marksuth[d]as much as anything it was the most popular of the suggested names on the renaming section, it’s also sufficiently unique as not to cause any clashes with other things & relatively easy to pronounce/spell
@ariadneconill↩️ the market doesn’t care about SOLiD. it doesn’t care about IndieAuth. it doesn’t care about ActivityPub or WebMention or any of the other technologies that could actually shift the power dynamic toward the people. instead we get new masters, who just happen to have money. (
jessealama[d]ah, I see, understood. Solr has some boosting stuff that might be a good match for your use case. The indices are stored in a binary format, but there's an API that you can use to get rather low-level information about the current state of the system
ZegnatI cheated on the ranking last time I did a search experiment. I got a limited number of search results through dumb means, and then of those results read the full texts into an in-memory SQLite FTS5-enabled db (this is surprisingly fast). By running the same search query against the minimal SQLite set and retrieving results ordered by Rank, I made SQLite decide which pages were the “best” for the search
ZegnatIt basically assumes that people only want 1 page of results, and that querying the big data set is smart enough to get the somewhat correct results for the page of results, and that ranking can be figured out as a second step. It does mean that ranking is decided on the fly and the big db never needs to be reindexed for changing in the ranking algo
jeremycherfasI've been poking around in NewsBlur to see how its share-to services operate, and they are really rather simple, at least on the surface. (Busy writing up a post now). It structures a post to the service that is specific to that service. If there were a client that accepted such a request, perhaps it could send the request on to a site with an endpoint.
jeremycherfasI think that might be easier than sending a request direct to a site's micropub endpoint, although if the user could add the url of the endpoint and a token, perhaps that would work too.
Zegnatjeremycherfas: I was just looking, and Quill has bookmarklets for different post types where it puts data like url, content, and name for bookmarklets in a Quill URL.
[jeremycherfas]I was looking at the Quill docs as that seemed like the best starting point, but I hadn’t thought to look at the bookmarklets. Thanks [Zegnat]
alephalpha0, angelo and tetov-irc joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]Quill bookmarklets using URL structures is a clever trick. Reminiscent of being able to use WordPress' structured URLs to create posts with many of the parts already filled in.