#dev 2021-12-24

2021-12-24 UTC
```cURL error 23: Unrecognized content encoding type. libcurl understands deflate, gzip content encodings. (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)```
Hi, I am trying to setup web sign in for prasannakulkarni.com, I get the error
Is it a curl request you're making, or are you seeing that error on some service you're signing into?
PK[d], just ran a curl request and saw `content-encoding: none` in that site's response
So I think if can fix that header (or remove it) it should fix that error
[philfry] #548 "Content-Encoding: none" breaks mod_deflate
haha i just re-learned (not for the first time) that unmung.com can chain to itself quite easily. so here is a chain that turns an RSS feed into jf2 JSON: http://www.unmung.com/mf2?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unmung.com%2Ffeed%3Ffeed%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Ffeeds.buzzsprout.com%252F1873249.rss&html=&pretty=on
KevinMarks: is it cursed to do this? i am looking for ways to put recent episodes of podcasts i contribute to on my Hugo-based personal site, and with this chain i can plug it right into Hugo's getJSON. 😂
What is wiki project
wiki projects are IndieWeb projects related to wiki-page hosting/creation/editing on your own site https://indieweb.org/wiki-project
wiki project << Use-case: sharing & finding actually useful text restaurant menus instead of spam links to online ordering intermediaries (Google Maps), or at best out of date PDFs. How to: Create a wiki page on your personal site with name-of-restaurant-city-menu and simple semantic HTML table(s) with the menu items, name, description, price, etc. extra points for including an h-card of the restaurant at the top
ok, I added "Use-case: sharing & finding actually useful text restaurant menus instead of spam links to online ordering intermediaries (Google Maps), or at best out of date PDFs. How to: Create a wiki page on your personal site with name-of-restaurant-city-menu and simple semantic HTML table(s) with the menu items, name, description, price, etc. extra points for including an h-card of the restaurant at the top" to the "See Also" section of /wiki-projects https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78605&oldid=78052
gRegor joined the channel
If it works for you, great. I don't think unmung does a lot of caching in those paths so it may not be great to poll it too often
RISHI_RAJ[d], quit_while_you_c, razinsyahmi[d], neceve and tetov-irc joined the channel
Haha, thanks!! If I stick with it I'll go easy on the refresh times. KevinMarks++
KevinMarks has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
kloenk and kogepan joined the channel
I didn't realize tumblr basically introduced the Gutenberg editor: https://www.tumblr.com/docs/npf
KartikPrabhu, gRegor and jjuran joined the channel
Webmention W3C protocol for notifying a URL when a website links to it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmention
lagash joined the channel
thank you! I will look into it
KartikPrabhu and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
GWG: I guess you were referencing https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/23 ? Do you know if any more talks have been had with client implementers? The data table has not been updated since 2018 ...
[Zegnat] #23 Client Information Discovery without relying on microformats parsers.
No, I wanted to discuss it at the popups.. but we never got to it
I see snarfed dug up some numbers, but unsure if those were already covered by the original table or not 🤔
Maybe I should give in and bundle php-mf2
Having this functionality inside existing parsers would give implementers one less thing to install.
I don't follow
“@pfefferle asked if it were possible to use a separate parser just for extracting h-app”
From the initial comment.
We solved the problem of each plugin shipping a different version of php-mf2 by namespace
Still means shipping one with each plugin though
My imagined problems with that: anytime you are talking about parsing mf2 from HTML at a minimum you are going to have to ship an HTML parser, and if it is "just for extracting h-app" and nothing else how will you make sure your minimised parser might also pick up someones future use of a value class pattern or other more exotic mf2 features
But I liked the idea of moving to a web manifest file, to be honest
I still do not know if WAMs are correct. But there also does not seem to have been much iterating on the whole idea by client builders either, which makes it a bit of a theoretical
Which is why I may implement what we do have.
As part of my update.
↩️ For sure, WP was an OpenID provider, but did not accept OpenIDasanID/auth of visitors. If only they had done that ... or moved on to Indieauth? They could have allowed for social sharing by pushing usi notifications of new content using RSS(?).
gRegor and tetov-irc joined the channel