#dev 2022-01-03
2022-01-03 UTC
eviestears and prologic joined the channel
prologic Anyone familiar with this Go library for webs and can anyone vouch for it?
prologic Seems like a really nice implemtnation with good interfaces and claims to pass all the webs tests
prologic The code looks good actually
prologic But sadly I cannot find any implementation of the other side (Subscriber)
prologic The only one I found was half backed full of TODOs and over engineered
prologic Is it possible to implement a much simpler subscriber?
prologic Do I just need to make a subscription request for a topic and handle callbacks from the hub/publisher?
[tantek] if that hub looks good to you, please add it to https://indieweb.org/WebSub#Hubs

[tantek] great questions, see https://indieweb.org/How_to_publish_and_consume_WebSub#How_to_Subscribe for some answers

prologic Great lemme have a read of that
prologic It's a damn shame webs doesn't appear to be used much in the Go ecosystem :/
prologic Probably too many protobuf fanboys :)
prologic Hmm I think I can skip the "Discovery" part of the subscriber/spec actally
prologic Since I already know who the "hubs'" are so-to-speak, they are peering pods (which already detect each other)
prologic Hmmm
prologic > hub.challenge - A hub-generated random string that must be echoed by the subscriber to verify the subscription
prologic Can't an attacker just create an arbitrary web server that responds as such and still attack your hub with unwanted subscriptions?
prologic 😅
cygnoir[d] joined the channel
prologic Q: Is the whole websub basically what https://indieweb.org/How_to_publish_and_consume_WebSub#How_to_Subscribe describe?
prologic Does it get much more complicated than this?
prologic If no, I may implement my own based on what I'm reading here and keep it much simpler (implemtnation wise)
prologic [snarfed] good point
prologic Ahh yeah of course :) You are right
prologic But... I am at least thinking about partly implement the spec
prologic For example, can I drop the notation of hub.lease_seconds?
prologic I can't see my software needing this at all, if this isn't strictly required by the spec or implementations then good
prologic NB: I haven't read the full W3C spec yet (on my reading list, only partly gone through some of it)
prologic My thinking here is if I at least make a passing attempt at implementing the bare minimum parts of the spec I need, _hopefully_ other websub-compatible subscribers can also benefit (if any)
prologic *nod*
prologic Or challenge the spec's design :D
prologic indeed!
prologic But whoever suggested websub to me here, thank you
prologic This actually looks like it might be really super useful between Yarn.social pods
prologic And It seems rathe fitting too :)
prologic Sure
@clavinjune I have enabled WebMention on my blog! Link at my profile.
#webmention #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/1477829563031834627)
aaronpk lol this ai-generated tweet seems relevant https://twitter.com/wtf_oauth/status/1477099506646802436

@wtf_oauth If you can’t think of a better solution, add another layer of protocols. (twitter.com/_/status/1477099506646802436)
prologic left the channel
Loqi architecture astronomy is the practice of analyzing problems, seeing patterns, and then generalizing to higher and higher level abstractions on top of those patterns to the point where the abstractions become so general, so vague, so detached from the original problems being analyzed, that they don't mean anything at all https://indieweb.org/architecture_astronomy

[tantek] architecture astronomy << https://twitter.com/wtf_oauth/status/1477099506646802436

Loqi ok, I added "https://twitter.com/wtf_oauth/status/1477099506646802436" to the "See Also" section of /architecture_astronomy https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78848&oldid=70081

hepphepp[d] joined the channel
edgeduchess[d] has anyone POSSE'd with Ghost?
edgeduchess[d] I have a Ghost blog with membership and I want to start doing my own blog, but I can't wait to being able to manage members from there to move cause that's going to take me a long time
edgeduchess[d] I'm trying to figure out if POSSE would help me in any way doing the switch more naturally
Tommy1 joined the channel
Tommy1 Bbbb
[chrisaldrich]3 What is Ghost?
Loqi Ghost is an an open source blogging software project written in node.js, and also a hosted silo at https://ghost.org https://indieweb.org/Ghost

