#dev 2022-01-01

2022-01-01 UTC
cygnoir[d], edburns[d], benji, sarahd[d] and IntriguedWow[d] joined the channel
snarfed, re: "high level conclusion is that people have multiple usage patterns and desires that are very different and conflict, so it's hard/impossible to design a reader that works well for everyone" <-- I feel that's very out of date and has been subsequently disproven by the massive popularity of social media which (nearly) "everyone" uses a relatively unconfigurable UI.
IMO there's only one "analysis on reader UX … high level conclusion" that still stands, which is that standalone *readers* (and the very framing of "readers") are vastly inferior (statistically by usage patterns, nearly no one wants them), in comparison to integrated reading/posting UIs
Good point tantek.
I don’t mind creating posts with my Micropub client but mainly because I have bookmarklets set up.
Otherwise, I do want to be able to interact with my reader.
What is read later?
Read later is an indication on (or relating to) a website that one wants to save the URL to come back and read the content at a future time https://indieweb.org/read_later
tetov-irc, Christian_Olivie, capablecable[d], vj--, KartikPrabhu, P1000[d] and Murray[d] joined the channel
What is Repl.it?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Repl.it" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Repl.it is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is Glitch?
Glitch (formerly Gomix, HyperDev before that) is a tool allowing you to quickly prototype web applications in a complete IDE with built in version control, sharing, custom domain support, and more https://indieweb.org/Glitch
Do we have any IndieWeb templates for the two aforementioned services?
The logic is that having simple templates on these playgrounds might be a good resource for complete beginners.
Repl.it has been my go to for collaborative programming with beginners.
Both for it’s easy collaboration and sharing workflow as well as for its ease of running code.
KartikPrabhu and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
oh i would love a glitch template
i could help contribute that, but it'll have to be a bit of a longer term goal
I still need to figure out whether the people I build for actually find glitch intuitive. I have a hard time with it myself.
what is itches?
Itches, in the context of the indieweb, are individuals's personal sources of annoyances using the web or in particular their own website, that they use to itemize and prioritize what to create, design, build, and improve on their own website, often by first listing such "itches" on a section in their User: page or on their own website https://indieweb.org/itches
What would be included in a template for Glitch? Would you want people to start blogging there? A Linktree like link list? Just a personal profile/about page so people can create landing pages for themselves?
I am not sure what the people who want to start something on Glitch want to accomplish from an IndieWeb point of view, so unsure what I would put in a starting template
I started making a thing on glitch, and got micropub and POSSE to twitter working, but the local storage model wasn't really right https://glitch.com/edit/#!/it-me-web?path=README.md%3A1%3A0
I was trying to work out how to know when the user was authed with glitch and then got sidetracked
Zegnat: I was thinking the same thoughts
Zegnat: the personal profile about page was (finally!) made by glitch itself: https://glitch.com/glitch-in-bio
i feel like one could remix glitch in bio to add indieweb features maybe, if we think there's some worth adding
but i would see it as a place one could give someone a starter website (blog?) with a template and have them mess around with the theme
i mentioned before i'd like to help create a user interface on top of writing posts for your own blog on a github repo
I would see glitch as the side of that equation where people who are not familiar with command line would create pages or edit themes
"i feel like one could remix glitch in bio to add indieweb features" which features would you add?
i don't know all that's available, but I would assume the ability to use it for IndieAuth is one?
also, rel=me stuff
Seb[d] joined the channel
isn't glitch js;dr for that purpose?
indieauth and rel=me usually needs the html to contain them
no, it runs code serverside and can do static serving
though it will put the node servers to sleep so they may timeout
RE: tantek and [snarfed]'s points earlier, I'll take a little bit of both the chocolate and the peanut butter: social silos have made it very easy to read, respond, and interact within each individual silo (tantek's observation), but "people have multiple usage patterns and desires that are very different" (snarfed) and this is only solved by putting the onus of the work usually including moderation on the people/users needing
to have dozens of accounts on all the "free" platforms to communicate the thing each wants and desires to a hoped for audience of friends and family who may not actually exist on all those platforms.
There are costs (many hidden) on multiple axes which makes the personal choices hard to make beyond the immediate knee jerk or gut reaction.
Of course if all this weren't incredibly complex, someone would have solved it by now... 🙂
well, we did solve a fair bit of it, but the silos have actively fought that
tetov-irc joined the channel
Some of our issue as a society is not thinking about what it is the silos themselves are solving for (often profit for themselves and not user needs/wants). I'm glad to have some friends here slowly but surely fighting the good fight though.
what silos, as in being multiple of them solve, is context and content separation
except for facebook
to solve the same problem in indieweb one either needs multiple personas (and thus, domains), or a rather sophisticated private posting system.
there aren't many out there who'd be willing to run multiple indieweb sites with, each under a domain, etc. Yes, I know some here does that, but that's a niche within a niche within a niche.