#dev 2021-09-28
2021-09-28 UTC
vikanezrimaya, Lohn and [Rose] joined the channel
[tantek] !tell capjamesg[d] reminder: add yourself and your first "like" permalink to the end of this section! https://indieweb.org/like#IndieWeb_Examples

hendursaga and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [tantek] I was just looking at this page: https://microformats.org/wiki/get-started

capjamesg[d] "If you have a blog: add hAtom to your blog pages"

capjamesg[d] Maybe this should be updated to also mention h-feed and other standards one can use.

[tantek] capjamesg[d] — yup, that's in https://microformats.org/wiki/to-do#microformats2_updates 🙂

capjamesg[d] I couldn't edit the wiki by the way 😄

capjamesg[d] In any case, here is my first go at a /why page: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/ee224a4d15b1212d836ca6ba92c96189

capjamesg[d] [edit] In any case, here is my first go at a /why page: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/ee224a4d15b1212d836ca6ba92c96189

capjamesg[d] (The Gist is private)

capjamesg[d] Sorry. I meant to post that in #microformats.

capjamesg[d] Wrong channel.

capjamesg[d] [tantek] I added my likes pages to the wiki.

capjamesg[d] Creating an account.

capjamesg[d] "Please contact an admin to create an account. "

koire and [max] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] What are the advantages of keeping multiple IndieWeb projects separate vs. together? I have been thinking about consolidating my microsub server, micropub client and server, and webmention receiver.

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "advantages of keeping multiple IndieWeb projects separate vs. together" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "advantages of keeping multiple IndieWeb projects separate vs. together is ____", a sentence describing the term)

capjamesg[d] My thinking is that having everything running under one repository would mean I don't need to run three separate apps in the cloud. I'd also be able to provide a quick "get started" stack in one repo for people who want to host their own servers for the above things but don't want to do all of the implementation.

tetov-irc, ShinyCyril, akevinhuang, KartikPrabhu and [manton] joined the channel
justache joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I have not seen many monorepos for IndieWeb projects like micropub / webmention receivers which is why I thought I'd ask about this.

capjamesg[d] Technically, I'd have to consolidate all of the database tables into one file, but that isn't too much hassle.

capjamesg[d] Having them all as a monorepo would make deployment easier.

capjamesg[d] There would be separate README.md files for each project so everything is clear.

capjamesg[d] github.com/microformats/h-feed/

capjamesg[d] My main site is not open source but all of my back-end services are.

capjamesg[d] I noticed you had webmention.io separate from Telegraph, etc.

capjamesg[d] What was your reasoning behind that?

capjamesg[d] I like the argument about independent services. My question is now whether having a "one stop service" is maybe worth considering.

[KevinMarks] it was good insofar they make sense as separate composable protocols

[KevinMarks] and James can build them bit by bit, gradually swapping your implementations for his

capjamesg[d] I agree aaronpk.

capjamesg[d] In my case I am using similar dependencies across the board (bs4, mf2py, etc.) and separate repos means I will need to update dependencies individually.

capjamesg[d] I wonder what impact a monorepo would have on issue filing.

capjamesg[d] There would probably need to be dedicated tags for each service provided so as to ensure "micropub" and "microsub" issues are clearly distinct from a maintainer perspectiev.

capjamesg[d] GWG I left a few comments in some of the h-feed issues you filed. I'll stay posted on them.

capjamesg[d] [snarfed]++ aaronpk++ [KevinMarks]++

[jacky] joined the channel
[tantek] [manton] glad to hear it! And yes the microformats wiki for the h-feed spec, and GitHub for issues: https://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed

capjamesg[d] [tantek] independent evolution is a good argument for keeping them separate.

capjamesg[d] What is a monorepo?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "monorepo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "monorepo is ____", a sentence describing the term)

capjamesg[d] A monorepo is when a software maintainer bundles multiple projects into a single working repository.

capjamesg[d] I’d love to get a few pros and cons on that page

capjamesg[d] (Someone may be able to improve my definition)

[tantek] GWG, that's a loooong conversation. Fundamentally specs/standards are agreements the implementations voluntarily sign-up for because it's more advantageous to them than not. Another way to look at specs (especially single-implementation specs) is that they're implementation documentation that says what the implementation is intended to do.

capjamesg[d] [tantek] You should document that somewhere on the IndieWeb wiki. I think it could be useful for a lot of people interested in the thinking behind standards.

Loqi [Tantek Çelik] Ten years ago today:
10 Practices for Good Open Web Standards Development
They’ve stood the test of time (except email). Since then, there are more good practices, anti-...

[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] Web3 feels very web elite running away to their blockchain towers and I doubt it’s going to be all that inclusive while they shout the loudest about it
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "w3bmentions" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "w3bmentions is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tw2113_Slack_] You think Joe and Diana Smith have time, resources, and whatnot to look at blockchain? no they’re too busy working multiple jobs just to survive
capjamesg[d] Haha.

[tw2113_Slack_] i’ll stick with my homies in web1/web2
capjamesg[d] My haha was about the w3bmentions, to be clear.

capjamesg[d] I have many thoughts about this web 3 discussion but none baked enough to share.

[tw2113_Slack_] word
capjamesg[d] Suffice to say the open web was designed for everyone with clear purpose. I struggle to see that purpose in some “web 3” or whatever that really means tools.

capjamesg[d] The semantic closeness that I feel between cryptocurrencies and decentralization / other discussions going on makes me uneasy.

capjamesg[d] +1

[KevinMarks] we should go to web4 in the spirit of RSS3

capjamesg[d] Loqi agrees 🙂

[tw2113_Slack_] Winer approved?
edburns[d] and superkuh joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Not exactly

GWG I'd like to solve this problem. https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/88
tetov-irc joined the channel