#dev 2021-11-14

2021-11-14 UTC
[schmarty] joined the channel
welllllp i am finding shortcuts pretty much impossible to work with
now i am in the sad world of wishing there were a micropub client that posted videos because there don't seem to be! 😂
akevinhuang2, pchinjr and akevinhuang joined the channel
Didn't have time to set up a cron job like aaronpk, so just set up a button to upload the entire flight path on landing
Hm. You should be able to make a post with a <video> tag in, the challenge is where you host it
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
I had a shortcut for iOS that took the videos produced from setting a Live Photo to loop or bounce, uploaded them to my Micropub media endpoint, then made a Micropub post with the video url as the `video` attribute. Simple Micropub stuff but no client seems to support it except maybe one that I can't get working.
Seirdy and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel; Nuve left the channel
↩️ And will the page show Twitter replies (or other webmentions!) to the first tweet? I expect that it depends on the website's setup and whether or not I include a link to the post: https://daily-dev-tips.com/posts/goodbye-comments-welcome-webmentions/
I'm still a bit on the fence about #webmentions and tweets. This tweet will (hopefully and possibly some weeks from now) show up as a comment to this post: https://daily-dev-tips.com/posts/goodbye-comments-welcome-webmentions/
↩️ Oddly, even when webmentions are decentralized, the original authors can retract them mostly successfully. Because the original webmention URL can be removed by the author, and it looks like websites are usually configured to not show mentions with dead links.
↩️ Also, webmentions are really about connecting people (or at least their online, personally created personas) and ideas. Whereas web3 is all about ownership and monetization, which, I believe even defenders of capitalism would consider less virtuous.
↩️ Difference with web3 is that webmentions don't have silicon valley millionaires betting their savings on it becoming a success. Which somehow makes me feel that webmentions will be more resilient than whatever wonky NFT blockchain is en vogue today!
↩️ Webmentions are 5 years old now and I don't consider it likely that it's going to get mass adoption—it feels more like a niche thing for those who want to tinker around.
I just realized that webmentions have some things in common with web3 things: - Indie response to big tech - Decentralized, but converging towards a few big players - Not really accessible to those who don't want to play with tech and want ready-made products
alex11, MarkJR84[d], tetov-irc and johs1 joined the channel
sp1ff and shoesNsocks joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich Hey Chris, I have tried to set my site up and connect to the #IndieWeb and Bridgy by following your youtube but I can't get it to work automatically. I'm having to manually add the webmention to my post and the "also on" links. Isthere a forum where I can seek help?
MarkJR84 joined the channel
random p3k stack question: I have my Micropub server require the scope `read` to query for configuration. I know that this isn't really documented in the spec but is it something to consider?
or should one imply that that read access is available to clients
jamietanna joined the channel
[jacky] not a p3k answer, but in what I've seen of folks' implementations, they allow any succesfully authenticated token to perform a `q=config`, regardless of scopes
true! I might be very aggressive in my approach here then 🙂
akevinhuang joined the channel
Re: #indieweb; I thought it would be really simple to give the spec a darkmode because it uses CSS variables (--bg, --text, --tocsidebar-bg, ...). But turns out not all the elements use those. Like the yellow example blocks. Otherwise just have a new :root {} block triggered by the media block and it can easily retheme the whole thing
I'm tempted to switch the specs over to the IETF tools for generating instead of the W3C ones. The new HTML for IETF specs is nice and simple and would be easy to create a dark mode for if it doesnt already exist
it currently has no automatic dark mode, it's quite white here
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I do not really have a preference for output format. I have gotten used to the W3C one now. It would be more interesting if the generating tools themselves are easier
One big advantage of the IETF one is it's a server side script so it can be automated with build tools rather than the W3C one which is all client side JS
heh, the w3c template has invisble links to the w3c homepage above and below the IWC logo :D
I had to do some... hacks to customize it for IWC :-D
nicer pipeline sounds good, if it doesnt break the links to chapters etc that are around
does that pipeline do diff rendering?
I really like that with the WHATWG docs
I'm not sure if it's the IETF server side tools that do that or if it's possible with the local tools
joshproehl joined the channel
IETF ones look nice, I'd be happy giving a hand if you need any!
kogepan, barryf[d], grantcodes[d] and campegg joined the channel
Seb[d]: ran into a problem with gimme-a-token. The Redirect URI in Step 1 is "https://nonexisting-domain.invalid/redirect_uri" but in Step 3 is "http://nonexisting-domain.invalid/redirect_uri", causing the token fetch to fail. the protocol seems to change from https to http.
[schmarty] it should be fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience
seb++ allll good! thanks for the fix! sebsel++
sebsel has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
seb has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
(Gimme a Token can also use a little darkmode magic)
haha I should probably also do something about my nickname situation
campegg joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: re main channel "Is it possible to entirely manipulate the theme of a page with CSS hiding / showing?" yes, it is possible.
but you have to specify the question a bit more.
I mentioned csszengarden the other day; the whole point of that page was that all the theme-ing was css; the content/html always stayed the same across the site.
nekr0z/static-webmentions (0.6.2): a tool to send webmentions from a static website https://mdy.io/gh/nekr0z/static-webmentions
tetov-irc joined the channel
hmz, I made my IndieAuth endpoint validate more stuff and now I can't log in to OwnYourSwarm anymore.
Spec says: "Client identifier URLs [...], MUST contain a path component"
But OwnYourSwarm gives me `client_id=https%3A%2F%2Fownyourswarm.p3k.io&`, so without the final `/`
Do I loosen or do I open issues on OwnYour Swarm?