#dev 2022-01-29

2022-01-29 UTC
darkkirb and cygnoir[d] joined the channel
Thanks aaronpk , for the life of me I couldn't find it on your site. I found the JSON feed by looking for you on feedly. I see now that you've got rel=alternate links. Is that a standard? (inside or outside of the IndieWeb community?)
I thought so
Feedly didn't find it?
I don't know how Feedly found it, but they had you under your json feed. I wanted to pull it into my own homebuilt (part of Haven) feedreader which doesn't support json feeds (yet?)
The RSS Advisory Board declares rel=alternate as a standard for autodiscovery, so you're probably right: https://www.rssboard.org/rss-autodiscovery
Did you search my domain name or just search what Feedly has already indexed?
I'm curious if this is something Feedly does, like prioritizing json feed over RSS, or if there's anything I need to change on my side
I searched your domain name. It might pick feed sources in order, grabbing the first rel=alternate with a format it recognizes. You've got them in order: jf2, json, atom
Or maybe yours was already indexed from someone manually adding the json feed, feedly lists you as having 34 followers
Interesting. Well if you find any docs that suggest I should change the markup let me know!
I would advocate for a visible link on your home page for feeds. Even using the old-fashioned rss icon
keenan[d], gRegor and jacky joined the channel; Nuve left the channel
sknebel I have ironed out a few small errors on the PR I mentioned yesterday in case you're still up for taking a look. https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/pull/28
[capjamesg] #28 Add new IndieAuth server functions
Although I still have to investigate why the doc autofunction is not working. I think that has something to do with the docs using an older version of the library.
I believe that will be resolved when the library is upgraded in the docs.
@TwitterDev @TwitterAPI #twitter I just wanted to show the webmentions service on my blog. https://webmention.io/
petermolnar and tetov-irc joined the channel
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
jacky joined the channel
aaronpk: From the RSS Advisory Board's page on RSS auto discovery:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/d0a6e9b52c84315853c8f0a730bdfe85535d4261)
* aaronpk: From the RSS Advisory Board's page on RSS auto discovery:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/cd1b522b03073530bdaccea040b86ee6790ad8da)
fyi editing a post in matrix sends repeated messages through the rest of the gateways
jacky joined the channel
[James_Van_Dyne] I'm excited to say I have added full test coverage for the IndieAuth functions. I wrote all the tests in one function to reuse certain values but we could break them out for clarity, if necessary.
Looking through Block Protocol docs this morning. I definitely disagree with a lot of the specifics, but I am definitely intrigued by the idea of something like "Block protocol but microformats".
[schmarty]: did you find a good TL;DR somewhere? the initial announcement was ... very vague, and I didntreally have time to dig deeper
i also definitely do not understand it yet
sknebel: not yet. I just went ahead and did read (some of it)
I think it can be simplified as WP's Gutenberg blocks but everywhere.
I'm not sure that simplifies anything ;)
The spec is a lot about moving JSON around and making collections of properties to blocks that render those properties as html, in ways that can be passed back out
jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Ugh. *mapping collections
And *parsed back
shakes fist at autocorrupt
so, microformats and micropub then?
The actual plumbing I really dislike
(Everything is React components in TypeScript)
There is a ton of overlap with microformats. I haven't gone deep enough to see how it overlaps with micropub.
They even have a Block registry that sounds a lot like the microformats wiki
(Except it includes a growth-hacky call to "claim your namespace by registering!!")
as long as they don't call it a block...chain
(And it's not at all clear what process they expect for interoperability. Kinda seems like "just publish whatever")
so are the blocks doing anything more than rendering? Is there a web components angle?
I haven't got that far yet KevinMarks 😅
from what I was reading (b/c why sleep, lol); it's both a presentation and storage angle
like imagine if you had given someone access to a table in some database, if they have a sense for the semantic consumption case of it, they can choose to present it however
like a list of dates could be rendered as a calendar elsewhere
My understanding so far is that they are React components that render some JSON input. by using TypeScript an editor can parse your components and create editor UIs semi-automatically
or a list of books be turned into a grouped list of books by one of their fields
[schmarty]: that's the sad part - it's so locked into React
they're probably banking on that and if 'enough interest arises', other people will port it over
jacky: yeah the React thing got the biggest sigh from me. They said support for other frameworks is expected in time, so, probably just as you said they want a community to come do it
that said, this is a great PoC of how an editor that's smart enough can be used to produce 'heterogenous' content
I do wonder how this would look from the IndieWeb lens
obvs HTML would be the storage format (direct to browser for rendering perks)
the blocks part is kinda tricky imo
I think a first approximation would be web components that help construct and edit common microformats constructions
hm okay
And then, like, a library of templates that splats out that mf2 to html
when I see that, I'm thinking like something like <h-entry> wrapping generic HTML but like it provides an 'editor' for the resolved mf properties
hah microformats names are valid custom elements
oh wait, I understand what you're saying now [schmarty]
so like in the case of tags, maybe something that can show a editable list of tags (sourcing unknown) but like when maybe associated to something else, it produces the needed HTML?
