#dev 2022-01-18
2022-01-18 UTC
typ1cal_c0ffxe3, tetov-irc, frittro, rommudoh[m], diegov and justJustache joined the channel
solo joined the channel
typ1cal_c0ffxe3 and darkkirb joined the channel
jacky I've been reading https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-implement-cursor-pagination-like-a-pro-513140b65f32 (heh) and thinking about how to do this

frittro_ joined the channel
typ1cal_c0ffxe3 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
typ1cal_c0ffxe3 joined the channel
jacky and gRegor joined the channel
aaronpk This is a good bit of insight "Problem is, I think users tend to think “globally.” They expect all activity within a space or context to be visible to them. If a search for some user can return nothing because the subject is outside your local social graph, then your technology is less useful than other search models. This is why we tend to pool around well-maintained global indexes to give reliable

aaronpk results, but then you have centralized authority emerging." via https://paulfrazee.medium.com/smart-contracts-without-blockchains-fc54603df754

angelo joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme and angelo joined the channel
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
capjamesg[d] GWG jacky I have had issues with paging in Microsub too. I still have to fix my paging implementation. I can see two pages but that's it.

wagle, IWSlackGateway, tetov-irc, jessealama and jacky joined the channel
kimberlyhirsh[d] and jacky joined the channel
[KevinMarks]1 So how does vitra compare with Trillian? https://github.com/google/trillian
jacky and Christian_Olivie joined the channel
petermolnar trillian is a messenger... and I miss the old one

capjamesg and srushe joined the channel
petermolnar related: https://ansiwave.net/blog/semantic-web.html (title and slug is misleading)

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] ah, i see a fun point with the public SQLite DB-over-HTTP as well - the API is now SQL

[schmarty] so with that translation layer, making mashups of data in DBs published this way is a lot more like building them locally

[schmarty] lol totally

jessealama and jacky joined the channel
[KevinMarks]1 can you use FUSE to wrap the abstraction you want?
[KevinMarks]1 https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse
[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] jacky there are definitely more good (non-dweb) data sync libs/services now that are JS/browser friendly! Noms, Replicache, etc. also lots of history in https://indieweb.org/sync
[tw2113_Slack_] and jessealama joined the channel
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[tantek] jacky: "small abstraction over the filesystem and it'd "magically" sync across devices/systems" <-- yes this. I keep moving more and more things to "Notes" in iOS / MacOS because it actually does a decent job at this and they're basically plain text (the way I use them at least). I'd prefer if they were directly .txt or .html etc. in the file system though.

[aciccarello] I experimented with a PWA for web share. I think it would work if you're not worried about teaching people how to install it
capjamesg[d] I don’t know how this would play out but I kind of want to make a web page that just lists meta tags you can add to your site.

capjamesg[d] There seem to be so many cool ones.

capjamesg[d] Open search, web monetization, PWA manifests, rel=me, etc.

capjamesg[d] Oh, it’s been done haha.

jacky might wanna check out https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml

capjamesg[d] What is a meta tag?

Loqi mo’ <meta>, mo’ problems -- Tantek Çelik, 2015-01-23 https://indieweb.org/meta_tag

capjamesg[d] meta tag << https://github.com/joshbuchea/HEAD

Loqi ok, I added "https://github.com/joshbuchea/HEAD" to the "See Also" section of /meta https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=79158&oldid=54486

capjamesg[d] Haha. I think we need a serious definition for that [tantek] 😂

capjamesg[d] Hey! That HEAD list has some IndieWeb tags there too like Micropub.

capjamesg[d] I’ll submit a PR to add microsub too.

capjamesg[d] Yes, indeed.

[aciccarello] Oh, this is an interesting option:
[aciccarello] ```<!-- disallow Twitter from using your site's info for personalization purposes -->
[aciccarello] <meta name="twitter:dnt" content="on">```
capjamesg[d] Can I replace the definition for that tomorrow? 😅

capjamesg[d] Sorry for distracting from your point [aciccarello] re: web share.

[aciccarello] NBD
[aciccarello] jackey, I'm surprised they even give an option
[aciccarello] *jacky
[tantek] jacky, re: IANA link-relations, you mean https://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values for HTML at least :D

[philbowell], Gotcha, [chrisaldrich] and BinarySavior joined the channel
npd[m] what are folks using for avatar image identification?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "folks using for avatar image identification" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "folks using for avatar image identification is ____", a sentence describing the term)

npd[m] this script/service looks for a few different icon `link` relations: https://github.com/11ty/api-indieweb-avatar
npd[m] hcard microformat has a "photo" class for an image, but I don't know if that's regularly used as the "avatar" or smaller icon
Loqi An icon in the context of the indieweb typically refers to a home page icon for an indieweb site, or small decorative images to indicate types of posts https://indieweb.org/icon

frittro__ joined the channel
npd[m] thanks
npd[m] I'm not sure I want my website's favicon to also be the avatar I use when I'm writing or commenting elsewhere
[KevinMarks]1 Mastodon used to use the Portable Contacts xml namespace for avatars
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
npd[m] while my website has a card about/depicting me, I don't want visiting my site or saving a bookmark to consist of a picture of me
[fluffy] joined the channel
tetov-irc joined the channel