#dev 2021-10-11
2021-10-11 UTC
P1000[d] joined the channel
# aaronpk been seeing more and more things like this lately, wonder if there's any way indieauth can help https://twitter.com/_/status/1447368169342054404
# @roombaghost "A big focus of the indieweb is centralizing identity in a place that’s under individual control (currently: domain names), but that’s the complete opposite of what I want: I want it to be easier to fracture my identity..." — @WAptekar https://notebook.wesleyac.com/indieweb-thoughts-posse (twitter.com/_/status/1447368169342054404)
voxpelli, chenghiz_ and willnorris joined the channel
voxpelli and willnorris joined the channel
adi1 joined the channel
# nekr0z I think that's where https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQRL is the solution. I wonder if we could marry it with IndieAuth one day, but they seem to have opposite goals...
[jacky] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme, [chrisaldrich], gerben, amcorrigal, kogepan, grantcodes[d], hendursa1 and tetov-irc joined the channel
Ramon[d] joined the channel
neocow8, neocow, chenghiz_ and [manton] joined the channel
# Loqi [manton]: gRegor left you a message 1 day, 18 hours ago: FYI the micro.blog sign in email contrast doesn't look great in gmail https://imgur.com/a/6DSByKh
akevinhuang, [snarfed], [Ed_Beck] and hendursaga joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] There are many reasons why people choose to add microformats to their site.
# capjamesg[d] For instance, Google parses microformats. Adding microformats to your site may therefore improve your visibility in search.
# capjamesg[d] Or, rather, Google’a ability to understand information on your site.
# capjamesg[d] Also, many IndieWeb applications use microformats to enhance / as the backbone of features.
# capjamesg[d] For instance, by adding h-feed to my site, I can make it easy for compatible feed readers to read pages on my site.
# capjamesg[d] And Micropub endpoints — a bit more advanced — use microformats to convey content that should appear on your site.
# capjamesg[d] Ultimately microformats in themselves are quite simple but they are very extensible.
# capjamesg[d] For instance, microformats on sites are allowing me to build cool features towards an IndieWeb Search engine 😅
# capjamesg[d] Hope that answers your question about “why” but happy to go further!
# [Ed_Beck] So… What’s a good starter project for me to try? What’s a nice IndieWeb application for a beginner that’s just messing around?
# capjamesg[d] Great question! We have a page on the wiki for that.
# capjamesg[d] What is getting started?
# Loqi Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
# capjamesg[d] Having a domain name + a h-card is a very IndieWeb thing to do!
# capjamesg[d] Great work on setting up your h-card!
# capjamesg[d] What’s your domain name?
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I think a common next step is to add webmentions to your site if it makes sense to do so.
# capjamesg[d] I have webmentions on my site so people can reply to any post on my site from their own domain.
# capjamesg[d] webmention.io is worth a look 🙂
# [Ed_Beck] ed-beck.com
# [Ed_Beck] I’m an instructional designer in SUNY. I run the domain of one’s own program and teach people how to use cpanel. We work with reclaim hosting.
# [Ed_Beck] I think I have webmentions setup.
# [Ed_Beck] [tantek] Just from conferences/ open ed / OER x Domains / DoOO workspaces.
# [Ed_Beck] Yeah, I’ve seen Chris present a few times.
# [Ed_Beck] went to one of his domain of one’s own meetups.
# [Ed_Beck] So I help SUNY staff faculty and students get setup with subdomains or domains. I’m just poking around trying to find some starter projects I could challenge people to try
# [Ed_Beck] I think integrating posts -> other platforms might be interesting to people.
# [Ed_Beck] I went down the h-card, microformats, indieauth route…
# [Ed_Beck] but that’s kind of not a great starter project for feeling that sense of achievement, because if noone is interacting with your site in that way, then there isn’t a “win moment”
paul1 joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I agree re: webmentions being more fun.
# capjamesg[d] I just sent you a webmention I think Ed_Beck.
# capjamesg[d] If you didn’t get it let me know. I haven’t tested for automatic webmention sending for new posts yet.
# capjamesg[d] I might build my own solution for more visibility.
# capjamesg[d] Anyway… webmentions are great because your likes / replies / whatever might show up on someone’s site.
# capjamesg[d] For instance, I show all comments from webmentions on my blog,
# capjamesg[d] What constitutes “upgrade”?
gRegor joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] aaronpk has a great tutorial on sending webmentions Ed_Beck which gave me a sense of accomplishment when I first finished it.
# capjamesg[d] Ah, I see!
nertzy joined the channel
# [Ed_Beck] @nekr0z I’m at SUNY Oneonta, but the Domain of One’s Own initiative is shared across SUNY, so I help people at Oneonta, Geneseo, Genesee, Albany, Buffalo…
# [Ed_Beck] so I wasn’t intentionally being vague!
# [chrisaldrich] Welcome [Ed_Beck]! Setting up syndication with other sites like Twitter and Brid.gy can be useful and also show the power of webmention. Depending on folks' level and interest, cogdog has some tutorials and exercises he's done for past domain camps that might be useful. They should be listed on the /DoOO page.
# [chrisaldrich] What is DoOO?
# Loqi A Domain of One's Own (or DoOO) is a practice/movement (primarily within academia) encouraging people to have their own domain, post their content on their own website, and have greater control over their digital infrastructure https://indieweb.org/DoOO
# [Ed_Beck] What advantage does using Brid.gy have compared to using WordPress Jetpack’s ability to cross post to Facebook/Twitter?
# [chrisaldrich] Also I feel like we should get back to a schedule of meetups to help folks out. If you have a few favorite times that might work, let me know and I'll set something up.
# [Ed_Beck] Just more and different services?
# [Ed_Beck] The ability to reply and interact in different ways?
# [chrisaldrich] GWG has a syndication functionality built into Syndication Links plugin that will provide simple checkboxes for doing different set ups in combination with Brid.gy which also returns the posted URLs on other services.
# GWG I've been waiting since https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/7359
# [chrisaldrich] It's also a much more lightweight solution and doesn't have all the extra cruft, code, and complexity of Jetpack. (Jetpack also requires another separate account which can have privacy implications for some as well.)
# [chrisaldrich] I think my favorite piece for Syndication Links is that it also advertises syndication endpoints for a variety of other IndieWeb tooling like Micropub clients and some of the readers that will allow you to use them to post and syndicate automatically as well.
# [chrisaldrich] [Ed_Beck] If you haven't run into Library Carpentry before, they might also have some interesting/useful material for students/teachers/researchers in these spaces https://librarycarpentry.org/
# [tantek] [Ed_Beck] re Bridgy vs JetPack. Depends if you want 2-way (see /backfeed) or just 1-way broadcast
# [Ed_Beck] ↩️ I’m I misunderstanding your comment?
# [Ed_Beck] ↩️ Or does it not behave like this across all platforms.
# [Ed_Beck] ↩️ This is a blog post- pushed to Facebook, with a link back to the original blog post.
# [chrisaldrich] Jetpack is certainly a Swiss Army Knife of small and sometimes useful functionalities that goes beyond the syndication space. If I recall correctly they only syndicate to two or three common platforms now and not the broader variety they used to support.
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# paul1 Is it correct, that indielogin.com redeems codes with a get request?
# GWG It should redeem them with a POST https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#redeeming-the-authorization-code
# aaronpk it uses this indieauth client library https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php
# aaronpk is it just me or does the new twitter API not have an API method to post tweets? https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/migrate/overview
# gRegor Heh, their guide the future link is 404 https://developer.twitter.com/en/products/twitter-api/early-access/guide
Seirdy, gRegor, amcorrigal and [aciccarello] joined the channel