edgeduchess[d] i checked that page but didn't find anything mentioned
[chrisaldrich]3 Of course this doesn't mean that it hasn't been done.
[chrisaldrich]3 I think it'd be surprising if someone hadn't made a plugin or tool to syndicate from Ghost to at least Twitter.
edgeduchess[d] idk that there's plugins?
edgeduchess[d] maybe zapier integrations
edgeduchess[d] https://ghost.org/integrations/ i wonder if these can be made
[chrisaldrich]3 I've not used Ghost before so I don't know.
edgeduchess[d] i'll look there, thanks
edgeduchess[d] maybe i can do some sort of jumps around
[chrisaldrich]3 I did find this forum post, but the link 404s: https://forum.ghost.org/t/the-ins-and-outs-of-content-syndication/119
edgeduchess[d] https://ghost.org/docs/admin-api/#creating-a-post
edgeduchess[d] i wonder if i can just use a html block and dump things there
[chrisaldrich]3 That link looks like a different sort of syndication: https://web.archive.org/web/20180104182757/https://blog.ghost.org/content-syndication/
jessealama joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]3 Searching around it looks/sounds like a lot of people are using Ghost's RSS in conjunction with IFTTT, Zapier, etc. Here's one interesting post with details that goes another route: https://blog.decaf.de/2015/05/01/how-to-crosspost-on-ghost-and-twitter/
[chrisaldrich]3 What is manual until it hurts?
Loqi manual until it hurts is an indieweb principle of resisting automation until you have done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing https://indieweb.org/manual_until_it_hurts

edgeduchess[d] thank you, that's very useful
jessealama, [jeremycherfas] and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] You could also use bridgy to syndicate https://brid.gy/about#publishing

jessealama, jjuran, Eclipse[d], tetov-irc, [jgmac1106], omz13 and Ramon[d] joined the channel
zerojames[d] [snarfed] Can you help me understand this issue:
zerojames[d] Could not find <b>Twitter</b> account for <b>brid.gy</b>. Check that your Twitter profile has brid.gy in its <em>web site</em> or <em>link</em> field, then try signing up again.
zerojames[d] I have a rel=me link pointing to Twitter in my site head tag.
zerojames[d] I can send the mention manually through the brid.gy dashboard but sending a webmention to the /publish/twitter endpoint yields the aforementioned error.
zerojames[d] Ah, fixed!
zerojames[d] My webmention endpoint was sending a webmention to brid.gy with the source as brid.gy too.
zerojames[d] My bad 🤦
KartikPrabhu, lagash and Eddy04[d] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I'm looking at a sqlite db that has a value labelled `ts` which I suspect means timestamp. However, it is a 13-digit number that translates to a date way in the future. If I take the first 10 digits, the date is correct. Any idea what the 13-digit number represents. I've no idea whether the 3 final digits might be some kind of checksum or other validation.

jeremycherfas Ahah. There is in fact a 13-digit timestamp. I should have searched first. Thank you.

jeremycherfas Apparently it is a javascript thing, versus the php thing I was more familiar with.

petermolnar what is Long Now

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Long Now" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Long Now is ____", a sentence describing the term)

petermolnar what is longnow

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "longnow" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "longnow is ____", a sentence describing the term)

petermolnar Long Now is https://longnow.org/

petermolnar longnow is /Long Now

@roboticdinosaur Taking a little dive in to webmentions and have one question: Does anyone still use / take advantage of, like buttons on websites? (twitter.com/_/status/1478064652122734597)
petermolnar A bit, re /longevity

petermolnar imo more, than web3 :D

[aciccarello] joined the channel
[tantek] if you want to add a link to Long Now's site to /longevity, that would make sense

nekr0z, LaBcasse[m] and npd[m] joined the channel
EvanBoehs[m], micahrl[m], PeterMolnar[m], Charlotteracracs and tomleo[m] joined the channel
petermolnar I usually draw my own conclusions on relevance, rather than waiting on tweets to quote.

Loqi Long Now is https://longnow.org/ https://indieweb.org/Long_Now

petermolnar and I'm planning to expand the stub, I was busy cleaning up /Facebook given it's see also aas full of oh-so-important tweet quotes.

petermolnar The timestamp earlier reminded me of 01996, which reminded me of how many times I forgot to start doing something with longnow.

zerojames[d] aaronpk have you come across any good PHP learning resources?
aaronpk i guess if you're already familiar with some programming concepts, their language reference is a decent place to get up to speed on the php specifics https://www.php.net/manual/en/langref.php

zerojames[d] +1
zerojames[d] I’ll need to think of a project first. Maybe the breakfast and coffee thing we discussed Tantek 😉
Seb[d], KartikPrabhu, gRegor, tetov-irc and [manton] joined the channel
[manton] I played around with BookWyrm today… I had to make a couple fixes in Micro.blog to support following BookWyrm users via ActivityPub. Slight differences with Mastodon’s ActivityPub. If anyone’s curious, the 3 things I ran into: no “url” field in objects, only “id”; no “aliases” in WebFinger response; and no “mediaType” in attachments.

kandr3s[m] joined the channel