I'll check webmention.io's dashboard

capjamesg[d] Thanks. Two mins.

capjamesg[d] Loved your salary page by the way jamietanna. jamietanna++

capjamesg[d] I just set up webmention.app and it's hard for me to verify it's working without creating a post and seeing if someone gets a Webmention 🙂

jamietanna Yep, got that webmention!

capjamesg[d] Oh yay!

capjamesg[d] It's hooked up to all of my social pages so whenever I post a like, bookmark, etc. I should automatically send a webmention.

jamietanna Thanks very much re salary - hoping to get more folks to share if possible, but worst case, people get to compare against mine

jamietanna Nice one

jamietan1a joined the channel
jamietanna capjamesg[d] I see that each h-entry doesn't have its own `u-uid` / `u-url` so https://jamesg.blog/likes/ is notifying me that the whole page has changed - making each one have a custom URL (i.e. via a fragment) would scope that a bit better. I'm not sure if webmention.app does deduplication though

jamietanna *deduplication in the sense that "if I've already sent this, and the content of that entry hasn't changed, don't send it

capjamesg[d] jamietanna I actually have this in my notes.

capjamesg[d] Does a feed of likes need to be marked up with u-like-of, etc.?

alex11 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] @allie [Murray] - would Micropub fit for that use case? An editor that knows certain post types and the backend that interprets them? We have a few examples of those already.

rpb, adi_onl and Seirdy joined the channel
jamietanna We don't, but I think that was to make it easier. Because it should only be resource servers (i.e. my personal Micropub endpoint) they should be more comfortable being tightly coupled, rather than fully unauthenticated

jamietanna I'd prefer we align with OAuth2 (requiring authentication) but leave it to people to decide what practicality they want

jamietanna *they want for onboarding different apps / managing client credentials

jamietanna Because the endpoint should only be used by resource servers, not i.e. a Micropub client

bneil joined the channel
jamietanna My point is that I don't think we do need to decide for people - specifying that it requires an `Authorization` header is enough - people can use HTTP Basic / a Bearer token

jjuran, chee and tetov-irc joined the channel