#dev 2021-09-27
2021-09-27 UTC
hans1963[d], ShinyCyril and Seirdy joined the channel
ShinyCyril, P1000[d], KartikPrabhu, V1, Nezteb9000[d], corenominal[d], indieweb-irc-bri, aaronpk[d], hoenir, push-f, nolith, willnorris, vilhalmer, Zegnat, petermolnar, Murray[d], tetov-irc and [Will_Monroe]1 joined the channel
@JamieTanna ↩️ Have you looked into #IndieAuth (https://indieauth.net/) it's an open standard from the #IndieWeb community and allows folks to log in via their personal website - it's built on top of OAuth2 so is fairly straightforward to add support for! (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/09/qiwuz/) (twitter.com/_/status/1442445429594001408)
cadeyrn[d] joined the channel
@spazef0rze When you click the FB link, but before the browser loads the page, they change the HREF to l.facebook.com so for the browser, it seems like you clicked the l.fb link. Works with right-click as well, maybe because "copy link". And when you move the mouse back again… Sneaky. https://twitter.com/spazef0rze/status/1442364500737282048/video/1 (twitter.com/_/status/1442364500737282048)
capjamesg[d] TIL <a ping=""></a> is a thing.

@capjamesg ↩️ I am excited by services like http://micro.blog that build upon IndieWeb technologies and abstract the technicalities away. I would love to see more user-facing services that embrace standards like Webmention. (twitter.com/_/status/1442477133025079297)
Ramon[d] and akevinhuang joined the channel
vikanezrimaya Who needs a database when you have a whole filesystem? Surely not me and my website after this update: https://gitlab.com/kittybox/kittybox/-/merge_requests/3
vikanezrimaya what is database antipattern
Loqi The database antipattern is the false assumption that a database is the best option for primary long-term storage of posts and other personal content (like on an indieweb site) https://indieweb.org/database-antipattern

[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] capjamesg [tantek], re counting feed types (RSS vs Atom etc), we can probably get it out of Indiemap from the pages.html field. https://indiemap.org/docs.html#schema-pages
ben_thatmust and [schmarty] joined the channel
GWG [snarfed]: I wrote about this a while back. https://david.shanske.com/2020/02/11/exploring-feed-discovery-and-markup/
capjamesg[d] That’s a good read GWG. I just skimmed but will bookmark it for later.

capjamesg[d] IndieWeb Search only reads RSS / Atom feeds though rel alternate values right now.

capjamesg[d] And h feed too.

capjamesg[d] I haven’t added JSON Feed support yet. (Is there a good Python parser for JSON Feed?)

capjamesg[d] I think both [tantek] as long as you don’t double count.

capjamesg[d] But I haven’t seen many people use rel alternate for HTML h-feeds tbh.

capjamesg[d] Most sites I have inspected just have the markup directly on the page.

capjamesg[d] But that sample size is small. I didn’t realise you could do a rel alternate HTML feed.

hendursaga GWG: did you publish the code somewhere?
[snarfed] some prior art on rel-feed h-feed: https://brid.gy/about#link
capjamesg[d] That would be great if you had that code GWG.

capjamesg[d] Is it code or a endpoint?

[snarfed] capjamesg you may also be interested in https://granary.readthedocs.io/en/v3.2/source/granary.html#module-granary.jsonfeed and https://granary.io/?input=jsonfeed#logins
barryf[d] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I have read the spec much.

capjamesg[d] I wonder how many people use JSON Feed.

capjamesg[d] I might write a converter as a module so anyone can use it.

capjamesg[d] I meant to say “haven’t read…”

capjamesg[d] My mobile typing skills are poor.

capjamesg[d] Oh, JSON Feed will be easy to parse.

capjamesg[d] I thought more work would be needed.

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [snarfed]++

capjamesg[d] Thanks GWG.

mackeveli_ joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I like that idea [tantek].

capjamesg[d] It’s a small detail but would make the relation more consistent with how people often refer to feeds in their code.

capjamesg[d] I haven’t used a rel=feed yet.

capjamesg[d] I don’t remember if I have parsed them for IndieWeb search but I have a feeling I haven’t.

capjamesg[d] It is an interesting idea.

capjamesg[d] I have done some basic exploration of this. You can get rel=me links of a site by using the “social” keyword after a domain name.

capjamesg[d] And feeds using “inspect feed” (but that isn’t out yet). I’d love to summarize this or provide some kind of domain level search.

capjamesg[d] Just for fun but also to show implementations.

[snarfed] agreed, querying rel values is definitely useful! Indiemap supports querying rel values pretty easily, eg https://indiemap.org/graphs/link_rels.png (just indieweb specific ones)
[snarfed] SQL is eg `SELECT r.value, COUNT(*) FROM pages p, p.rels r GROUP BY r.value` on the pages table https://indiemap.org/docs.html#schema-pages
[tantek] so if we're settled on application/mf2+json per https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/52 then perhaps we should consider application/mf2+xml (since that's closest to that and application/xhtml+xml)

[snarfed] (also, re earlier, mf2 class stats by page https://indiemap.org/graphs/mf2_by_pages.png and by site https://indiemap.org/graphs/mf2_by_sites.png )
[tantek] we'd need to write something up like: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#application/xhtml+xml (perhaps even referencing that)

capjamesg[d] Wow. I had no idea how big the HTML spec was.

capjamesg[d] I like this discussion.

capjamesg[d] I wish there as an aboutfeeds.com for how to discover feeds.

capjamesg[d] Because right now one has to do a little bit of digging to learn all the different sorts of feeds they might want to support / how to support them.

capjamesg[d] I do think a MIME type should exist.

capjamesg[d] As a consumer of h-feed I’d love a clear definition on rel= attributes and how they relate to h-feeds specifically.

capjamesg[d] [tantek] “text/mf2+html” is the most literal interpretation.

capjamesg[d] Which I like. But that is personal preference.

capjamesg[d] I had no idea about the ignoring invalid feed components. But it makes sense.

capjamesg[d] Because as someone building an application that depends on the contents of a feed, a malformed feed may cause problems at many different stages.

capjamesg[d] I look for h-feed classes.

capjamesg[d] It’s quite a simple definition but it is fast.

capjamesg[d] And then I look for certain attributes.

capjamesg[d] But if those attributes are not there I have fallbacks.

capjamesg[d] This isn’t so much for search actually, more Microsub feed parsing.

capjamesg[d] Now I come to think of it I need a more robust implementations

capjamesg[d] Indeed.

[tantek] capjamesg[d] I have heard from some folks that "look for h-feed classes" is too much work compared to link rel discovery, because it requires a full HTML parse of the document (just to attempt discovery), whereas I have a feeling there's abbreviated parsing/scraping happening for link rel discovery because it "works well enough"

marksuth joined the channel
[tantek] GWG, since you're doing that (adding to your code), consider filing an issue on https://github.com/microformats/h-feed/issues requesting a Discovery section similar to at least what JSON Feed has? https://www.jsonfeed.org/version/1.1/#discovery

Loqi application/mf2+json is an experimental MIME type for the canonical JSON output of a microformats2 parser that is explicitly consumed by at one implementation (XRay), and published by at least two (Granary, WordPress mf2 feed plugin) https://indieweb.org/application/mf2%2Bjson

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "text/mf2+html" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "text/mf2+html is ____", a sentence describing the term)

akevinhuang2 and shoesNsocks joined the channel
IWSlackGateway, jeremycherfas, marksuth and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
tetov-irc joined the channel
aaronpk, akevinhuang, Seirdy, akevinhuang2, mackeveli_, rommudoh[m] and benatkin joined the channel