[manton]Anyone following what’s going on with https://ens.domains? Seems like an identity system kind of like DNS but running on the blockchain, so more expensive and requiring new apps. I want to just ignore this.
[tantek]has someone done the math on $ amount of eth-gas burns how much actual carbon compared to $ equivalent of actual regular unleaded gas for that same amount of carbon?
[manton][snarfed] Yeah, even if this is a good idea, basing it on Ethereum seems a no-go because of gas prices. This is way more expensive than DNS, not to mention the environmental cost and incompatibility with the rest of the web. Seems like the entire namespace will be obsoleted by a cheaper blockchain later.
[tantek]Marcos is a sharp guy, will be interesting to see if anything practical comes out of this (IDK if anyone here is actually using this on their site)
[aciccarello]Yeah, I'm looking into it out of curiosity. Seems like an important but difficult space to standardize. It'd be great to see it go somewhere.
Loqi[stpeter] It would indeed be interesting to find a solution here, though. For instance, a website might want to contribute its monetization "attention" to several different philanthropic organizations, not just one. But as you say, perhaps a version 2 feature....
jackyplatforms like Square Cash, Paypal and Venmo (maybe even Google, Microsoft and Apple since they already have subscription/payment portals) to make this a first class feature in a browser
[tantek]jacky, agreed. there needs to be a start from something as simple as rel=payment (which of us implement) to small incremental steps on top of that
jacky_but_ I can see WebMonetization going as far as allowing more control from the payee and payer on how the money's collected (if it's even money being collected! it could be trading some digital good like a trading card on Steam) and on completion, if some sort of action should happen (like issuing a token via AutoAuth)
Loqiarchitecture astronomy is the practice of analyzing problems, seeing patterns, and then generalizing to higher and higher level abstractions on top of those patterns to the point where the abstractions become so general, so vague, so detached from the original problems being analyzed, that they don't mean anything at all https://indieweb.org/architecture_astronomy