2021-09-25 UTC
akevinhuang2, gerben and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 06:55 capjamesg[d] I like just saying Like ❤️ in the title but that is not very descriptive:)
jamietanna joined the channel
# 09:35 jamietanna GWG apologies for delay on reviewing those IndieAuth spec PRs - I've replied/approved and am just looking at issues I've been tagged in too. Good work!
barryf[d], grantcodes[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel
# 10:45 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 10:45 capjamesg[d] All results pages and direct answers can now be accessed through JSON.
# 10:45 capjamesg[d] I think this opens an interesting world to let people build their own interfaces.
# 10:46 capjamesg[d] (in the vein of the discussion about decentralized search, although clients would rely on the API wrapper)
Jamietanna1, ShinyCyril, akevinhuang and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
# 14:03 [snarfed] moving here from #meta...capjamesg, tantek was interested in how many sites have RSS vs Atom vs h-feed feeds, which you'd get from the type attribute of <link rel="alternate">s
# 14:11 capjamesg[d] I am actually adding a search command that lets you discover feed URLs on a site.
ShinyCyril, [chrisaldrich], interstar, BillSeitz, futureminded, dougholton, MarkDilley, BrunoW, doubleloop, rosano, h0p3, andysylvester, maxwelljoslyn[d], nsmsn, Lars1 and j12t joined the channel
# 18:41 rattroupe[d] what criteria does loqi use to determine which tweets it forwards here?
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 18:52 GWG Thinking about Microsub...oddly while I'm in a session about a different topic.
# 18:53 GWG The structure of Microsub, especially after the popup, seems to be, entries are associated with a source or feed, and sources are associated with a channel.
# 18:53 GWG Wondering how people have been implementing their structure.
christin joined the channel
# 19:16 capjamesg[d] I have only developed a Microsub server so perhaps your question is not relevant to me.
# 19:16 GWG capjamesg[d]: Database or file structure.
# 19:16 GWG So, I'm thinking that my entries are associated with a source. And a channel is a set of sources. But that does make some things more difficult.
# 19:17 GWG capjamesg[d]: Conversely, it makes some other things easier.
# 19:17 GWG The code I'm updating associates the entries with the channels, and there's no easy way to determine source, as it isn't stored in any definable way
# 19:18 capjamesg[d] Databases seemed like the right approach because I was building a single user server and SQLite is nimble and easy to set up.
# 19:18 GWG It isn't so much the actual table structure. It is more the relationship structure within
# 19:19 GWG Yes. So, how do you know the source of an entry?
# 19:20 GWG So, that means I need more structure around my sources.
# 19:21 capjamesg[d] My implementation is what seemed most logical to me when I was reading the spec.
# 19:22 GWG capjamesg[d]: Exactly. But I'm rethinking it.
# 19:22 GWG That's why I want to hear from a few different people to see what their thought process was
# 19:22 GWG Yours is helpful, but I want to go wider.
# 19:23 capjamesg[d] My Microsub server isn’t complete yet so I have my ears open on alternate implementations / new features worth considering.
# 19:24 GWG Jack Jamieson wrote the API code part of the implementation, and I am trying to optimize it a bit.
# 19:25 capjamesg[d] The one thing I didn’t understand much in the spec was the ordering example. But that’s not pertinent to this discussion.
# 19:25 capjamesg[d] This is interesting “Search/Follow/Unfollow should accept either URL or _id”
# 19:26 GWG capjamesg[d]: That's the conversation from the popup.
# 19:26 GWG That prompted me to think about this.
# 19:27 Loqi [swentel] #44 Proposal: channel method to include all sources
# 19:28 GWG I'd love to hear from swentel. He hasn't been around much recently.
# 19:28 capjamesg[d] I don’t have an easy way to implement it because I don’t track sources directly.
# 19:30 GWG capjamesg[d]: But you see where my mind is going reading all the issues/discussions.
# 19:32 capjamesg[d] I do. I’ll take a look at the issues and see if I can leave a comment or two.
westie[d], P1000[d], KartikPrabhu, alex11, akevinhuang2, shoesNsocks, tetov-irc and Saphire joined the channel