#dev 2021-10-16
2021-10-16 UTC
nertzy_ joined the channel
chenghiz_, Allie, willnorris, voxpelli, gRegor, Nuve0, Nuve1, Nuve, [jeremycherfas], kogepan, hendursa1 and Seirdy joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Is it safe to have an one time password as the only method of authentication for an account?
# capjamesg[d] In fact, ignore that. I know the answer 🙂
hendursa1, schmudde, tetov-irc, amcorrigal and grantcodes[d] joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] jamietanna++ for your post on Okta passwordless authentication with IndieAuth.
# capjamesg[d] I just added this as a feature to my endpoint. I will hopefully open source it by the end of the weekend.
gRegor, gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu and Jamietanna1 joined the channel
# Jamietanna1 Thanks! Just took inspiration from aaronpk and wrote it up ☺
ShinyCyril joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I saw aaronpk's post too. Very cool idea!
# capjamesg[d] I just finished what I wanted to do before open-sourcing so my code is now on GitHub.
# capjamesg[d] There are a few things I need to do though.
# capjamesg[d] The biggest one is to change the error messages to be in adherence with the spec / OAuth spec. I wrote the messages in the way they are to assist in debugging.
akevinhuang and [schmarty] joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I am just going to listen in.
amcorrigal joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Thanks for the invitation gwg but I am afraid I won't understand enough or be able to learn.
ShinyCyril joined the channel
# jeremycherfas I know, and I wish I could, but I am both up and down baking and also trying to work out why my Python for loop does not in fact loop.
ShinyCyril joined the channel
# jamietanna userinfo is being discussed currently in IndieAuth pop-up, which has come up in https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/62
amcorrigal joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Need help jeremycherfas?
# jeremycherfas If you're not busy. But I would need to either send you a Jupyter notebook or download it as .py and make a gist.
# jeremycherfas Or maybe I should just describe the problem first.
# capjamesg[d] A description would be helpful first 🙂
# capjamesg[d] Then feel free to send over some code.
# jeremycherfas There is a pair of loops that is basically `for podcast in podcasts` and then, inside that, `for episode in list(podcast`
# jeremycherfas The inside loop apparently works, in that it gets out the information for all the episodes that match the characteristics in each podcast.
# jeremycherfas Say there are five of them.
# jeremycherfas As the last steps in that inner loop, I create some text and write it to a file.
# jeremycherfas I expect it to do that for every item that matches the characteristics.
# jeremycherfas But at present, it only does it for the last item.
# jeremycherfas I don't understand up it ends up at the end of the list.
# jeremycherfas Rather than doing each item in turn during the for episode in list(podcast)
# jeremycherfas Does that make sense?
# capjamesg[d] Can you show me the code you are using? Is there a chance that your "matches the characteristics" checks are not working as expected?
# jeremycherfas I can show you, for sure. Is a notebook ok?
# capjamesg[d] Yep!
# jeremycherfas I'll try and make a private gist (my credentials are hard-coded)
# jeremycherfas Sent you a DM but not sure whether it bridges from IRC
# capjamesg[d] I got it.
# jeremycherfas Good to know.
# jeremycherfas My problem is that I have to go in about 10 minutes, but I will be back at it tomorrow, so no rush.
# capjamesg[d] I think I have it working...
# capjamesg[d] Hm, maybe not.
# capjamesg[d] I saved it in a .py file and everything seems to work fine.
# jeremycherfas That commented out set of print statements, if you resdtore it to code, will show all the episodes that meet the recency and played criteria. I removed it thinking that maybe that was somehow running through them all and leaving it stuck at the bottom. And maybe it was, but I still don't fully get it.
# jeremycherfas How many entries does it create, wherever you told it to?
# capjamesg[d] In files? Only three.
# capjamesg[d] Ah, I see..
# jeremycherfas What are they called, please?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "they called, please" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "they called, please is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# jeremycherfas What is the folder name?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "folder name" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "folder name is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# capjamesg[d] 2021-10-15-05-01/ 2021-10-15-05-02/ 2021-10-15-11-56/
# jeremycherfas That's wonderful. So maybe the problem is more to do with Doing it all in Jupyter. That would be annoying.
# capjamesg[d] Is that what you expected?
# jeremycherfas It'll certainly do. I get only one created from Jupyter.
# capjamesg[d] All I did was move everything into a .py file 🙂 And I had to read directly from the .opml because a Too Many Requests error was displayed after retreiving the file.
# jeremycherfas It definitely looks like it is correct.
# capjamesg[d] Although I see some files are being overwritten. I'll take a look.
# jeremycherfas Well, I'm sort of happy (but miffed if it was just my stupidity in Jupyter). And I can start again tomorrow with a whole new set of requests. :)
# jeremycherfas Each folder should contain `artwork_resized.extn` and `listens,md`
# capjamesg[d] Yeah, I see that.
# jeremycherfas Then it is working. Woohoo!
# capjamesg[d] Now I have this...
# capjamesg[d] 2021-10-15-05-011MAFHY1GPM 2021-10-15-05-02 2021-10-15-05-027D7LLO4WDN 2021-10-15-05-02DHT4PZX92D 2021-10-15-05-02XCX69CB06I 2021-10-15-11-56"
# capjamesg[d] "2021-10-15-05-01 2021-10-15-05-01SB5PNPAKVI 2021-10-15-05-025WPDFKY886 2021-10-15-05-02A9N9OI87DY 2021-10-15-05-02Q1EFOJP8QM 2021-10-15-05-02ZR5TAXL9C7 2021-10-15-11-565R2TTQSREO
# capjamesg[d] I added a random char generator to the "slug".
# capjamesg[d] Saving exactly by datetime meant some entries were overwritten.
# capjamesg[d] I just used this: slug = slug.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10))
# capjamesg[d] (you need to import random and string)
# jeremycherfas I'll investigate futher tomorrow, outside Jupyter.
# capjamesg[d] You can make it more elegant of course haha.
# jeremycherfas Right.
# jeremycherfas Thanks capjamesg[d]++
# capjamesg[d] There should still be way more entries. I'll take a look.
# jeremycherfas No, there shouldn't. I'm only looking for episodes in the past five days
# capjamesg[d] Oh, I saw that now.
# capjamesg[d] Yep. Well everything should be working okay 🙂
Zegnat joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] You can delete the Gist now.
amcorrigal joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] To what extent do / can / should one show reply contexts for webmentions?
# capjamesg[d] I currently just show in-reply-to links: https://jamesg.blog/webmentions/2021-10-12-459
# capjamesg[d] [edit] I currently just show in-reply-to links: https://jamesg.blog/webmentions/2021-10-12-459
hendursaga, ShinyCyril, kimberlyhirsh[d], kogepan, tetov-irc and Jordy[d] joined the channel