#dev 2021-12-31

2021-12-31 UTC
gives Loqi a long stare
enjoys the long stare
test and Seirdy joined the channel
OPML << Microsub OPML Import and Export Utilities https://github.com/capjamesg/microsub-opml-utils
ok, I added "Microsub OPML Import and Export Utilities https://github.com/capjamesg/microsub-opml-utils" to the "See Also" section of /OPML https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78824&oldid=75673
Did you look at the buzzfeed editor ui? https://community.buzzfeed.com/
darkkirb joined the channel
ooh interesting
the quiz format is very interesting
omg though the UI is so clunky
But they have a strong idea of what kinds of posts they want, and built a ui that encourages those (and they do a reasonable job of encouraging citing images etc)
Medium wanted a different kind of post so built a different kind of editor (which we have a copy of in Quill.p3k.io)
One thought with micropub could be editors tuned for different posting styles that still post in more than one place.
How technorati bootstrapped discovery was by making a who links to whom leader board, which encouraged people to get indexed so that their links were counted (and they told people who linked to them to get indexed too as they wanted the inbound count)
Myst[d] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: can you expand on this?
the editors that post in more than one place biut
gRegor and benji joined the channel
Micropub gives an abstraction for posting structured data, with the structure in microformats. Different backends can accept it, and different front ends can be tuned for specific cases. If the site con accept html, you can 'tunnel' structure through it. So posting to blogger or tumblr or wordpress can carry the structure with it.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I like that phrasing.
I think I am going to merge my Micropub and Microsub clients.
But I haven’t quite made my mind up.
This would make code management a bit more difficult but would mean I could post and consume in the same place.
Part of the abstraction is to not need to, but it does add login steps. If you have micropub set up, monocle gives you integrated posting in the reader.
balupton[d], tetov-irc, KartikPrabhu and [tonz] joined the channel
js;dr << [https://unixsheikh.com/articles/no-your-website-is-not-a-webapp-even-if-you-call-it-so.html No, your website is not a web app even if you call it so]
sayanarijit[d] and omz13 joined the channel
edgeduchess[d] I have been playing around with my feed reader today:
marksuth I have got an IndieWeb Search extension working with the reader in the vein of our discussion re: finding new feeds to follow in your reader.
I subscribe to 703 feeds. I havev no idea how a dashboard interface like Tumblrs or like your experiment there zerojames[d] would scale to that
what is Together
Together is a social reader that was initially conceived at the 2017 IndieWeb Summit in Portland by Jonathan LaCour and several others during the Putting it all together session https://indieweb.org/Together
I subscribe to 90 something feeds Zegnat. My server really isn't built for more than one person right now.
(it's running IndieWeb Search too and that is chewing away at most of the RAM available)
In terms of design, I don't know what would work for other people. I am building for me at the moment. There is a page that lists all of the feeds you are following but my use case for that right now is mainly to unfollow feeds / double check if I have subscribed to something.
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ Bonus blog post! Yesterday's effort broke the Webmention cache, so I had to fix it before moving on: https://dltj.org/article/fixing-webmentions/
This was weird enough that I added a longer explanation to today's refactoring-DLTJ post: https://dltj.org/article/fixing-webmentions/#contents-of-the-aws-codebuild-cache-file
zerojames: lots of historical analysis on reader UX! high level conclusion is that people have multiple usage patterns and desires that are very different and conflict, so it's hard/impossible to design a reader that works well for everyone
haven't managed to find it yet, but iirc there was a good in depth history of Google Reader's development from one of the PMs a while back
chenghiz_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ @MicroDotBlog is a lovely, full-featured platform that meets you where you’re at by supplying pieces you're missing. If you’ve got your own site, you can plug it in and use it as a reader; it supplies notifications if you don’t support webmention; etc. https://boffosocko.com/2021/12/31/55800361/
edgeduchess[d]: from main channel, some of the microsub clients chrisaldrich mentioned are open source.
[aaronpk] Monocle: Monocle is a reader app that talks to a Microsub server
IndiePass (fka Indigenous) for iOS: https://github.com/marksuth/indigenous-ios
oh interesting
they don't seem too complex
[marksuth] indigenous-android: An open social app with support for IndieWeb, Mastodon, Pleroma and Pixelfed.
might also help to read through the Microsub spec, which focuses on how a client can interact with a backend, letting a client implementor focus on just the client features they want
Right, the backend microsub server does the feed fetching and micropub server does posting so the reader can focus on ui
yep, so you could stand up a backend like Aperture and build your client against it, until you run into something that the spec or that Aperture doesn't let you quite do like you want.
took a quick look at the spec, looks interesting
For reference, my reader is also built on the same draft standard.
Separating the servers and client operations creates a more portable, interoperable ecosystem.
Seirdy, frittro, doosboox8, eco_, tetov-irc, jjuran, [tw2113_Slack_], IWSlackGateway, GWG, joshproehl, test and feoh joined the channel