#dev 2022-01-17

2022-01-17 UTC
typ1cal_c0ffxe3, Matt1, Eddy04[d], P1000[d], Seirdy, darkkirb, jjuran and cygnoir[d] joined the channel
"remember how you used to have to actually *click* on each person one at a time to read their posts? instead of "just" scrolling?" uhh yeah but then I also remember just scrolling later on when peopled cottoned onto that concept. RSS/ATOM enabled me to read everyone that did it properly in one place and that was awesome. The people I followed stopped blogging and bigger sites stop giving out full
feeds, that's the ONLY reason I stopped using it
jjuran, Anthony1, shaunix[d], Myst[d], Silicon[d], sayanarijit[d], Eddy04[d], Seb[d], mossymaker[d], marksuth[d], rattroupe[d], hoenir, tracydurnell[d], edburns[d], sarahd[d], capjamesg[d], P1000[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], gnoth[d], cygnoir[d], Christian_Olivie, wackycity[d], balupton[d], RIZY101[d], Jeremiah[d], PK[d], corenominal[d], aspenmayer[d] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I currently still like scanning the titles in my reader and clicking only when I need to. And a keyboard shortcut takes me to the next person/feed I am following.
MarkJR84[d] joined the channel
My reading experience hasn’t changed since the Google Reader days. Select the folder I want to read, be presented with a post I had not yet read, use j/k keys to go to next/previous post.
I have never even had a need to relearn keyboard shortcuts. j/k worked in Google Reader, but also in applications like Reeder, in the Feedbin web version, on Facebook, basically anywhere I read things.
petermolnar and grantcodes[d] joined the channel
↩️ Totally agree, more should join the @indiewebcamp movement: https://indieweb.org/ RSS, WebMentions, Micropub, h-feed – one or many or more!
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I used the web share api in together, works pretty well on android these days, no idea if apple has bothered to support it though. It could definitely be made to work directly on your own website though.
What is the Web Share API?
Web Share API is a draft specification for sharing text, links, and other content to an arbitrary destination https://indieweb.org/Web_Share_API
tetov-irc joined the channel
Redeveloping own site. Unsure whether to keep blog post comments and webmentions. Comments just attract spam. Webmentions seems like a bit of "developer" indulgence? Probably need to think on this some more though.
Ramon[d] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: Thinking about registering some targets to share links to my site.
It was actually one of the action items from the web action session at IWC SF 2019
Decided to grasp the nettle and try to learn about srcset.
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
_[tantek]: “also remember how you used to have to actually *click* on each person one at a time to read their posts? instead of “just” scrolling?” -_ I concur with the bold / unbolding irritation — when I was stuck in a reader that treated RSS like a 3-pane email inbox. I’m much happier now that I can group feeds and scroll through and they get implicitly marked as read as I go. I can star later as need be. I als
about subbing/unsubbing from feeds, creators. I feel like this is a requirement in the current infosphere. We are responsible (for better/worse — mostly worse) for curating the news and information we are presented with. This is the complaint people have about IG, Twitter - “the algorithm” is in control, yes? Well, the only way to beat the algorithm is to BE the algorithm.
Was trying to find a post about RSS from back in the day. Didn’t find it but I did find this artifact from 2005. https://www.flickr.com/photos/mathowie/28617886/
great find [Joe_Crawford] ++
[Joe_Crawford] ++ great find (try 2)
[Joe_Crawford] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
interesting point (which I agree with, UX > DX) and actually thoughtful debate in the replies: https://twitter.com/kentcdodds/status/1482390454389805058. I do think IndieWeb development mixes the two heavily (as it happens when you have a feedback loop of cooking what you want, then eating what you cook, then iterating)
User experience (UX) and developer experience (DX) are both important. UX is more important than DX. @remix_run has taught me: It's easier to start with a great UX and work toward a good DX than it is to start with a great DX and work toward a good UX.
interesting for the caching copies of things you link to/that link to you https://github.com/billfitzgerald/trapper-keeper
[billfitzgerald] trapper-keeper: Archive, organize, and watch for changes to publicly available information.
What is DX?
It looks like we don't have a page for "DX" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "DX is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is Developer Experience?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Developer Experience" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Developer Experience is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Developer Experience is a term used to describe the way in which a developer interacts with a tool, and should be prioritized behind user experience when building websites.
[tantek] I agree the: the IndieWeb’a balance of DX/UX.
I don’t see as much discussion here about technologies themselves as much as how they can be used to enable you.
Sorry, I couldn't find a page named "DX"
Developer Experience << [[building blocks]]
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, [jacky], jacky, benji and aspenmayer[d] joined the channel
james had a good point about social readers
needing to be intuitive
I think that comes with being slightly opinionated
like avoiding too much customability to allow for a particular 'approach' to be the view of content
it's def something that the fediverse collection of apps have on lock
Has anyone used React Native before?
jacky I agree.
One thing I might write about is how social readers might need to come with some kind of default publishing mechanism.
Right now, I publish from my feed reader through my Microsub endpoint to my site. Most users would not care about that and would not want to set up three different services just to post something.
capjamesg[d]: for work; yeah
re: React Native
A feed reader that had a default — opinionated — publishing interface could give people a place to say “hey! You can see my content at X!”
and yeah capjamesg[d]; that's something I ran into when I wanted to make a social reader - people need a bit more than expected if it's their first foray into the IndieWeb as well
Which I think is a key part of making a good reader UX. You sign up for Instagram and within a minute or two you can make a post and share it.
jacky definitely!
I would love to bundle a Micropub server with a reader but the server handling would be contingent upon how people want to publish their data.
the thing is I wouldn't want to have too much control over that b/c that can implictly create lock-in (Mastodon and server movability after years being a prime example)
tbh what we're describing is micro.blog :)
I think with the key difference that you can follow anyone on any site and aggregate your content into one place.
Unless micro.blog supports that? I haven’t looked around the follow feature that much.
(Forgive my ignorance if that is the case.)
no it doesn't afaics
or not as a first-class feature
jacky good point re: vendor lock in. But i think I’m thinking ahead a bit haha. There needs to be a usable product first 😅
My reader is nowhere near there unfortunately. But I’d love to get someone to test it one day.
jacky what do you think of React Native?
I think I'm a bit biased about it since React wasn't really ever a strong suit of mine and I actively avoided in professional settings lo
and same, as I've been reworking my site, I've been collecting notes on what I'd want my reader to look like (and what's out there)
Ah no worries. I’d love to do something with iOS but Swift looks like a long road to learn.
I have a friend who uses that (Swift) and they love it
I know next to nothing about Swift (life of a "full-stack" Linux user, lol)
I've been using NativeScript a lot for personal tinkering
for Android, at least
though outside of calling, I've been using my Pinephone as a daily driver
thanks to Firefox lol
How is the Pinephone going?
tbh not too bad! it's slow (as expected, it has the specs of a phone from 2015 - 2016) but it's nice to use the same apps across device form factors
Cozy, for example, is an audiobook app and just being able to plug in the phone to sync the files with Calibre is nifty
what it made me really interesting for is building a desktop client for indieweb stuff
there's a few native ones for things like AP (Tusky, Todon, etc)
jacky joined the channel
typ1cal_c0ffxe3 and jacky joined the channel