(or even the DOM being able to do something like `.asMF2Json()` or `.toMF2HTML()`)
Yeah like I think the work here is in making choices about what mf2 vocabulary should look like on a page, but also how an editor would let you manipulate those chunks in composition
jacky: ooh that kind of DOM API sounds nice
I think I'm biasing the interface around something like https://quilljs.com/
Definitely feels like a missing link for an editor that works with somewhat arbitrary chunks of html+mf2 fragments
what is inkstone?
InkStone (formerly MobilePub) is a web app for posting various items to your website using micropub https://indieweb.org/inkstone
(Or is it mf2+html?)
(I think it's mf2+html, lol)
(Hahaha yeah that makes sense. "mf2 data, encoded as HTML")
okay this is a good start tbh
like prototypeable
Inkstone is a good reference KevinMarks++
KevinMarks has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
inkstone is a bit like that, in that you can add various things. So far we haven't done a lot with nested things inside posts, though there has been some discussion of it in trip reports etc.
editor mode in quill is a bit like that already, as you can insert images and movies
A lot of things we consider to be "part of" a post (h-entry) really can be "just" composition, though.
that's the exciting part imo
Like a "read post" is an h-entry that has a read-of
https://quill.p3k.io/editor has the + button to insert images, which could insert another thing potentially
indiebookclub.biz is kind of like a (pretty opinionated) UI for making a read-of to stick inside an h-entry
I mentioned the buzzfeed editor before too, which is tuned for creating lists of things with credit for the things
has some free time today
Quill editor is interesting. I feel like the boundary of what is inside "e-content" vs not may potentially get messy
like I can see things being constructed like `h-entry` but then also `dt-published` and even `in-reply-to` (for rich reply contexts!)
good point [schmarty]
especially with things like tagging
there's something here that isn't full opendoc, but a way to compose in the medium/buzzfeed way, but with a few other types than image?
I guess in some cases like that, the owning object of a e-content could parse out any mf2+html and show them as virtual top-level properties?
hmm maybe not making `dt-published` but like `mf-dt` so it can be used for any case
I think the idea of a compositing editor to make properties that are commonly handled "invisibly" more editable. Like syndication links, or reply contexts.
*like the idea
now to get the code working lol
wants to put notes on this on the wiki but he's still fixing some audit log stuff in his indieauth setup
Hahaha. Reading deeper into the block protocol and if you saw "blocks are React components" and thought "that sounds like allowing randos to run arbitrary JavaScript": you're right!
> You should take suitable precautions to ensure that block code is unable to compromise your systems or take unexpected action on behalf of your users.
Anyone who has a microsub server, how do you store feed type usually?
GWG: what do you mean by that?
[schmarty]: ... sooo .... "IFRAME ALL THE THINGS"?
sknebel: [\o|]
sknebel: Whether it is RSS, jsonfeed, mf2, etc. I'm trying to revisit that right now
ah ok. not something my proxy needs to know, but I wonder if you need to store that in general?
instead of just discovering what it is once youve fetched it, even if it changed since last time?
wait, are they reinventing google gadgets now?
sknebel: That was sort of my contemplation
wow i totally missed that whole caja thing
GWG: so I'd say you dont need to store it. especially since you possibly use a parser that hides some of it from you anyways
GWG I think I store MIME type in a DB field.
Then when i process a feed I do so according to that type.
Although that does mean if someone changes their RSS feed to JSON or something like that then my could wouldn’t be able to poll the feed.
To make my code more robust I should probably just check at run time rather than only when I first subscribe to a feed.
that's a good idea
tbh I'd even just do it on failure to parse to save compute cycles lol
but that's only needed if you need to save cycles
nanoflite, KartikPrabhu, [davidmead] and angelo joined the channel
capjamesg: far out. I’ll give the PR a look now while my coffee’s brewing.
justGhost, jacky, barryf[d], sp1ff, angelo, Seb[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel