#dev 2021-09-12
2021-09-12 UTC
hendursaga joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]1 wagle I remember seeing some interesting graphs in indie map, but don't remember what software was used.
[chrisaldrich]1 What is indie map?
Loqi indie map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset, made by Ryan Barrett and launched at IndieWeb Summit 2017 https://indieweb.org/indie_map

hendursa1 joined the channel
capjamesg[d] wagle IndieMap used Kumu I think.

capjamesg[d] I like using networkx in Python for networked graph visualizations but it's a bit technical.

capjamesg[d] And structured tree graphs are a pain in networkx.

capjamesg[d] KevinMarks++ on the ETag recommendation.

capjamesg[d] Just implemented into my Microsub server. Will push to Github soon.

Zegnat[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel
capjamesg[d] aaronpk Do any Micropub servers use the Card object?

capjamesg[d] I just saw it in the spec and was wondering if there is an implemented use case.

capjamesg[d] Also, what needs to happen for the standard to advance past the Editors Draft stage?

hendursaga joined the channel
aaronpk it is a W3C REC which is the last stage, and then we moved it to indieweb.org as a "living standard" https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/

[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
GWG aaronpk: I just don't know how to respond to https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/94#discussion_r706652361
capjamesg[d] aaronpk Sorry I meant Microsub.

capjamesg[d] I have been on mobile almost all day and I’m not as good at typing on phones.

[schmarty] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] How does one get involved in these sorts of discussions? Will there be another pop up at some point?

capjamesg[d] I’d be happy to get involved with feature checks.

GWG capjamesg[d]: https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Microsub
capjamesg[d] Thanks GWG!

GWG In IndieAuth, now that I better understand the profile scope, after last month's clarification, how would I know to indicate on the consent screen that the client isn't going to request a token, instead only planning to redeem the authorization code at the authorization endpoint? Or is there no way?
rattroupe[d] I don’t believe you can predict that.

rattroupe[d] I asked at one point if we could have the offline_access scope which the client would have to request in order to get a token, but that was turned down

rattroupe[d] Why do you want to know if the client is going to request a token?

rattroupe[d] Authorio presents the user with checkboxes for each scope (“the client wants to see your email address”) and the user can uncheck them to deny that scope

rattroupe[d] I had wanted offline_access so the user could force the client not to get a token and only do authorization

GWG rattroupe[d]: Got screenshots? https://indieweb.org/consent_screen
rattroupe[d] Haha those are all huge

rattroupe[d] I don’t think Authorio would have anything to add there

Loqi Authorio is a Rails engine / Ruby gem that enables authentication endpoint functionality https://indieweb.org/Authorio

KartikPrabhu and lanodan joined the channel
@u_map_prop I'm testing out webmention support for my blog, where responses on twitter should show up on my website. Any responses to this tweet should show up here: https://owenlynch.org/posts/2020-10-12-rod-and-ring/ (twitter.com/_/status/1437127805909745668)
jamietanna GWG https://media.jvt.me/424fa84a6d.png is what appears when a client doesn't request a scope, but it doesn't currently allow adding other scopes, so it's not ideal

westie[d] and sebbu joined the channel
capjamesg[d] snarfed Can one use Granary to read their Instagram profile page? I am having a lot of trouble using requests with Instagram web resources, even with a user agent supplied. L

lanodan, wackycity[d], tetov-irc, Seirdy and alex11 joined the channel