#dev 2021-12-09

2021-12-09 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I have some proportion of that in unmung
then convert to jf2
KartikPrabhu and campegg joined the channel
unmung has 1 karma over the last year
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
unmung has 2 karma over the last year
klez, lagash, rrix_, kogepan, [manton] and [Sean] joined the channel
I saw it on your unmung home page.
I have a few very rough versions on unmung - indiecards, story cards, and the hovercards I was playing with. I should tidy them up
tetov-irc and akevinhuang2 joined the channel
ok, I added "https://americanexpress.io/yak-shaving/" to the "See Also" section of /issue_tracker https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78249&oldid=77981
Seb[d] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[Sean] may be easier to talk here than on https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1094
[jalsco] #1094 Probably is "user-error" but still I need some assistance ✨please🙏🏻
I'm still not seeing h-entry (or h-feed) anywhere on https://grok.starkraving.asia/
seeing h-entry (or h-feed) - on the home page is being done via that <link>
what? I don't follow
oh, sorry, ok, looking
link `
```<link rel="feed" type="text/html" href="https://grok.sta..... blahblah... hfeed ">```
that's an XML file, served with content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8. h-entry etc need to be in an HTML file
it was html yesterday -
i changed to xml so easier to click thru from github article
it seems like microformats are giving you a lot trouble. at this point I'd strongly recommend either switching to a theme that has them built in, or take a break and take some time to learn microformats more deeply
u think we should stop now - when just changing that back from `xml` to `html` is all that is needed ?
not really trouble
you've hit a lot of problems so far, largely around microformats. I expect this probably isn't the last 😁
better to work through it and understand each item - for future sites
up to you!
in that case, again, I'd recommend slowing down on this and take a day or two to really learn and understand https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2 from the beginning
ok - it is changed back to HTML and the cdn cache cleared ...
↩️ yes we have spent many hours on that page over last few weeks.
not seeing any change on the home page. you might want to turn off the CDN entirely while you're developing, and only turn it back on for launch
maybe clear yr browser cache
I'm using curl
gotta run, good luck! back later
`curl https://grok.starkraving.asia | grep hfeed`
Is a mystery to me ... will try bit later.. thanks again for all your time.
`<link rel="feed" type="text/html" href="https://grok.starkraving.asia/.well-known/hfeed.html">`
I am not able to turn off the CDN , but I cannot explain why it show `hfeed.xml` to some place in the world. Maybe it takes time for CDN to do its thing. I really don't know
gRegor joined the channel
[Sean] looks like it worked! you just needed to click the _Crawl now_ button, or wait for the scheduled crawl. I clicked that button and Bridgy found webmention targets
(it didn't _send_ them, since https://grok.starkraving.asia/2021/12/08/qldpolicevax/ doesn't advertise a webmention endpoint, but that's easy to fix)
sp1ff joined the channel
https://github.com/solid/community-server/ - haiyaa... this is the whole let's throw random standards out there "for people who want to use it". Long live XHTML 2 Strict!
yes i see now 👍👍😁 the message has gone to "No webmention support:" whereas before it was " No webmention targets"
you say ... "*thats easy to fix*" ?
```you mean like adding `<link rel="webmention" href="https://webmention.io/grok...etc ` ```
to the article page
You can read about how to set up webmention on the webmention.io site.
yeah it has laready been working - including the responses in backfeed - thats not the problem
[Sean] yes
The “Use it on your site” section on the homepage provides the meta tag(s) you can use to set up webmention and ping backs.
the problem is - taking out the EXPLICIT LINK from the tweet/posting ... means all this extra
↩️ all articles - and all reply tweets etc - that do not explicitly tweet the LINK -- ... becasue before (when backfeed was working ) the only difference --- when none of this extra was needed -- was the actual tweet contained the link... All this is just to get past that ... Anyway, at least we are there now !
