#dev 2021-12-26
2021-12-26 UTC
Eddy04[d] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
GWG How is a page this long classified as a stub? https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer
GWG And https://indieweb.org/webmention-spec seems a bit dated as well.
edburns[d] and maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
tetov-irc, neceve, Christian_Olivie, [jacky], KartikPrabhu, chenghiz_ and jjuran joined the channel
GWG Why do /Webmention and /Webmention-developer both have an implementations/examples section? Isn't that duplicative?
petermolnar probably. I'd say go ahead, clean it up

neceve, IntriguedWow[d], razinsyahmi[d], Help_My_Doge_Pls and omz13 joined the channel
petermolnar !tell capjamesg[d] did you see https://yacy.net/ when you started to work on your search stuff?

capjamesg[d] I did but I didn’t look into it that much.

capjamesg[d] Is there anything in particular that interests you petermolnar?

omz13 joined the channel
petermolnar just curious :)

capjamesg[d] I love the idea of a decentralized search engine.

capjamesg[d] Although I think what interests me most is decoupling ranking with indexing and search results representation.

capjamesg[d] Ranking is the hardest one.

capjamesg[d] I haven’t learned how to build reverse indexes that are fast yet.

capjamesg[d] I got stuck the last time so took a break.

capjamesg[d] I have an inverted index but I could not figure out how to add boosts to make a ranking algorithm. Doing so does however greatly interest me.

capjamesg[d] The trouble with elasticsearch is that it is very abstract. That’s good for most use cases but I want to know how everything key works.

omz13 and gRegor joined the channel
petermolnar ES is probably the heaviest thing you can throw at this problem

petermolnar doesn't necessarily the best though

petermolnar this emerged recently: https://github.com/prabhatsharma/zinc

petermolnar the p2p search idea is quite an interesting one. What do you (this channel) think of a p2p search engine system where each domain brings their own index of their own content?

omz13_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
capjamesg[d] petermolnar I thought about this from the perspective of allowing individual sites to send indexes of their own content to a centralized server.

capjamesg[d] But that would not be too scalable due to demands on resources.

capjamesg[d] p2p is interesting, can you explain more about what you have in mind? I don’t have a good understanding of p2p network architectures

petermolnar neither do I, I just came across yacy, and haven't started looking to be honest.

capjamesg[d] Has anyone thought about auth for static sites?

capjamesg[d] What is htaccess?

Loqi htaccess is the file used for configuring particular sites on apache (as opposed to httpd.conf which is global) https://indieweb.org/htaccess

capjamesg[d] Maybe there could be a third service that verifies you with indieauth and gives you a password to a page / set of pages.

capjamesg[d] Then you could revoke that password at any time so that users access would be revoked.

capjamesg[d] This is contingent upon htaccess allowing multiple passwords for a file. That might not be possible.

Zegnat I always feel like "auth for static site" is a bit hard to define. When do you consider something no longer static? I think https://www.authelia.com/ integrates with nginx, so you can have your server redirect the user to a separately hosted auth provider. But then that might actually be more stuff for you to host than having a static site that also supports PHP includes for a login

PK[d] capjamesg[d]: Indexes as in the URLs on that site?
jamietanna joined the channel
capjamesg[d] PK[d] all of the content on the web page.

PK[d] Hmm.. Oh yes that’s right..
PK[d] I wonder if it’d be easier to create an index of marked up websites
capjamesg[d] Thank you 🙂

capjamesg[d] Truthfully I haven’t worked on it for a little bit as I have been doing stuff with my own site. My dream is to run the search index too rather than using elastic search.

capjamesg[d] Every page is a h-feed and comes with a JSON / jf2 feed too.

capjamesg[d] No rss just yet as I haven’t modeled system resource usage for that.

[jacky] also https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/about seems to use white text when in dark mode

omz13, rototo, Murray[d], tetov-irc and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel