#dev 2022-01-02

2022-01-02 UTC
prologic joined the channel
[10:03:23] <prologic> How do you guys deal with your web mention endpoints being abused by bad actors that might just spam it?
[10:03:40] <prologic> Or even attack it to cripple your endpoint
prologic, I know the WordPress plugin has the ability to "approve and always allow" comments from particular trusted domains, otherwise I mostly rely on Aksimet spam to do a bulk filter on incoming comments.
Yeah okay so a human approval system
My point was it's pretty much an open attack vecgor
Not sure if anyone has seen major incoming spam other than maybe larger processors like webmention.io and brid.gy though I'm not sure what, if any methods they may use for repeated abuse.
Yeah the reason I'm brining this up is I'm reconsidering fixing webventions in yarnd (the software behind yarn.social)
It's broken atm (has been for a while) :/
It is a vector in some sense, but it also requires some work on the sender to put up a web page to do it. I don't think there's been much abuse or spam in the wild yet.
what is spam?
spam is unsolicited content, often transmitted via email, submitted as blog comments or posted to popular wikis https://indieweb.org/spam
Well I'm not necessarily just referring to spam here right
Basically any bad actors and any abuse of the endpoint(s)
Hit hitting it hard, DDoS it, spamming it with crap, etc
That page has the only documentation on webmention spam I think we've seen: https://indieweb.org/spam#Webmention
[snarfed] may be able to describe what he's done in the past with accidental abusers resending thousands of webmentions on a regular basis, though these are usually cases where static site rebuilds are accidentally reprocessing every webemention they've ever sent.
others may have ideas and bits of anecdotal history as well.
It's probably quite niche/small too I guess, so not something that attracts a lot of attention? 🤔
That's a possibility, but who would want to create hundreds of thousands of pages on the web to force an endpoint to process them all? Even if you had just one page and kept resending, I'm not sure how much damage that would do as most receivers may not reprocess each request unless there's an update. I haven't looked at the spec in a looong time.
I'm sure that people have resent me webmentions or even updates, but because of the WordPress plugin design, I'm not really seeing updates for each and every one of them.
prologic: isn't the "niche/small" only going to be true as long as the protocol doesn't reach popularity?
if one can get the indieweb to grow, i would expect people to exploit any type of weakness like this more often
What'a ya point? :)
mostly just that if this is actually a problem, the fact that it's niche/small doesn't mean it should be handwaved away
Oh no that wasn't what I was implying :)
oh sorry if i misread
Anyway I'm just reconsidering whether I revive our broken webventions endpoint handling
So no worries 👌
The spec does have some differences from the prior pingbacks and trackbacks which made spam a much easier thing to accomplish.
KartikPrabhu, darkkirb and nertzy joined the channel
edgeduchess[d] and prologic, you're both right
as [chrisaldrich] says, we've learned lots of lessons from prior attempts and Webmention has many more barriers to abuse than trackback or pingback
rather than some absolute attempt at preventing abuse, I'd like to see us explore a user-centric model of directing focus toward people you want to interact with ala that progressive circles diagram that I shared earlier
I think my use-case is a little different, originally I used webventions as a way to do cross-pod (for Yarn.social) mentions -- I also supported regular "Web" mentions as well, but in limited ways
Now I'm thinking about fixing it (currently broken) and maybe using it as a "mechanism" for pods to ping each other and say "hey so and so just posted, go pull their feed if you want"
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that sounds like websub
i would not recommend repurposing webmention as a general purpose subscription mechanism since there are other concerns around a subscription mechanism that won't be referenced by the webmention spec
Hmm websub huh?
it's specifically designed for the use case "hey i just posted go pull the feed"
The trouble I have is some of the IndieWeb stuff _doesn't quite_ fit my needs/use-cases in some ways
They're close, but not quite if you know what I mean
Pods already peer with one another and soon (once implemented) will likely do some kind of gossiping too
But otherwise they are primarily "pull" based
give it a read, it might have the pieces you want
but if you're building something that only ever intends on interoperating with yourself, then you don't need to follow any other specs and you can just do whatever you want
Well that's hard of the juggling act really isn't it
There are discussions of us opening up and integrating with the so-called "Fediverse" for example through ActivityPub
and on the flip side, if you think an existing building block is close but missing something, then it's worth talking to the larger community to see if it makes sense to update or extend the existing pieces
But here's the thing, ActivityPub as a spec is insanely over engineered and is the opposite "push" based
So I'm very reluctant to do that at all
i agree, activitypub is more like picking up the whole Rails/Laravel stack vs using small purpose-specific libraries
But yeah I'll have a read of websub for sure and see how it _could_ be used between pods where you get the best of both worlds, a convergent decentralised social network, but more-or-less real-time on pods (running yarnd)
*nods* 100%
It's insane, which is why I never went that down path
yarn.social / Yarn itself (as some of you might know) is actually based on Twtxtv2 (we extended it) + HTTP
That's it
one thing i think you will like about websub is that you can treat it as either a pure push-based delivery system ("fat" notifications) or purely pull where you treat the ping as just a notification of new content.
