[tantek]GWG, [manton], I stubbed a Discovery section for h-feed, take a look and LMK what you think! https://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed#Discovery (does it make sense, is it implementable, what stronger/clearer guidance would you look for as an implementer?)
GWGLet's say the main page of my site, where my h-card is, is not an h-feed. How would I indicate that there is a feed elsewhere on that page where people are looking? What if I have multiple feeds I want to show?
[tantek]GWG, view the source on tantek.com to see how you can do link rel=alternate discovery of my updates feed. I could add another link rel element for the events and articles feeds as well.
[tantek]GWG, yeah the IndieWeb h-feed page probably needs some updating, most of the thoughts/brainstorms there are out of date compared to current discussions we've had
GWGIn implied h-feed...you may need to consider the way some people structure their page. They have a top-level h-card, and everything else is an h-entry.
[tantek]I still believe in picking a smart default (of post "types" - implied), and then making it VERY easy for users to "mute" specific "types" of posts from specific people
[tantek]because my immediate answer is, if the publisher wants to do that, they can wrap the whole thing in an h-feed with a u-author on the one h-card
GWGWhen I went into /h-feed and updated all the indieweb examples, I was looking about what people were doing with h-feed properties like author and name.
GWGI'm also looking still at the first question on Zegnat's list, "Can I subscribe to tantek.com?" and thinking back to the Microsub popup earlier this year, when we discussed the idea of follow people over feeds.
GWGOnly references is as "The title attribute is optional, but can be useful to differentiate multiple feeds â for instance, there might be a feed for all blog posts and a feed for comments on a specific post. These should have different titles."
capjamesg[d][tantek] Going back to the h-feed Discovery section. I saw this: " If an implementation needs only one h-feed, it should take the first one found in any of the above methods" I would love to go a bit deeper onto this.
capjamesg[d]I haven't seen any sites that mark up two h-feeds on the same page. I can see why someone would do this (i.e. a page that shows "latest blog posts" and "most popular blog posts") but if this is not happening then there might not be a need to standardize it.
capjamesg[d]GWG I commented on your implied h-feed ticket. I love the idea (and it's something I'd gladly implement in IndieWeb Search during recrawling) but I haven't seen any examples in the field of a page that has multiple h- objects but no parent h-entry.
capjamesg[d][tantek] GWG I agree that h-feeds should not just be h-entry objects. I can see myself moving my /recipes page to a list of recipes marked up with h-recipe. And using h-event markup on my /events page under a h-feed.
[KevinMarks]Per Post comment feeds are fairly common in rss/Atom, but that may be an artefact of nesting not working there. You could markup the nested h-cite comments on a post as an h-feed with an id to emulate that with minimal overhead.
[chee], tetov-irc, ShinyCyril, akevinhuang, [schmarty] and hendursa1 joined the channel
[snarfed]^ yuuup AWS's bandwidth pricing (primarily egress, but frankly all of it) has been astonishingly high for a long time. it was the main reason I migrated huffduff-video's storage away from it to BackBlaze. literally something like 1/20th the cost!