#dev 2021-10-15

2021-10-15 UTC
nertzy__, jjuran, justHaunt1, joshproehl, Zegnat, nertzy_, hendursa1, kogepan, kogepan_, tetov-irc and amcorrigal joined the channel
GWG I was going to ask the same of the IndieAuth pop-up - not sure what the big things we're going to talk about are - I can try and have a look today at any of the outstanding / interesting things we may be interested in covering?
jamietanna: We have some on the list
jamietanna: The iss thing aaronpk just added, auth for introspection, client discovery, etc
[snarfed]++ for pointing me to pathlib. I do find it simpler to get my head around.
[snarfed] has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
jamietanna: We also have the list at https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/IndieAuth2
schmudde joined the channel
What is the best way to do relmeauth for socials?
It looks like we don't have a page for "best way to do relmeauth for socials" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best way to do relmeauth for socials is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Say I want to authenticate with Twitter...
But I can't seem to find how to actually make an OAuth request.
This question is actually exclusively about Twitter, please disregard my question re "best way".
Also, what happens after I issue an access_token via a token endpoint?
Best way for Twitter is to find a Twitter OAuth library. You don't want to go down the route of doing OAuth 1 from scratch
Disregard the access_token question. I found the appropriate docs on the /token-endpoint wiki page.
Thanks aaronpk.
hs0ucy joined the channel
aaronpk: How are they doing with OAuth2?
Didn't you consult?
GWG: it's in progress but not all the api endpoints are under there yet. For example no way to post a tweet
aaronpk: I will wait to consider native Twitter Integration instead of Bridgy till it happens
No rush, Bridgy works
aaronpk: Do you pipe Twitter streams into Aperture?
Yes, via granary as well as my own custom api code
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
aaronpk: I am interested in learning more about that experience...I stopped reading Twitter via their app a while ago, but didn't replace it
it's great, highly recommended
the easiest way to try it is to make a twitter list with specific accounts you want to follow, then get the granary URL for that list
actually i guess a twitter search is easier but the quality of that feed is highly dependent on your search term. try "indieweb" for example though
hendursaga joined the channel
Thanks GWG I'll take a look :)
I think https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/101 is interesting as I've definitely seen $vendorProduct at my old work doing it
I'd quite like https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/43 to be discussed, as I think we're getting to the point where we may want to start supporting it
[aaronpk] #101 Consider adopting `iss` parameter
[aaronpk] #43 Consider using OAuth Server Metadata
I want to engage more with others via my site, reading is part of it
I use Granary with Aperture too - I use Lists to keep up to date with folks / also search for i.e. `#IndieWeb`
Maybe that's a project for me again.. I forget why I abandoned granary for that last time... maybe the list thing.. never did that
twitter changed he way lists worked subtly which broke granary for a bit, but it works now
[KevinMarks]: I think it was the firehose effect for me
seeing a list wiht an unread count in monocle is a bit much yes
you can disable unread counts in aperture for a specific channel
ah, I was looking in monocle
I'm working on my own system, but same problems.
yeah if it were a setting in monocle i'd need to either make a private API between the two or figure out what that setting should be in the microsub spec
akevinhuang joined the channel
I was thinking ti was a display setting rather than a protocol one
[Ed_Beck] joined the channel
the "universal resolver" is such a joke
"we couldn't get everyone to agree on an interoperable standard so we built software that talks to all the different methods"
(re: bluesky conf call going on right now)
I mean, I can commiserate
re single namespace with human-readable names from #indieweb...email is arguably an existence proof there
sure, some people's email addresses have numbers etc, and we have large centralized participants, but still, it's pretty clear email addresses scale to the world population and are decentralized and human-memorable
As are issuing ids under a url like twitter does
yup, or Mastodon, decentralized. I thought about email specifically just because it's already scaled to billions of actual people, unlike the other existing decentralized namespaces, and is still human-memorable
and is also printed on business cards like was mentioned in the call :)
now the blockchain people are coming out in this community call
oh god, did they keep going? I signed off at 10a PT
ah I see your link
Testing https://stephanhagemann.com/posts/2021-10-15-webmentions-test/ (dang: web mentions are cool, but from scratch? Kinda impossible to get right)
now it's community chat so anyone can talk
There is an audio thing? I just found text chat
see link in main channel
The browser as universal resolver makes some sense, but that involves using URLs which they hate for some reason
Lol, so back to twitter spaces with no way to speak
no now you can get in the queue
Ah, I bet I need the app for that. I use Web twitter
that seems likely
kogepan, KartikPrabhu, nertzy and gRegor joined the channel
capjamesg[d] re: RelMeAuth and Twitter, see: https://github.com/themattharris/RelMeAuth
[themattharris] RelMeAuth: @relmeauth
that's the library I'm using
includes OAuth for Twitter so you don't have to write that either
btrem, tetov-irc and Seirdy joined the channel