↩️ but thats all setup and working for days/weeks already
Bridgy has to know which post on your site goes with which tweet somehow. Right now it looks in either the tweet itself or your post
↩️ these are to regain the functionality that we already had working after - taking out the explicit link - and - unfortunately not being able to let bridgy handle the shortening automatically (due to the network arch here ) ---
↩️ Thanks again - I will now sleep - already 3:30am here .. I will make the changes tomorrow . Actually have some bigger probs here (unrelated to this). Really not too difficult. There are some gaps in the doc. But I am amazed that Bridgy ONLY needs the webmention endpoint in the posting-article when the URL of that posting is not contained in the tweet. ...
↩️ when the URL-of-article is in the tweet text, how is Bridgy able to work out the webmention endpoint ?? I thought it would need to be told what it is is that isntance also ... I can only guess it gets it from the twitter-profile-linking-t--home-page which contains the endpoint
↩️ if that guess is correct - then it should be able to get it from there in either case - whether the URL is contained in tweet text or not .
↩️ but it cannot - so i will add it to all articles
↩️ no problem ! 😁👍🙏✨
↩️ Bridgy fetches your article's URL and looks for the webmention endpoint there. that's how webmention discovery always works!
↩️ and , even not there, the replies/reactions DID work when only difference was the <article-link> in original tweet ... not any endpoint - except on the homepage.
↩️ where it gets the endpoint when <kink contained in tweet text> ?
↩️ only can be - from the homepage - becasue thats the only place that has it
↩️ anyway... all good - just curiosity now --- good noght
↩️ 😉
↩️ webmention discovery generally still needs the endpoint in every page. Bridgy is a bit more complicated in that it briefly caches your endpoint and uses it for your whole site, but that's a minor Bridgy detail that's not true more broadly
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I am struggling to get the sphynx autodoc function feature to work with read the docs.
[snarfed] or anyone else have you encountered this issue?
I tried adding my library into the docs/requirements.txt file but that didn’t help.
I also tried the path change that I saw in the granary conf.py file but that didn’t fix the issue (but it did help).
I get a warning on build that indieweb_utils cannot be found.
yeah it can take work to get right. are you testing locally? try getting it working locally first
How do you build the docs locally?
basically just sphinx-apidoc and then sphinx-build
That is so helpful!
[snarfed] has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (66 in all channels)
As always, I appreciate your help!
I’ll try to get it working locally. That will make debugging much easier.
welcome! good luck!
EvanBoehs[m], jamietanna[m], benatkin, micahrl[m], LaBcasse[m], hala-bala[m], Lohn, unrelentingtech, npd[m], Abhas[m], HarryCoburn[m], vikanezrimaya, PeterMolnar[m], samwilson, doubleloop[m], akevinhuang, diegov, rommudoh[m], reed, mlncn and mambang[m] joined the channel
sheepishly waves, long time no see
rommudoh[m], reed, Abhas[m], benatkin, samwilson, doubleloop[m], hala-bala[m], vikanezrimaya, Lohn and diegov joined the channel
mambang[m], jamietanna[m], unrelentingtech, nekr0z, LaBcasse[m], EvanBoehs[m], HarryCoburn[m], micahrl[m], npd[m], PeterMolnar[m] and tetov-irc joined the channel
POSSE to Facebook, for Pages and Groups only: At Agaric we've been supporting https://portside.org in posting to its Facebook page and in upgrading to Drupal 9 and to 3.x versions of Social API / Social Post Facebook modules, we want to try to make this as easy as possible for as many people as possible
rommudoh[m], reed, Abhas[m], benatkin, doubleloop[m], hala-bala[m], samwilson, vikanezrimaya, Lohn, diegov, mambang[m] and unrelentingtech joined the channel
Known is no longer going to Facebook, right? Hasn't been set up to be for pages/groups?
Anyone happen to know how WordPress JetPack does it? Haven't deciphered yet, https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/tree/master/projects/plugins/jetpack/modules/publicize
we're forging ahead building on https://www.drupal.org/project/social_api but trying to see how the wider world does it
Also! Anyone POSSEing to *specific* Mastodon instances? Approach in Drupal of course has been to make your website federate directly, which is awesome, but we've seen a need to POSSE post from website to pre-existing account on a Mastodon instance.