You need only to host a feed + avatar somewhere and a decent client that adheres to the specs
I _think_ the main issue I have -- hence the initial discussions around attack vectors, is the possibility of some bad actor abusing the endpoints in a way that causes pods to constantly go pull feeds
Rather than any legitimate "push/notification" from another pod
that's a great example of something that websub addresses that webmention by definition can't
Anyway I will have a read 👌
jeremycherfas, nertzy_, alex11, Charlotteracracs and reed joined the channel
another thing is that bridgy can bridge in twitter noise too, so you may need a circles of relatedness model like tantek was saying for that too
jeremycherfas joined the channel
> Bridgy connects your web site to social media. Likes, retweets, mentions, cross-posting, and more... Connect your accounts: ...
Uggh sound disgusting 😂
Maybe not hmmm what is this thing actually? 🤔
Eddy04[d] joined the channel
I still need to update those h-feed pages
kushwah_raj[d], Brutallykilled1[ and jackdaw[d] joined the channel; prologic left the channel
prologic: happy to answer any Bridgy q's!
tetov-irc joined the channel
Speaking of that, and now that I want to improve my website. I am against webmentions, cross-things and all that.
I have been thinking about "Significance". I dislike pages where the comments are an endless list of webmentions and cross-links. But few meaningful comments.
On my site I don't want to know about mentions. It's good that they exist, but I don't want to prove anything with it. IMO webmentions are good, but only to appear to be popular. But I will look for other less intrusive and more meaningful methods.
you can choose which webmentions to show on your site - using post type discovery you could automatically ignore the likes, reposts, bookmarks and only show the notes or articles https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
or you can use that to help decide which ones to show manually
barryf[d] and [jacky] joined the channel
juanchipro[m]: what if you think of them as bi-directional links and not as a popularity thing? Eg treat or show them all as "incoming link"?
anyone able to help me with a CSS q? in light mode, the "Post comment" button at the bottom of my posts, eg https://snarfed.org/2022-01-01_45569 , is visible on Firefox but not on Chrome or Safari
browser specific CSS bugs 😭
I've been poking around in Chrome's dev tools but haven't figured it out yet
Lets see if I can reproduce
the bug that is
Just need to grab a machine that has a non-firefox browser
[snarfed]: I am getting Chrome telling me that --bg-blue is not defined.
I wonder if there is some difference in how browsers fallback from that, if no fallback is provided in the CSS. Where maybe Chrome sets no background at all, while Firefox falls back to setting the background to whatever less specific CSS sets
Hey here, I'm in a bit of a state of shock. But just a little bit of the truth. It turns out that about a month and a half ago I decided to make a clean break from my blog and my digital life. And I decided to do something indie, a digital garden specifically. And I decided to start from scratch with javascript.
It turns out that looking at the wiki here it seems that using javascript is frowned upon.
I did some research:
IMO that hate is unbridled. The post is from 2016. I think things have changed. A technology is not per se bad. I understand things like accessibility and that in the past there were security breaches. But I think that should all be overcome.
Anyway, in my case there is no turning back. I embrace the javascript god, I have no choice, ha.
[snarfed]: I cannot find any good documentation on it, but I cannot seem to get your media query to work at all with the "not" keyword in there. Something that WebKit does not support?
juanchipro[m]: so many layers to that discussion, haha. I think many people who have contributed to the IndieWeb wiki are of the opinion that HTTP and HTML are enough to send thoughts around. If just reading text on a page depends on JS you might be excluding people from getting at your thoughts. Loads of different reasons for that, from old accessibility tools, to hardware limitations, to even just bandwidth and connection
limitations around the world.
What is progressive enhancement?
progressive enhancement is the web development practice of building web pages, sites, apps so they are at least readable, and preferably allow for most if not all interactions, from any kind of browser, and optionally take advantage of additional capabilities (like various CSS & JS features) when available https://indieweb.org/progressive_enhancement
juanchipro[m] I have tried to build my personal services in line with the progressive enhancement principle.
Pages should work without JS enabled but if JS is enabled visitors get a few more features.
