[fluffy]I leave that on because 97% of the time if I’m getting a random tweet from someone in those categories it’s them asking me to give them my username
@eay↩️ I’m blogging on https://eay.cc since 2003. Mostly in German.
Because I regularly post small status updates & links I rely on Good Ol’ WordPress with the simple non-RTE classic editor, which is fast for publishing/editing content. Also using Webmentions and JSON feeds. (twitter.com/_/status/1478633461384724480)
[tantek]zerojames[d], re: your post, there's a differences among taxonomy, site information architecture ("sections of your site"), and post types. Yes they can overlap, but just because one feels awkward or unnecessary doesn't mean the others are.
zerojames[d]Likes and bookmarks are still their old structured selves and notes are marked up appropriately too. But, now there are no checkins, coffee posts, watch posts, reposts, and a few others that I have experimented with that I didn't use heavily.
Loqitaxonomy is an explicitly curated, often designed, set of categories or labels, often hierarchical as well, in contrast to the folksonomy of tags and hashtags https://indieweb.org/taxonomy
[tantek]also tagging something as an #RSVP is not the same as a post having the "post type" of RSVP (simplified: determined by whether there's a p-rsvp property or not)
[tantek]In short, your essay is somewhat interchangeably using "post type", "taxonomy" and "[site] section" when they mean very different specific things and are unfortunately easy to confuse
[tantek]e.g. "post type" is both the explicit notion of post type from the Post Type Discovery algorithm, and it is a broader sense of different kinds of posts, with different presentation, potentially only differentiated by an emoji or a hashtag
LoqiPost or posts may refer to individual pieces of content published on an indieweb site such as notes, articles, & responses, or the act of creating the aforementioned content (present tense), or Posts about the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/post_type
[tantek]"post types" is https://indieweb.org/posts#Types_of_Posts, and ranges from different presentations of posts to explicit post types identified by markup (PTD algorithms), to sometimes "just" certain patterns in the content of posts (one or more specific emoji or hashtags)
[tantek]"section on my site" is information architecture. how you choose to have what explicit sections on your site or not does not have to have anything to do with "post types", rather it should be about how what experience (UX) you want to present, what navigation paths, what areas of focus
[tantek]there is nothing anywhere that says or implies that if you choose to distinguish a post type (of any kind) that you should or must have a section to do so
Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indieweb.org/folksonomy
[tantek]in an abstract sense, the list of post types that we've been keeping track of on the wiki are a taxonomy of sorts, in that it is an explicit list of categories
[tantek]and coming up with a taxonomy for what you're going to *name* the different sections of your site is also independently useful when doing information architecture. it does not mean that your site design is now "a taxonomy" though
[aciccarello]I keep revisiting these Post kind vs architecture vs UX concepts anytime I add to my site. I still feel like I'm trying to wrap my head around them. Thanks for expanding on the differences.
[tantek]zerojames[d], apologies for using your blog post as an example in this regard, it did seem like a good case study for expanding on some of these sources of confusion
binyamin[m], npd[m], [jeremycherfas] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek]zerojames[d], re: "expand my notes field to do things like automatically add RSVP markup" <- exactly! My "RSVPs" are literally just "special" notes that my code recognizes from the first few words of the note, and then automatically adds the RSVP markup, and alters the presentation accordingly. I still write them as "notes".
[tantek]you could literally create every post as a "note", then have your code analyze it and decide to display it differently based on the contents of the note
[tantek]I actually think that's a better creation UX. No need to burden the author with "pick a post type" at all. Just start typing or uploading a photo or whatever
[tantek]a lot of us in the IndieWeb community initially got distracted by the "pick a post type" UI initially because frankly that's what Tumblr did and that seemed to be popular.
[aciccarello]Personally I want to distinguish photo posts vs notes with posts which I think doesn't fit with post type discovery. Like I have photos I want to share which I want to distinguish from "here's a note with some related image". Does anyone else do that?
[tantek]aciccarello, FWIW I personally disthtinguish "photo" vs note with related image by what comes fist in the content. photo (or photos) at the start? that's a photo (or multiphoto) post. otherwise note with whatever else
[aciccarello]Ah, that's interesting. I'd have to think about how that would work with my site since I store featured images in the frontmatter of a markdown file.
Murray[d]if you are already using frontmatter, couldn't you just override the post type there? So if it has an image, it's a photo, unless the frontmatter says otherwise?
[manton]I thought it was a good post and wouldn’t take it completely down either. You could edit it, or even just add an “Update:” at the end with a summary of some of this conversation.
[jacky]but since I separate my presentation site from the parts of it that run (like Micropub and Webmention), I'm tempted to have it be _yet another thing_ that listens to changes from my WebSub server to know when to add something to the index and also maybe get more information semantically from Micropub
zerojames[d]The real bonus of running your own engine aside from being able to crawl on demand is that you can get creative with the search results if you want.
zerojames[d]If you store most things in a DB (or at least the things you want to search), you don’t really have to write a crawler or anything like that.
[jacky]I might have to have something run analysis on each post, build an index and maintain it over time for something like this (tbh the index could be _another_ files called `referenced_by.txt` that just has URLs of things that have linked to this entry and `referencing.txt` being links that go out)
[snarfed]the other interesting option is client side, ie you ship your entire index with your site and search it client side, in the browser. requires JS, but surprisingly small and feasible for many individual sites
[snarfed]and zero latency enables some UX features that you can't realistically do with server side search that incurs network round trip(s) for each new set of results or data
[snarfed]the other benefit of client side is that it's less admin tax. have to regularly rebuild the index either way, but you don't have to build or run a search server
zerojames[d]I used to have a crontab job set up that crawled my site every day. The crawl took a few mins and after that the whole index was up to date.
[James_Van_Dyne]zerojames: I’ve put in a couple of PRs for your indieweb-utils library. I’ve got a couple more (small) ones that I’d like to make that build off my current PRs (introduce black/flake8/mypy). Not sure if you got notifications about the open PRs? I can’t request a review from you in GH for some reason. If there’s a different way you’d like to collaborate on the project, let me know 🙂