#dev 2021-11-15

2021-11-15 UTC
akevinhuang2 joined the channel
Issue issue issue!
Seirdy and angelo joined the channel
i am. absolutely. livid.
shortcuts keeps fighting me with 100% opaque error messaging so i wanted to try literally the simplest thing that could possibly work.
an HTML form that makes a micropub post
unfortunately my micropub endpoint isn't set up to treat `video` as an acceptable file category and, anyway, doesn't seem to have ever properly handled direct file upload because i rely on a micropub media endpoint
and, okay, well, it doesn't make sense but while one shortcut dies with mysterious errors uploading to my micropub media endpoint, a different shortcut does upload to it just fine
so, a hack: upload a video from a live photo via that shortcut, get the URL. change my micropub form to take a video URL and make a simple micropub post. wow maybe this will work!
turns out: the video is in HEVC format because my spouse sent it to me from her phone where her camera app has its Formats setting on the default "High Efficiency" instead of "Most Compatible" and, without some step to munge it, my phone honors that and just sends the HEVC video to my media endpoint.
all of this getting in the way of me posting _animated cat photos_
i'm honestly really torn as to where i think the responsibility should live for things like "when posting a short looping video make sure it's actually in a format that browsers understand"
i can't find a reference to any post i've made about it but i think the answer is either in the micropub media endpoint, _or_ in the idea that a features of media CDNs like cloudinary should be considered an IndieWeb building block.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
good morning
rise and shine!
interesting question
generally I'd agree, although for video that's quite a demand so maybe I'd put some responsibility on clients on devices that are known to produce "weird" formats to please deliver something widely supported
sknebel: putting it on the client is also on my mind, but obviously makes for a pretty precarious world of micropub clients
video is always going to be somewhat precarious
in the extreme: does every micropub client that handles video need to be able to transcode video?
I added the specifiers for a reason ;)
(do iphones transparently translate it in Safari? afaik safari does for image uploads if the site correctly specifies what formats it understands)
i'm just extremely frustrated by what i feel is the shortcuts team breaking my things that worked for literal years
(and for a native iOS client I'd assume video conversion is an api call away)
very understandable
sknebel: good question. in playing with simple forms, safari will honor file upload restrictions but if something accepts video, it won't offer to change the encoding on the video
the question of native conversion is a good one.
interesting. afaik it does that for the fancy photo formats, that came up in one high-profile failure last year...
my phone is set to "most compatible" for media, so i have a (weird) workaround where i can run a shortcut with a Trim Media action and save the output. the result will become an mp4.
in some circumstances i have seen my phone offer to resize images, but the options for video are comparatively nonexistent.
(something along the lines of "test platform required students to upload photos of their exams, did something to suggest to Safari it understood everything, didn't actually support weird format and silently failed")
ah right, <input type="file" accept="image/png, image/jpg, image/jpeg" /> for instance will cause safari to convert
but I guess for video thats a larger jump
haha yeah video management is such a big jump. "get ready to integrate ffmpeg into your (client / media endpoint / publishing platform"
doosboox joined the channel
automatic POSSE to YT and youtube-dl of a useful web format :P
i have been using cloudinary as an image resizer and they also support some video transcoding that would be pretty much the thing: https://cloudinary.com/blog/automatic_video_transcoding
edgeduchess[d], bneil, stevestreza, nolith2 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[schmarty]: o nooo. Nobody should come between a person and their animated cat pictures
They also broke a few of my non-indieweb-related shortcuts… sad about that too. I filed a bug report but no response
kogepan, Murray[d], pfefferle, schmudde, tetov-irc, Ramon[d] and jamietanna[m] joined the channel
Is there a difference between blockchain and cryptocurrency?
blockchains can be used for things other than cryptocurrency
aaronpk, there are two W3C spec generation tools, and (unfortunately) the SocialWeb WG settled on the clientside JS tool. The serverside one is called bikeshed and is in use by the CSSWG for example this reason
plus the bikeshed devs are very receptive to issues, pull-requests, etc. e.g. automatic markup with microformats
oh interesting
I am a big fan, and the primary maintainer (Tab) is a great guy
[Tab Atkins-Bittner] Bikeshed Documentation
IMO bikeshed would be much more suitable to IndieWeb specs
these docs look better than the docs for the ietf one too
akevinhuang joined the channel
Agree about these looking better
Also: it's less of a shift in the way it looks from our current one, fwiw
^ that's kinda important IMO. It shows better continuity
helps build upon the fact that several of our specs "graduated" W3C as Recommendations which apparently means quite a bit in some circles
and even our specs that were "only" published as "Notes" (IndieAuth, PostTypeDiscovery), it's still worth "something"
Matt1, edburns[d] and sebsel joined the channel
if you use a broader definition of blockchain, git counts, as does Certificate Transparency
What is post type discovery?
Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for consuming code to determine the type of a post by its content properties and their values rather than an explicit “post type” property, thus better matched to modern post creation UIs that allow combining text, media, etc in a variety of ways without burdening users with any notion of what kind of post they are creating https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
KevinMarks I think you mean merkle tree?
kogepan and marksuth[d] joined the channel
can they now? I thought the blockchain zealots are still looking for the question, like the mice with 42.
> so their solution is to just recreate basically the same structures with different people in charge
wrong copy paste
> blockchains can be used for things other than cryptocurrency
Seirdy and tetov-irc joined the channel