billbennettnz and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
#[tantek]!tell capjamesg[d] add yourself and your first like post to the end of and let's get back to discussing how to display like posts, both on their own pages, and in a list / feed
#Ruxtondo you work in a new branch, push the branch to githup and shortly after that it'll offer you the ability to PR it against the main repo or branch
#Ruxtonwhat you've been doing and the process that surrounded it looks fine? was there a problem with those?
Nuve joined the channel
#GWGRuxton: Well, these were all ones decided at the Popup. Wondering if I should write some of the other proposals in the form of PRs and have them ready to be approved at the event if there is consensus
#RuxtonThat actually seems super organised to me, no harm in it, only benefits the future.
#GWGThe other is a procedural question. I have an approved PR. Should I merge it, or am I missing things. Specifically, if I have to edit any other files before merging it, because of aaronpk's original comment that I should just edit that file and we'd sort it later
#GWGRuxton: That isn't the issue. It's more, is there something else I have to do, to avoid messing up the deployment.
#RuxtonI'd expect such an issue to be raised in the PR if it was an issue
cambridgeport90[ joined the channel
#GWGI looked at the last commits of a PR. It looks like the PRs are merged, and at some point, aaronpk comes in and does a PR to add a new snapshot
#GWGSo, that seems to support merging is the right thing to do.
#cambridgeport90[I'm wondering... does anyone have any experience with the Statiq site generator, or with the Cofoundry CMS? (both are .NET core related.) I still think that the standards are focused on too narrow a set of technologies. I have been somewhat distracted, but I intend to do something interesting before the yer is out.
[fluffy], [snarfed], hendursa1 and tetov-irc joined the channel
#capjamesg[d]!tell Murray Soon all featured snippets on IndieWeb Search will be programmatically available so you'll be able to get the raw HTML used to show who is results, etc.
#Loqi[dshanske] #88 Extension to Allow Clients to Get Tokens Secured by Ticket
#GWGI still feel like I need better guidance on how to iterate on Ticket Auth and IndieAuth. I feel like my excitement about doing things may cause me to be hasty.