@t73fde@301062K51219 Das mit dem Kaffee hoffe ich auch. BTW, sowohl Wackelkaffeetasse als auch Webmention-Formular tauchen bei mir in der Ansicht für mobile Geräte nicht auf. Hast was zum Basteln und Fluchen ;-P (twitter.com/_/status/1485214953560756231)
[jeremycherfas][jgmac1106] I’m not competent to judge whether Known’s use of a database is an anti-pattern. I have not had the level of problems you have, for sure. However, if you trust me with the data, send me a copy of the DB and I will attempt to hook it up to a fresh install of Known.
[jeremycherfas]I did a little poking around today, and the meaningful content of each entity is a blob containing a JSON array of the requisite information. Someone more skilled than me could probably work with that directly, but I could at least try to get Known to see it. Then you (or I) could attempt an export from Known.
jackystill thinking on it with the [tantek] ear worm but I do want to how I could have the channels be a representation of people (or at the very least, h-cards identifying a feed)
capjamesg[d]I expanded the microsub following usage in my reader to add a new "name" property (maybe that one is already in the spec so I didn't add it, I can't remember) and "photo" property so I can easily identify feeds in what looks like a list of people I am following.
Zegnat[jeremycherfas]: I’ve had a look at [jgmac1106]s Known before, and tried to update the Known version by following the upgrade guides too, and it did not help stability. There might be something going on with the actual setup :( But yeah, if the idea is to backup the content, having the database backed up might be a lot faster and easier than going post-by-post
[tantek]capjamesg[d]++ yes this: “Using h-cards would make the entire list richer, falling back to feed descriptions maybe if a h-card is not available.”