For instance, my comments don't render on my site is JS is disabled. But everything else (excluding one JS-powered page) works.
I personally think HTML and HTTP are perfect for sharing content but JS in many cases lets you make a much better UX.
I disagree, there is no reason to disable JS other than being a conspiracist. I respect it of course but I don't agree with it. I don't want to dilate on my reasons or be tiresome, but JS is not worse than pure HTML, and of course it is much better than PHP. And for ecological reasons -Greta Thunberg seal of aproval hahaha- JS saves bandwidth.
juanchipro[m]: lol
Finally, a Juanchi-advice, JS is not diabolical, use it if you feel like it. Being indie doesn't mean being spartan, but minimalist and eclectic, I think, I don't know.
but if they were still loading JS in the background they will just stop doing that and not even retry. Leading to bad experience.
Non of the reasons I gave were about having JS disabled. I totally agree that it is completely feasible to not expect JS disabled browsers. But there are a tonne of reasons why JS fails otherwise. It used to fail for me a lot travelling around in rural Sweden. Not because I wanted to save bandwidth, but simply because bandwidth was not available. I would lose mobile internet connection randomly. Browsers are very good at loading HTML,
A lot of that is also audience related though of course
Spent some time today implementing webmention support on my website. Likes/retweets/reboosts and tweets/toots show up as comments on my page now as well as “standard” replies/comments from other blogs (https://brainsteam.co.uk/notes/2022/01/02/1641143719/)
vilhalmer joined the channel
Well, I'm not going to convince anyone. My website is 100% pure javascript and I'm happy. It is super interactive. I don't want to go back to PHP+MySQL "hell". I just hope people don't disable javascript just because.
if you use JS on the frontend also has nothing to do with PHP+MySQL or not...
There is no need to convince anyone 🙂
What is JS;dr?
js;dr is JavaScript required; Didn’t Read https://indieweb.org/js;dr
JS can cause trouble with archiving but I do wonder how modern headless browsers fare with JS now.
Many sites use tools like Next.JS and create an amazing UX thanks to the rich ecosystem of components.
Just as an example.
also if you think php + mysql is "hell" you're probably using them wrong :D
> if you use JS on the frontend also has nothing to do with PHP+MySQL or not...
I have fullstack. React + Express.Well, everything. Minimalist page though. But it's super fast. I don't mind if DuckDuck doesn't read it. Google does. And Google commands a lot, yes, sir.
Javascript is super difficult. Master level. but if you can master it, you'll reach the sky.
I don't care about the Archive.org. I am nobody important. In fact, I'm a little shit. After 100 years we will all end up in a mass grave and forgotten (I read that somewhere). My motto is to enjoy the now, the moment.
vj-- and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Not to be displayed by default. And to be entered simply. A single line and ENTER.
And a button to delete unusable data. No author, if someone wants to identify himself/herself, in the body of the message. The date is stored by default. The creation date is important.
"Significance" is the key. And minimalism.
What I find horrendous is Disqus. I mean for an authentic indie site. It's Javascript. My site is JS of course, they would match well. But it's not OS, it has ads, your data doesn't belong to it and above all I feel that on the sites where it's used, it feels strange; it's like a weird sticky on the page. In my browser I see the small letters. It doesn't fit well with the blog templates. I don't know, but discarded.
s/What I find horrendous is Disqus. I mean for an authentic indie site. It's Javascript. My site is JS of course, they would match well. But it's not OS, it has ads, your data doesn't belong to it and above all I feel that on the sites where it's used, it feels strange; it's like a weird sticky on the page. In my browser I see the small letters. It doesn't fit well with the blog templates. I don't know, but discarded./What I find
horrendous is Disqus. I mean for an authentic indie site. It's Javascript. My site is JS of course, they would match well. But it's not OS, it has ads, your data doesn't belong to your own and above all I feel that on the sites where it's used, it feels strange; it's like a weird sticky on the page. In my browser I see the small letters. It doesn't fit well with the blog templates. I don't know, but discarded./
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ I am happy to note that they auth your email. It would have been much better if they auth your URL using indieauth. Then we could do "social" as well.
