#dev 2021-10-10

2021-10-10 UTC
hs0ucy and hendursaga joined the channel
I'm thinking about Microsub paging and how to implement it
hendursaga, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [fluffy] joined the channel
ugh every time I try to redo my site templates it always turns into this big out-of-control spiral of regret and frustration
and then I try adding a small feature and then realize that the layout stuff is really tricky to do well
does anyone know of an ISO 8601 recurring date/time generator?
hendursa1 joined the channel
schema.org has a field named "temporal" for this purpose, but Temporal Generator would be straight out of Doctor Who
amcorrigal joined the channel
petermolnar: what do you mean by "recurring" date/time generator?
eg R/2021-10-15T17:10:00Z/P1WT1H
I'm just not sure that's the best way to write an iso 8601 for a weekly class that runs on every friday from 17:10 UTC for 1 hour
oh, timespecs for ics and such? yeah those are… kind of impenetrable
kogepan joined the channel
yeah I recommend against using rdate
create separate instances for the events
repeating events are too fragile in practice, especially when they cross DST change boundaries
hendursa1 joined the channel
Is there any situation in which a page would have both a h-entry that is outside of a h-feed and a h-feed other than an article!
I am trying to think of ways to filter out feeds for IndieWeb Search so that I don’t end up with hundreds / thousands of feeds to crawl every day.
I thought about the above rule but wanted to see if it was solid.
I’ll probably also add an exclusion for WordPress JSON API feeds.
Since they have been the biggest issue so far.
capjamesg[d]: Sure! A page with an article (that is a h-entry of its own) and an h-feed of comments (that, for some reason, is not inside the article's h-entry, but is marked up separately on the same page). I think I've seen such markup in the wild.
Or is that what you meant be "other than"? :)
voxpelli and willnorris joined the channel
Good to know.
Loqi, voxpelli, willnorris, chenghiz_, IWSlackGateway, Darius2, [tantek], j12t, d-coded, hendursaga, Murray[d], KartikPrabhu1 and Seirdy joined the channel; d-coded left the channel
even a course of weekly classes has a beginning and an end, and a discrete number of instances
!tell Poorchop RE: threaded conversations with a single permalink. These are definitely possible if one takes care with extending permalinks with fragments using # along with proper microformats mark up: See https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/02/threaded-conversations-between-wordpress-and-twitter/ and https://boffosocko.com/2017/12/15/threaded-replies-with-webmentions-in-wordpress/ for some additional context.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tetov-irc joined the channel