Seems like a perfectly fine choice for your own site, juanchipro[m] :) Like I said, just know your audience. And seems like you have already thought about that if you know not all search indexing and archiving bots will work. Probably other indieweb/federation tech that will not work either, unless you are able to still push some JSONDL/link-elements without JS when the HTTP request comes in. Very few HTTP tools will run JS to
discover meta data.
zerojames[d]: if by "modern headless browsers" you just mean running Chromium headless, they deal perfectly fine with JS ;)
alex11 joined the channel
Zegnat++ re JS fragility. I believe folks have made the comparison to draconian XML mistakes of yore
Zegnat has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (28 in all channels)
Zegnat++ thanks for the CSS hint! that `not` operator might be the right lead
Zegnat has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
hrm, maybe. docs on media query operators show that `not` is right: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media#logical_operators
"If you use the not operator you must set a media type (like screen or print) as well. If you don't, the media type will be all, and then your media query will read "not all" so it won't get applied anywhere."
yup, changing `not (prefers-color-scheme: dark)` to `not screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)` solved it. thanks for the nudge Zegnat!
Nice one [snarfed]! I could not find any articles specifically about "not" for the life of me :/
Is there some reason you are wrapping both blocks of variables in media queries? I usually put 1 always (default colours) and then a media-queried block that overwrites it
got me, I don't really know CSS, I just 🐶
maybe your way would be better
Last double themed thing I did used the following pattern and I have not had any complaints (yet):
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { :root { --background: white; } }
:root { --background: black; }
Not sure if it is better per-se, but it gives me some form of fallback, or at least peace of mind, haha
[jacky]1, saptaks_znc, nertzy__, ^ilhalmer, _jackdaw[d], angelo_, feoh, stevestreza_, kloenk, tetov-irc2, vj--_, alex__, bneil2, [chrisaldrich]3, jjuran_, [jacky]2, nertzy, jackdaw[d], rrix_, lagash_, ben_thatmust, vilhalmer, joshproehl___, doosboox, jeremycherfas, saptaks, sp1ff, GWG and darkkirb joined the channel
> I disagree, there is no reason to disable JS other than being a conspiracist. - yes, there is, as long as sites load JS code that is longer, than War and Peace.
juanchipro[m]: JS on server side is fine, but if there is no HTML sent over the wire, tools like wget, curl, etc won't be able to deal with it.
justIrresolute and superkuh joined the channel
and that is not just archive.org, but a LOT of tools
so then the question does indeed boils down to what Zegnat said: know your audience
jjuran, IWSlackGateway, jamietanna[m], rommudoh[m], tetov-irc, vilhalmer, juanchipro[m], doubleloop[m], npd[m], Charlotteracracs, micahrl[m], hala-bala[m], benatkin, tomleo[m], astralbijection[, reed, Darius_Dunlap[d], vikanezrimaya, binyamin[m], PeterMolnar[m], Abhas[m], Lohn, EvanBoehs[m], unrelentingtech, LaBcasse[m], samwilson, alex11, diegov, mambang[m] and nekr0z joined the channel
getting to the discussion late, but my personal take is that it can make sense to go "JS-only" in the short term, but if you do have time or want to do something that's stable long-term working towards not needing JS makes sense and it will eventually lead to a better experience for your users
rommudoh[m], reed, Abhas[m], benatkin, samwilson, hala-bala[m], doubleloop[m], vikanezrimaya, Lohn, diegov, mambang[m], binyamin[m], unrelentingtech, jamietanna[m] and astralbijection[ joined the channel
but it's also totally fine to decide no-JS gets e.g. a read-only experience
but also generally the tools going around are more and more leaning towards SSR and executing at the edge and all that stuff and while this further complicates the stack it points at everyone seeking some sort of balance between "no js" and "limited interactivity"
(Or just based on personal whim, because that is the whole point, your personal site is personal and fun :D )
We have discussed similar things around HTTP vs HTTPS. E.g. offer HTTP versions of the site where you strip out all interactivity so interactions are only possible on secured connections.
It is completely fine to compartmentalise features like that based on tech availability if you ask me.
I think that makes sense, yes
That is true.
I have felt a bit pressured to use no JS when possible for reasons I cannot articulate.
But to be honest JS might be incredibly helpful for some things.
Seirdy joined the channel
Trying to avoid JS where possible did enlighten me to what you can do without JS though.
You can make a lot without it.
I think the Remix framework has interesting takes on this all
I've seen people claim that by using it they're learning html can do stuff they'd automatically reach out to JS for
and that's kind of where the crux lies, I think
you can probably get rid of a bunch of JS by learning HTML better
but rather than focusing on teaching that positively, often it ends up with just shaming people out of JS
I agree.
lot of trade-offs for sure. my two biggest annoyances are still speed & reliability, specifically in mobile / limited bandwidth use-cases, both of which are nearly universally harmed by depending on JS
like the laughable sites where "links" aren't actually clickable until some external JS loads. like really? you worked extra hard to break hyperlinks on the web. great job, you screwed up the #1 feature
tetov-irc and IntriguedWow[d] joined the channel